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Local Government Resources Center

Building Green Communities: Online Resources for Local  Governments (31 pp, 234K, About PDF)

BUILDING GREEN COMMUNITIES: Online Resources for Local Governments (PDF) (31 pp, 234K,  About PDF).
Local governments are on the front lines of environmental protection.  This compendium   is designed to help local government officials and other community leaders find online sources of information, tools, and other resources that can help them build greener communities.  

The compendium pulls together more than 125 items that are available online from EPA, other federal agencies, and nongovernmental organizations. The wide-ranging materials include planning guides, case studies, funding opportunities, and information on voluntary programs  as well as technical materials such as pollution reduction calculators, sample ordinances, and building specifications.  Each listing includes a paragraph describing the resource and the URL.

The materials are organized around the following topics: Green/Sustainable Communities, Climate Change, Clean Energy, Green Buildings, Purchasing Greener Products and Services, Sustainable Water Infrastructure, Water Conservation, Waste Management/Recycling, Land Revitalization, and Healthy Schools.

The full compendium (PDF) (31 pp, 234K,  About PDF) can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the graphic on this page. A summary index with a list of all materials and their URLs is available here (PDF) (5 pp, 137K,  About PDF).

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