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Asia and Near East Bureau

Notified Levels for FY 2003

SO Number
Strategic Objective Title
Account Amount Being
Notified in CBJ


  482-002 Democracy and Humanitarian Assistance  ESF   6,500  *
  442-001 Strengthened Democratic Processes and Respect for Human Rights  ESF   17,000  
  442-008 Other Activities in Support of Agency Objectives      
  442-009 Increased Use of HIV/AIDS and Family Health Services and Appropriate Health-Seeking Behavior  DA   22,500  
  435-003 Selected Foreign Policy Concerns Addressed  ESF   5,000  *
East Timor
  472-001 Revitalization of Local Economy  ESF   7,000  
  472-002 Selected Development Needs Addressed      
  472-003 Democratic Development Strengthened  ESF   12,000  
  497-007 Democratic Reforms Sustained and Deepened  DA   7,500  
       ESF   23,500  
  497-008 Health of Women and Children Improved  DA   32,768  
  497-009 Impact of Conflicts and Crises Reduced  DA   4,500  
       ESF   10,000  
  497-010 Decentralized and Participatory Local Government  DA   6,951  
       ESF   7,000  
  497-011 Fnds Set for Rapid, Sustain,& Equitable Econ Grth  DA   5,123  
       ESF   18,000  
  497-012 Strengthen and Decentralize Natural Res Mgt  DA   10,500  
       ESF   1,500  
  497-013 Energy Sector Governance Strengthened  DA   4,130  
  439-004 Laos Economic Acceleration Program for the Silk Sector  DA   1,000  
  439-005 Strengthen the Laos National Response to HIV/AIDS  DA   1,000  
  438-001 Accelerate and Broaden Environmentally Sound Private Sector Growth  ESF   9,000  
  438-002 Consolidate Mongolia's Democratic Transition  ESF   3,000  
  438-003 Mongolian Energy Systems Reformed      
  492-002 A More Stable and Competitive Economy  DA   9,192  
       ESF   5,000  
  492-003 Reduced Fertility Rate and Improved Maternal and Child Health  DA   24,050  
  492-004 Enhanced Management of Renewable Natural Resources  DA   13,667  
  492-005 Reduced Growth of Greenhouse Gas Emissions      
  492-006 Broadened Participation in the Formulation and Imp of Public Policies in Selected Areas      
  492-008 Assistance to Amerasians      
  492-010 Prospects for Sustainable Peace in Mindanao Strengthened  DA   3,750  
       ESF   15,000  
  493-002 Selected Foreign Policy Concerns Addressed in Thailand  DA   3,250  
  440-006 Enhanced Environment for Trade and Investment  DA   6,950  
  440-007 Improved Access to Services for Selected Vulnerable Groups  DA   5,506  


  306-001 Reestablish Food Security  DA  TBD  
       ESF  TBD  
  306-002 Create Conditions for Stability  DA  TBD  
  306-003 Rehabilitate Afghanistan as a Nation  DA  TBD  
       ESF  TBD  
  388-001 Reduced Fertility and Improved Family Health  DA   32,500  
  388-005 Growth of Agribusiness and Small Business  DA   5,600  
       ESF   3,500  
  388-006 Improved Management of Open Water and Tropical Forest Resources  DA   2,700  
       ESF   500  
  388-007 Improved Performance of the Energy Sector  DA   5,470  
       ESF   1,500  
  388-008 Improved Food Security for Vulnerable Groups  DA   2,600  
       ESF   1,500  
  388-009 Strengthened Institutions of Democracy  DA   8,350  
  386-002 Reduced Fertility and Improved Reproductive Health in North India  DA   12,000  
  386-003 Improved Child Survival and Nutrition in Selected Areas of India  DA   5,650  
  386-004 Increased Environmental Protection in Energy, Industry and Cities  DA   16,700  
       ESF   10,000  
  386-007 Reduced Transmission and Mitigated Impact of Infectious Diseases, Especially STD/HIV/AIDS  DA   23,135  
  386-009 Expanded Advocacy and Service Delivery Networks for Women and Girls  DA   7,508  
       ESF   8,000  
  386-011 Incr Capacity of Financial Markets and Govt to Transparently and Efficiently Mobilize Resources  DA   10,192  
       ESF   5,000  
  386-012 Recovery, Reconstruction, and Rehabilitation Needs Met for Targeted Vulnerable Groups  ESF   2,000  
  367-002 Reduced Fertility and Improved Maternal and Child Health  DA   20,449  
  367-006 Incr Private-Sector Participation and Inv in Env and Socially Sustainable Hydropower Dev  DA   2,447  
  367-007 Strengthened Governance of Natural Resources and Selected Institutions  DA   5,800  
  367-008 Restoring Political Stability and Improving Local Governance  DA   3,000  
       ESF   6,000  
  391-003 Pakistan Basic Education  DA   21,500  
  391-004 Pakistan Democracy and Governance Program  DA   6,000  
  391-005 Emergency Economic Assistance to Pakistan  ESF   200,000  *
  391-YYY Improve Basic Health Services  DA   12,500  
  391-XXX Improve On-Farm Water Management  DA   10,000  
Sri Lanka
  383-002 Citizen's Rights Better Protected in Law and Practice  DA   2,000  
       ESF   4,000  
  383-003 Enhanced Economic and Social Opportunities for Disadvantaged Groups  DA   800  
  383-004 Increased Sri Lankan Competitiveness in the Global Marketplace  DA   3,250  


  263-016 Environment for Trade and Investment Strengthened  ESF   501,000  
      Cash Transfer  ESF    *
    Commodity Import Program (CIP)  ESF    *
  263-017 Skills for Competitiveness Developed  ESF   33,323  
  263-019 Management of the Environment and Natural Resources in Targeted Sectors Improved  ESF   11,000  
  263-020 Healthier, Planned Families  ESF   38,900  
    cash transfer      *
  263-021 Egyptian Initiatives in Governance and Participation Strengthened  ESF   17,877  
  263-022 Basic Education Improved to Meet Market Demands  ESF   12,900  
  271-001 Support Policy Reform for Finl Stability and Structural Adj Needed for Rapid Sustainable Growth  ESF   600,000  *
  278-002 Improved Water Resources Management  ESF   75,000  
  278-003 Improved Access to and Quality of Reproductive and Primary Health Care  ESF   41,500  
  278-005 Increased Economic Opportunities for Jordanians  ESF   133,500  
    cash transfer      *
  268-001 Reconstruction and Expanded Economic Opportunity  ESF   20,000  
  268-002 Increased Effectiveness of Selected Institutions that Support Democracy  ESF   7,000  
  268-005 Improved Environmental Practices  ESF   5,000  
       DA   500  
  608-001 Reduced Fertility and Improved Health of Children Under Five and Women of Childbearing Age  DA    
  608-005 Increased Opportunities for Domestic and Foreign Investment  DA   2,185  
  608-006 Improved Water Resources Management in the Souss-Massa River Basin  DA   3,000  
  608-008 Increased Attainment of Basic Education Among Girls in Selected Rural Provinces  DA   1,528  
West Bank and Gaza
  294-001 Expanded Economic Opportunities  ESF   11,034  
  294-002 Greater Access to and More Effective Use of Scarce Water Resources  ESF   44,806  
  294-003 More Responsive and Accountable Governance  ESF   10,500  
  294-005 Selected Development Needs Addressed  ESF   1,800  
  294-007 Healthier Palestinian Families  ESF   6,110  
  294-008 Improved Community Services  ESF   750  
  279-004 Broad-Based Economic Growth  ESF   10,000  
Asis and Near East Regional Programs
  498-003 North Africa Regional Trade and Investment Initiative      
  498-007 Program Development and Learning  DA   42,722  
  498-008 Asia and the Near East Regional HIV/AIDS Program      
  498-009 United States-Asia Environmental Partnership  (US-AEP)  DA   8,000  
  498-012 Middle East Regional Democracy Fund  ESF   5,000  
  498-016 East Asia Regional Democracy Fund      
  498-022 Stabilize Population Growth and Protect Human Health  DA     13,303  
  498-023 Encourage Economic Growth  DA   9,600  
       ESF   4,000  
  498-024 Manage the Environment for Sustainability and Prosperity  DA    
  498-029 Regional HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Program      
  498-031 South Asia Regional Initiative/Energy Program      
  498-036 Improve East Asia Regional Stability Through Democracy and Human Rights  ESF   9,000  
  498-037 Improve South Asia Regional Stability Through Democracy and Human Rights  DA   922  
       ESF   2,000  

* - These activities will be notified separately.
