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Region 5 Pollution Prevention

Region 5's Pollution Prevention program provides grant funding in two areas and has issued

  1. P2 Grant Notice of Availability for 2005 - Deadline 4/18/05 (PDF, 31K)
  2. Source Reduction Assistance Proposal Criteria for 2005 - Deadline 5/20/05 (PDF, 46K)

Summaries of past grants can be found below.

More sources of P2 funding:

Demonstration Grants

University of Illinois-Waste Management & Research Center
Great Lakes Regional P2 Roundtable (GLRPPR) Executive Director

EPA Funding: $45,000 - Amendment to the grant which began in 2001, adds $45,000, {extended to 9/30/05}, Grantee Contact: Debra Jacobson, 630/472-5019, djacobso@wmrc.uiuc.edu

Objectives: WMRC will continue to provide an Executive Director for GLRPPR to chair the Steering Committee, arrange two Regional Roundtable conferences, and improve information sharing and operation of P2 activities across the Region.


Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management
Environmental Management System (EMS) Tools for Municipalities

EPA Funding: $42,645, Grantee Contact: Karen Teliha, 317/233-5555, kteliha@dem.state.in.us

Objectives: IDEM will develop and distribute a comprehensive, searchable EMS decision wizard for municipalities. This wizard will help municipalities identify common environmental aspects and suggest possible objectives for addressing them. The decision wizard will provide municipalities the ability to access environmentally beneficial projects when planning an EMS. This grant will also be used to create municipality EMS-related guidance materials.


Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality
Greening the Supply Network in the Office Furniture Manufacturing Industry

EPA Funding: $44,000, Grantee Contact: Robert Jackson, 517/373-2731, jacksorc@michigan.gov

Objectives: The purpose of the Network to Green the Supply Chain project is to create a model to enhance the diffusion of pollution prevention (P2) technologies through the supply chain in the Office Furniture Manufacturing (OFM) Industry. The project will be conducted under the auspices of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Green Suppliers Network (GSN), with actual delivery of services being provided by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (MMTC). The Project will focus on improving the manufacturing practices and environmental performance of small and medium sized businesses, and will pilot a joint lean and clean manufacturing approach. It will demonstrate that strong financial management, inventory control, process efficiency, and conservation of natural resources are, in fact, linked and that an integrated approach will promote economic strength, environmental improvement, and social benefit. This Project is designed to model and facilitate the network capacity of the federal and state P2 technical assistance providers with a specific industrial sector and the MMTC.


Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance
Minnesota Sustainable Schools Project

EPA Funding: $39,930, Grantee Contact: Linda Countryman, 651/215-0269, Linda.Countryman@state.mn.us

Objectives: The OEA will conduct a 2-year project to facilitate a two-part program that aims at establishing high performance, healthy, sustainable schools that can be funded and staffed for ongoing success. This would be accomplished by demonstrating how to implement sustainable practices in three different school settings, and simultaneously developing policy and possible legislation that would make sustainable school practices a foundation of all public schools in Minnesota. Using and building upon the many sustainable schools tools and policies already developed by such states as Illinois, Indiana and Washington, the result would be a fundamental model for other states in the region and country.


Generation Green Fund
School Green Clean Program

Amount: Federal - $31,000 Matching - $2,500 {9/1/03 - 12/31/04}, Grantee contact: Rochelle Davis 847-332-1776, http://healthyschoolscampaign.org/about/contact_RD/

Objectives: The Healthy Schools Campaign's Green Clean Program will work with the Chicago Public Schools and smaller low-income and /or minority school districts in Illinois to promote policies that require the purchase and proper use of environmentally safe cleaners. Healthy Schools Campaign will use standards for evaluating the environmental safety of cleaners. A pilot project in a dozen schools in Chicago will consist of conducting chemical inventories at each school and developing recommendations on purchasing policies and contracts.


Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)
School Turf and Lawn Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Demonstration

Amount: Federal - $12,683 Matching - $667 {9/1/03 - 9/1/06}, Grantee contact: Pat Kandziora 608/224-4547, Patricia.Kandziora@datcp.state.wi.us

Objectives: DATCP will partner with the University of Wisconsin Extension to promote IPM methods for school turf. The partners will work directly with personnel at six Wisconsin school districts in an IPM in-field demonstration. Participating schools will be trained to assess their current turf management practices, base line pesticide use, and administrative practices. The project team will use the results to run a hands-on workshop for Wisconsin school facilities managers about the project methods and results to encourage turf IPM adoption at schools.


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University of Minnesota - Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP)
Pollution Prevention for Industrial Wastewater Dischargers
in the Upper Mississippi River Basin

Amount: Federal - $20,000 Matching - $1,053 {10/1/03 - 9/30/05}, Grantee contact: Cindy McComas 612/624-1300, mccom003@tc.umn.edu

Objectives: The project involves working with publicly owned treat works (POTWs) to inventory industrial phosphorus sources, identify P2 opportunities, assist industries with implementation of P2 techniques and document the results. Included in this effort will be the opportunity to identify and reduce mercury sources in wastewater from industrial sources. MnTAP will work with wastewater treatment operators and industrial facility staff to gather data, provide P2 assistance, and share information.


University of Illinois, Waste Management and Research Center (WMRC)
Chemical Management Services in Small and Medium Enterprise:
Greening the Supply Chain

Amount: Federal - $47,415 Matching - $86,922 {10/1/03 - 9/30/05}, Grantee contact:Tim Lindsey 217/333-8955, tlindsey@wmrc.uiuc.edu

Objectives: WMRC will partner with the Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center, Illinois State University, and the Chemical Strategies Partnership in a project to expand the use of chemical management services (CMS) by small and medium enterprises. CMS is an innovative approach to chemical supply where the chemical user buys chemical services instead of volumes of chemicals. This creates an incentive for the supplier to minimize the volume of chemicals required to meet the performance needs of the chemical user. Businesses will be recruited to participate in this project to identify barriers to using CMS. The partners will conduct on-site CMS opportunity assessments and initiate pilot projects. The expanded use of CMS can result in more efficient use of chemicals and reduced waste.


Ecology Center, Inc.
Automotive Lead Use Reduction Demonstration Program:
Lead Free Wheels

Amount: Federal - $35,000 Matching - $3,500 {10/1/03 - 3/30/05}, Grantee contact: Jeff Gearhart 734/761-3186, jeffg@ecocenter.org

Objectives: The Ecology Center will demonstrate that there are viable alternatives to lead wheel weights used to balance vehicle tires. They will work with independent tire dealers in Michigan to install non-lead wheel balancing weights, removing several thousand kilograms of lead from commerce and potential release to the environment. The "Lead Free Wheels" program model will be marketed to other major tire retailers in the Great Lakes Region. The Ecology Center will also partner with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance in an effort to have State fleets switch to non-lead weights.
Project Manager:


MN Office of Environmental Assistance:
Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Program (RETAP) Project

Grant # X97554201 Amount: Federal - $50,000 Matching - $150,000, {6/1/01 - 5/31/03}

Objectives: The primary objective of this project is to provide pollution prevention opportunity assessments to businesses in Minnesota through the development of the RETAP program. Region 5 support will leverage State of Minnesota and other resources to demonstrate a two-year RETAP program. Federal support will be used to increase by 20 to 25, the number of assessments carried out at small and medium-sized commercial/service businesses. Tasks also include carrying out post- assessment follow up and documenting environmental and economic impact of RETAP assistance at participating facilities


University of Illinois - Waste Management and Research Center(WMRC)
Great Lakes Regional P2 Roundtable (GLRPPR) Executive Director and
Greater Chicago P2 Program (GCP3) Projects

Grant # X97563801 Amount: Federal - $71,600 Matching - $3,769 {10/1/01-9/30/02}, Grantee contact: Debra Jacobson, 630/472-5019, djacobso@wmrc.uiuc.edu

Objectives: The primary objective of this project is to enable WMRC to coordinate the exchange of information about pollution prevention (P2) activities throughout the Great Lakes region by directing GLRPPR. This will be achieved through two annual P2 conferences, monthly conference calls with the GLRPPR steering committee, distribution of conference materials, preparation and distribution of the LINK newsletter, maintenance of regional e-mail list serves, and expansion of the web site. The work plan also includes GCP3 activities for providing P2 technical assistance to companies. WMRC will use compliance assistance and industry specific programs, such as the Strategic Goals Program for Metal Finishers, as tools to foster a positive relationship with business and continue to implement the Accelerated Diffusion of P2 Technologies Program to improve the rate of implementation of pollution prevention technologies.>


University of Minnesota - Minnesota Technical Assistance Program:
Demonstrating P2 at Healthcare Facilities Using Hospitals for a
Healthy Environment (H2E) Products

Grant #X97583701 Amount: Federal - $45,576 Matching - $2,400, {4/1/02-3/31/04}, Grantee Contact: Mick Jost, 612/624-4694, jostx003@tc.umn.edu

Objectives: Provide P2 technical expertise to healthcare institutions to reduce waste, including solid and chemical wastes, and persistent, bioaccumulative and persistent (PBTs). MnTAP will demonstrate how these resource documents can be used to implement P2 and cost savings. Technology diffusion strategies will be used to accelerate adoption of P2 practices in healthcare. MnTAP will actively participate in an effort to share H2E products and info from demo projects with other Region 5 States thru work-shops and workgroup interaction.


Cincinnati Office of Environmental Management: 
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Project

Grant #NP97532501, Amount: Federal - $39,545, Matching - $2,081, {9/30/00 - 8/31/02}, Grantee contact: J. Bruce Suits, 513/352-6270, bruce.suits@rcc.org.

Objectives: The primary objective of this project is to help the City of Cincinnati create a more sustainable community by establishing itself as a model local government through implementing a successful environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP) program. The project will be accomplished by disseminating information to City departments about EPP opportunities, assisting with purchasing specifications development, and researching new "green" products. By changing purchasing, the City can reduce waste, prevent pollution, and increase the quantity of environmentally preferred goods and services purchased, while increasing cost savings. Cincinnati will work with other local governments in Region 5 to also improve their EPP practices.


University of Illinois-Waste Management & Research Ctr:
Providing an Executive Director and Clearinghouse Services for the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR)

Grant #NP985943-01-3, Amount: Federal - $53,840, Matching - $3,000, {extended through 9/30/01}. Grantee contact: Debra Jacobson, 630/472-5019, djacobso@wmrc.uiuc.edu

Objectives: The primary objective of this amendment is to enable WMRC to continue administration of the GLRPPR for an additional 10 months through September 30, 2001. WMRC will continue to coordinate the exchange of information about pollution prevention (P2) activities throughout the Great Lakes region by directing GLRPPR. This will be achieved through two annual P2 conferences, monthly conference calls with the GLRPPR steering committee, distribution of conference materials, preparation and distribution of the LINK newsletter, maintenance of regional e-mail listserves and coordination and distribution of P2 information clearinghouse materials. The GLRPPR web site http://www.glrppr.org/ is a key mechanism to share these resources.


University of Illinois-Waste Management & Research Ctr:
Pollution Prevention Program 
for the Greater Chicago Area

Grant # NP985819-01-2, Amount: $22,560, {extended through 9/30/01}. Contact: Chris Hayes, 312/752-5757, chayes@ais.net

Objectives: The primary objective of this project is the reduction of environmental and human health risks through the reduction of releases to all media. WMRC will continue to focus on promoting pollution prevention as the preferred strategy for reducing these risks. This often involves meeting the needs of industry in dealing directly with their compliance issues and directing them to address those needs through P2. WMRC will use compliance assistance and industry specific programs, such as the Strategic Goals Program for Metal Finishers, as tools to foster a positive relationship with business and build trust between government and the private sector. This project will continue to implement the Accelerated Diffusion of Pollution Prevention Technologies Program focused on metal finishers to improve the rate of implementation of pollution prevention technologies.


University of Minnesota - Minnesota Technical Assistance Program: 
Establishing Corporate Reuse Programs

Grant #NP97533001, Amount: Federal - $22,996, Matching - $1,500, {9/1/00 - 8/30/01}. Grantee Contact: Mick Jost, 612/624-4694, jostx003@tc.umn.edu

Objectives: The primary objective of this project is to better integrate reuse programs into a company’s operations to have a greater impact on reducing the waste stream. MnTAP will research successful corporate materials exchange programs and then work with selected companies to help establish reuse exchange infrastructures.

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Pollution Prevention Incentives for States Grants


University of Illinois-Waste Management & Research Center
Great Lakes Regional P2 Roundtable (GLRPPR) P2Rx Center

EPA Funding: $125,000, Amendment #4 to increase award by $125,000 {extend to 9/30/05}, Grantee Contact: Debra Jacobson, 630/472-5019, djacobso@wmrc.uiuc.edu

Objective: To continue building the Region 5 part of the National P2 Information Exchange Network (P2Rx).


Illinois EPA
Illinois Sustainable Schools Project

EPA Funding: $94,000 in FY04 funds amended to $106,000 in FY03 funds {extended to 9/30/05}, Grantee Contact:Kevin Greene, 217-785-0833; kevin.greene@epa.state.il.us

Objectives: Through a joint partnership, IEPA and the Illinois Waste Management and Research Center (WMRC) will continue development of a project to improve the environmental health and safety for students, faculty, and facility workers in Illinois schools. The project will promote environmentally healthy practices that can help schools lower facility costs, improve learning conditions and increase energy efficiency. Specifically, the project will: expand collaboration and information exchange among state agencies, academic professionals, organizations and the K-12 educational community; promote the use of sustainable environmental practices in standards based K-12 curricula; increase the safety of Illinois schools for students, teachers, administrative and facility staff, and the community; create a learning environment that sets an example for sustainable environmental behavior for K-12 students, and develop performance measures and track the progress of environmentally sustainable activities at schools. In the first year of the project a website was developed at http://www.greeningschools.org


Purdue University-Clean Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI)
Pollution Prevention Program FY '04

EPA Funding: $95,000, Grantee Contact: Dr. Lynn Corson, 765/463-4749, corsonl@ecn.purdue.edu

Objectives: CMTI's P2 Grant-supported technical assistance services will be provided to any manufacturer; however, services will be focused on small manufacturers (<120 employees) in the following sectors: wood products; miscellaneous chemicals; plastics parts and products, including fiber reinforced plastics; metal parts and products; motor vehicle parts and transportation; foundries, and platers/metal finishers, in the 24 non-attainment counties. This multi-media P2 outreach strategy includes (1) replacement of toxic raw materials with less or non-toxic raw materials (e.g., reduced styrene content gelcoat and resincoat; high solids coatings and finishes); (2) production process modifications (e.g., installation of HVLP and electrostatic coating application equipment; substitution of open mold with resin transfer mold production); and (3) employee training (e.g., in the use of new application equipment and to improve transfer efficiency). Three new EMS initiatives will be conducted. CMTI will acquire a new organizational competency - the ability to offer Lean Manufacturing services, first, in Northwest Indiana, then, in the remainder of the state. CMTI will promote its "Lean + Clean" initiative, combining elements of Lean manufacturing, Clean manufacturing (P2) and EMS management.


Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Pollution Prevention Program Assessment and Results Enhancement Project

EPA Funding: $100,000, Grantee Contact: Robert Jackson, 517/373-2731, jacksorc@michigan.gov

Objectives: MDEQ will assess the impact of its P2 Program activities with regard to changes in knowledge, capabilities, attitudes, and behaviors of Michigan businesses that participate in Michigan's P2 Program. In addition, the MDEQ intends to evaluate the integration of P2 into its multi-media regulatory programs to assess the successes and further opportunities to provide technical assistance to businesses, as well as develop outreach activities, and other strategies to address regulatory and non-regulatory barriers, and incentives for P2. This will be accomplished by:

1. Evaluating the Program's mission statement and objectives;
2. Developing measurement tools and indicators to evaluate the Program's activities/outcomes which can be shared with other local, regional, and national organizations; and
3. Conducting a comprehensive performance evaluation of the activities and business participation in the Program over the last three years (or more if feasible). This will enable the MDEQ to assess the overall effectiveness of the Program and its impact on advancing P2 within the state of Michigan and Great Lakes region.


Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Multimedia Initiative

EPA Funding: $105,000 in FY04 P2 Grant funds amended to existing FY03 funds of $93,122 {extended to 6/30/06}, Grantee Contact: Cynthia Hilmoe, 651-297-7783; cynthia.hilmoe@pca.state.mn.us

Objectives: MPCA will partner with the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP), the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (OEA), and other organizations and agencies to address water quality, regulatory integration, multimedia outreach, policy planning, and regional/national networking.


University of Toledo
Pollution Prevention Incentives for States Grant

EPA Funding: $92,459 in FY04 P2 Grant funds amended to existing $94,885 in FY03 funds {extended to 9/30/05}, Grantee Contact: Ashok Kumar, 419-530-8136; akumar@utnet.utoldeo.edu

Objectives: University of Toledo and members from the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network (OSEN) will work to supplement an existing pollution prevention grant by providing: 1) pollution prevention planning and implementation efforts statewide; 2) training in source reduction that will include a presentation of four OSEN seminars, one University workshop to provide outreach to Ohio Manufacturers, follow-up measurements on the effectiveness of the P2 seminars within the manufacturing sector; and 3) technical assistance to small and medium-size manufacturers, consisting of source reduction through pollution prevention, environmental management systems (EMSs), clean manufacturing, and energy consumption assessments with special attention being paid to persistent, bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals.


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Collaboration for Pollution Prevention

EPA Funding: $90,000, Grantee Contact: Carla Wright, 608/267-7407, Carla.Wright@dnr.state.wi.us

Objectives: The WDNR and the University of Wisconsin (UW) and the UW-Extension-Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center collaborate in developing the following four-component proposal: Minimizing Dental Mercury Discharges, Source Reduction Indicators from Regulatory information, Identifying VSQG Hazardous Waste Trends, and Using DNR website to provide improved documentation of P2 outcomes.


Illinois Environmental Protection Agency: 
State Fiscal Year 2000 and 2001 Pollution Prevention 
Incentives for States Grant

Grant # NP985075-05-1, Amount: Federal - $110,000, {extended through 9/30/01}. Grantee contact: Kevin Greene, 217/785-0833, Kevin.Greene@epa.state.il.us

Objectives: Illinois proposes to enhance the State’s pollution prevention (P2) program through providing a second year of P2 technical assistance to metal finishers participating in the National Strategic Goals Program. IEPA will partner with the Illinois Waste Management and Research Center, Citizens for a Better Environment, and the North Business and Industrial Council to foster improved environmental performance across the metal finishing sector in Cook County. 


Indiana Clean Manufacturing Technology and Safe Materials Institute (CMTI)-Purdue University: 
Fiscal Year 2000 PPIS Grant Project

Grant # NP97528701, Amount: Federal - $110,000, Matching - $110,000, {7/1/00 - 12/31/01}. Grantee contact: Dr. Lynn Corson, 765/463-4749, corsonl@ecn.purdue.edu

Objectives:. CMTI proposes to enhance the State’s pollution prevention (P2) program through focusing P2 assistance with fiberglass reinforced plastics, metal finishing, and wood finishing sectors. Activities will include development of guidance manuals, conducting site visits/P2 assessments, workshops, and training. CMTI will partner with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to achieve reduction of PBT chemicals by, among other things, promotion of the Strategic Goals Program for metal finishers. Working cooperatively with small business development centers, CMTI will conduct area workshops for small manufacturers and offer P2 site assessments to those small businesses. CMTI will support the Great Lakes Regional P2 Roundtable by co-sponsoring the August 2000 Roundtable conference in Indianapolis and by linking information on the fiberglass reinforced sector to the P2 Resource Exchange Center website.


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Michigan Department of Environmental Quality:
Michigan Small Business Chemical Manufacturing Pollution Prevention Initiative

Grant # NP97527101-0, Amount: Federal - $99,227, Matching - $99,227. {10/1/00 - 09/30/02}. Grantee contact: Marcia Horan, 517/373-9122, horanm@state.mi.us

Objectives: MDEQ proposes to provide technical assistance to Michigan’s chemical manufacturing industry. They will establish partnerships with small chemical manufacturing companies and stakeholders to encourage the adoption of P2 through assistance, technology transfer, and distribution of program information. MDEQ will enlist the support of chemical industry technical assistance providers and mentors including trade and professional associations, universities, not-for-profit manufacturing assistance organizations and chemical manufacturers. The project will complement efforts by Michigan to reduce persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals.


Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: 
Environmental Performance Partnership Grant

Grant #BG985688000, Amount: $87,133, {7/1/99 - 6/30/01}. Grantee contact: Cindy Hilmoe, 651/296-7783, cynthia.hilmoe@pca.state.mn.us

Objective: Amendment for a second year of funding to enhance the State P2 program to current Environmental Performance Partnership Grant.


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University of Toledo: 
The University of Toledo Pollution Prevention 
Incentives for States Grant

Grant #NP97529701, Amount: Federal - $84,500, Matching - $99,108, {10/1/00 - 9/30/01}. Grantee contact: Ashok Kumar, 419/530-8136, akumar@utnet.utoledo.edu

Objectives: The University of Toledo proposes to enhance the State’s pollution prevention (P2) program by coordinating services provided by the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network (OSEN) to small and medium size manufacturers. OSEN, a partnership of regulatory, manufacturing outreach, economic development, higher education, and small business development organizations from across Ohio, will provide information and assistance regarding techniques for multi-media P2 and energy efficiency. Activities will include training in source reduction techniques through seminars and technical assistance through pollution prevention, environmental management systems and energy efficiency assessments. Approaches to reduce persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals will be included in P2 assessments and a workshop. A web-based, user-friendly P2 assessment tool will be developed. Results of the project will be shared with other Region 5 states through participation in meetings of the Great Lakes Regional P2 Roundtable.


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources:
Wisconsin Collaboration for Pollution Prevention 2000-2001

Grant #NP97532601, Amount: $90,000, {10/1/00 - 9/30/01}. Grantee contact: Mark McDermid, 608/267-7552, mcderm@dnr.state.wi.us

Objectives: WDNR proposes to enhance the State’s pollution prevention (P2) program by improving collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Department of Commerce, and Citizens for a Better Environment to better develop and implement a P2 program to serve Wisconsin businesses and communities. These funds will be used to coordinate web site development and incorporate a strong P2 component into the permit primer.


University of Illinois-Waste Management & Research Ctr:
Providing a Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable Link to the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange 

Grant #NP97538201, Amount: Federal - $90,000, Matching - $90,000, {10/1/00 - 9/30/01}. Grantee contact: Debra Jacobson, 630/472-5019, djacobso@wmrc.uiuc.edu

Objectives: The purpose of the P2Rx national collaborative effort is to coordinate information collection and synthesis, and establish information standards and peer review that will facilitate information exchange among P2Rx centers. WMRC will work on that goal through continued development of the web page content and on line resources for the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable. The funding will support continued participation in national networking efforts of P2Rx, development of information resources for use to the region through collaboration with other regional P2 information centers and support of P2Tech and other national list servers.


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