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NWRC Spatial Data Collaborators/Partners

The National Wetlands Research Center's Spatial Analysis Branch (SAB) carries out its mission in concert with many partners from:

national, state, and local governments
universities and educational sector
public and private sector

NWRC provides services in collaborative projects as a data development partner, provides training in various specialized areas, and develops aerial photography and map products.

Some NWRC cooperators in data development have included the following :

Training :

NWRC SAB training classes have provided specialized training in spatial-related topics. To access and review the most recent calendar of scheduled training courses, select NWRC Training Workshop Series

Aerial Photography and Map Products :

NWRC SAB has provided photos and maps to the public and private sector. Many of these developed resources and products are served at the partner locations. To access and review the listing of the capabilities of NWRC research branches and staff, select NWRC Organization and Programs.