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Budget Justification
FY 2001

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  Summary of FY 2001 Budget Request

Statement of the Administrator

Summary of FY 2000 Emergency Supplement Request

Program Performance & Prospects

Management Improvements & Challenges

Operating Expenses, USAID

Operating Expenses, Inspector General

Foreign Service Disability and Retirement Fund

Summary Tables

   Asia & the Near East,
   Europe & Eurasia,
   Latin America & the Caribbean

Central Programs
BHR, Global, PPC


Abbreviations & Acronyms

Friday, 03-Aug-2001 23:37:50 EDT



The President's budget request includes two FY 2000 supplemental requests for which USAID would have some management responsibilities:

Kosovo and Southeast Europe Initiative

A supplemental totaling $624.497 million is being requested for economic and democratic activities in Kosovo, Croatia, and Montenegro; support to the democratic opposition in Serbia; and building secure U.S. diplomatic facilities in Kosovo and the surrounding region.

Only $250.9 million of this total covers programs funded under Foreign Operations. Of this amount, USAID would manage programs totaling $195 million to support the UN operations in Kosovo and to meet other emergency needs.

An additional $22 million is being requested for the USAID Operating Expenses account to provide for administrative support costs for staff, expanded facilities, and enhanced security.

Plan Colombia

Assistance to Plan Colombia would be a two-year $1.273 billion effort, of which $1.074 billion falls under Foreign Operations appropriations and $198 million would fall under Department of Defense (DoD) appropriations.

For FY 2000, the supplemental request includes $818 million under Foreign Operations ($136 million is being requested for DoD in FY 2000). Of this amount, $127.5 million would be provided to USAID for alternative development programs, and other activities, including the use of $4.5 to manage the expanded program.

For FY 2001, of the $256 million Foreign Operations funds being requested, USAID would be provided $90 million to continue program implementation.
