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Sanford Porter
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Sanford D. Porter

Research Entomologist

Dr. Sanford D. Porter

Sanford D. Porter

Research Entomologist

Telephone: (352) 374-5914
Fax: (352) 374-5818

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    Sanford Porter is employed as a Research Entomologist for the USDA's Agricultural Research Service in Gainesville, FL. His specialty is the behavior and ecology of fire ants. He is currently evaluating and releasing phorid decapitating flies as fire ant biocontrol agents in the United States. He discovered that these parasites decapitate fire ant workers and then pupate in their heads. He also found that the impact of these flies on fire ant populations has been sufficient to cause the evolution of several phorid-specific defense behaviors. In 1996, he spent seven months on an ARS fellowship in Brazil studying these flies and developing ways to rear them in the laboratory.

    As a result of these studies, he applied for field release trials for Pseudacteon tricuspsis in the United States. These trials began the summer of 1997. By 2006, these flies occupied about 33,000 square miles around Gainesville, Florida and were established at several dozen sites in seven additional states with the help of USDA-APHIS and other cooperators. A second species of decapitating fly, Pseudacteon curvatus, is established over about 10,000 square miles in North Florida and multiple sites in at least 8 other states. The establishment of a third species, Pseudacteon litoralis, has recently been confirmed in Alabama. A fourth species, Pseudateon obtusus is ready for field release and a fifth species, Pseudacteon cultellatus, is being reared and evaluated in quarantine.

    Other achievements include a model of future fire ant distribution in the United States and a study which suggests that fire ant populations in the United States are unusually high because they have escaped natural biocontrol agents that were left behind in South America. Dr. Porter has also studied the distribution, expansion, and impacts of multiple-queen fire ants in Florida and throughout the southeastern United States.

    Dr. Porter began his professional career studying the behavior and population dynamics of harvester ants in Idaho under the direction of Clive Jorgensen (1977-1980). He then moved to Florida where he studied fire ant thermoregulation and social organization under Walter Tschinkel, first as a PhD student (1980-1984) and then as an NSF funded postdoc (1984-1986). More recently, Dr. Porter worked with Larry Gilbert in Austin, Texas (1986-1989) where he tested new fire ant control products, provided advise and training for the Texas Department of Agriculture, and studied the biology of polygyne fire ants.

    Dr. Porter has also engaged in a number of professional service activities. He served on the program committee and organized a symposium for the 2006 International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI). He served as Chair of Section C of the Entomological Society of America and on the Section C Executive Committee (2000-2004). He was an assistant editor for the Florida Entomologist (1993-1998). He served as President of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects - North American Section (1990-1991) and was a member of the executive committee for five years. He was chairman of a computer resources committee that put the Florida Entomologist online via the Internet. He also compiled FORMIS, a master bibliography of ant literature with more than 38,000 citations. This computer database is playing an important role in coordinating the research efforts of ant biologists throughout the world - more than 350 colleagues from 40 nations have copies of FORMIS and many others use it online via the Internet.


Biological Science: Florida State University (1984). Walter R. Tschinkel, Major Professor
Zoology and Entomology: Brigham Young University, Utah (1980). Clive D. Jorgensen, Major Professor
Zoology (cum laude): Brigham Young University, Utah (1978). Honors Program Graduate (High Honors)

Grants and Honors

  • Technology Transfer Award, Superior Effort, Agricultural Research Service, 2006.
  • Entomologist of the Year, 2003, Florida Entomological Society
  • Southeast Region Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Excellence in Technology Transfer Award, 2003
  • USDA-CSREES, National Research Initiative, 2002-2003, $109,000, Field Evaluation of Phorid Flies for Classical Biocontrol of Imported Fire Ants.
  • World Wildlife Fund Grant, 1999-2000, $5,000, Evaluation of potential for Biological Control of the Little Fire Ant, Wasmannia auropunctata.
  • USDA-CSREES, National Research Initiative, 1999-2001, $241,000, Field Release of Phorid Flies for Classical Biocontrol of Imported Fire Ants.
  • USDA-APHIS, National Biological Control Institute, 1998-1999, $15,800, Field Release of Phorid Flies for Fire Ant Biocontrol
  • ARS Fellowship, 1995-1996. Rearing parasitic phorid flies for fire ant biological control. Brazil. 6-Month Sabbatical
  • President - International Union for the Study of Social Insects, North American Section, (NAS-IUSSI) 1990.
  • National Science Foundation - Thermoregulation and the effects of temperature on fire ants (1984-1986, written by myself and submitted with Dr. Walter R. Tschinkel).

Professional Activities

  • Member of a four-person team invited to evaluate the progress of Australia's fire ant eradication program. (June 2006).
  • Flew to Cairns, Australia (15 June 2006) to advise the Queensland government on the biology and control measures for the electric ant (little fire ant), Wasmannia auropunctata.
  • Secretary, Section C of the Entomological Society of America, 2001. In 2002, Dr. Porter will serve as Vice-Chair and in 2003 as Chair. Duties of this position include managing Section C business, recruiting volunteers for various activities and organizing the scientific program for the Annual Meeting.
  • Member of a select three-person team invited by the governments of New Zealand and Australia to evaluate the feasibility of plans to eradicate resent infestations of the red imported fire ant (11-22 June 2001).
  • Assistant Editor, Florida Entomologist - Insect Ecology (1993-1998).
  • Chairman, Florida Entomological Society's committee on Computer Resources for Entomological Information 1993-1994. This committee successfully put the Florida Entomologist online via the Internet. This was one of the first scientific journals to be distributed electronically complete with figures in a format identical to the printed version (
  • FORMIS Bibliography - I have compiled FORMIS, a master bibliography of ant literature, with over 30,000 references. This computer database is playing an important role in coordinating the research efforts of myrmecologists throughout the world. More than 350 colleagues from 35 nations are registered users. Many others are accessing and searching FORMIS via the Internet.
  • Texas Fire Ant Project - Peer Review Committee, 1998


Research Entomologist, Fire Ant and Household Insects Research Group, Insects Affecting Man & Animals Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Gainesville, Florida.
Responsibilities: Evaluate phorid fly parasites for use as fire ant biocontrol agents. Examine fire ant populations in North and South America for evidence of escape from natural enemies. Study aspects of fire ant ecology and behavior with special emphasis on the impact and origin of the multiple-queen form. Model growth and development of fire ant colonies and populations for use in control strategies.

Peer-Reviewed Publications (sorted in reverse order by year)

USDA-ARS Publications (PDFs attached)


King, J. R., and S. D. Porter. 2007. Body size, colony size, abundance, and ecological impact of exotic ants in Florida’s upland ecosystems. Evol. Ecol. Res. 9: 757-774.

Valles, S. M., and S. D. Porter. 2007. Pseudacteon decapitating flies: potential vectors of a fire ant virus? Florida Entomol. 90: 268-270.

Valles, S. M., C. A. Strong, D. H. Oi, S. D. Porter, R. M. Pereira, R. Vander Meer, Y. Hashimoto, L. M. Hooper-Bui, H. Sanchez-Arroyo, T. Davis, V. Karpakakunjaram, K. M. Vail, L. C. Graham, J. A. Briano, L. A. Calcaterra, L. E. Gilbert, R. Ward, K. Ward, J. B. Oliver, G. Taniguchi, and D. C. Thompson. 2007. Phenology, distribution, and host specificity of Solenopsis invicta virus-1. J. of Invert. Pathol. 96: 18-27.


Morrison, L. W., and S. D. Porter. 2006. Post-release host-specificity testing of Pseudacteon tricuspis, a phorid parasitoid of Solenopsis invicta fire ants. BioControl 51: 195-205.

Pereira, R. M., and S. D. Porter. 2006. Range expansion of the fire ant decapitating fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis, eight to nine years after releases in North Florida. Florida Entomol. 89: 536-538.

Vazquez, R. J., S. D. Porter, and J. A. Briano. 2006. Field release and establishment of the decapitating fly Pseudacteon curvatus on red imported fire ants in Florida. BioControl 51: 207-216.


Calcaterra, L. A., S. D. Porter, and J. A. Briano. 2005. Distribution and abundance of fire ant decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae: Pseudacteon), in three regions of southern South America. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 98: 85-95.

Causton, C. E., C. R. Sevilla, and S. D. Porter. 2005. Eradication of the little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), from Marchena Island, Galàpagos: On the edge of success? Florida Entomol. 88: 159-168.

Folgarait, P. J., O. Bruzzone, S. D. Porter, M. A. Pesquero, and L. E. Gilbert. 2005. Biogeography and macroecology of phorid flies that attack fire ants in south-eastern Brazil and Argentina. J. Biogeography 32: 353-367.

King, J. R., and S. D. Porter. 2005. Evaluation of sampling methods and species richness estimators for ants in upland ecosystems in Florida. Environ. Entomol. 34: 1566-1578.

Morrison, L. W., M. D. Korzukhin, and S. D. Porter. 2005. Predicted range expansion of the invasive fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, in the Eastern United States based on the VEMAP global warming scenario. Diversity & Distributions 11: 199-204.

Morrison, L. W., and S. D. Porter. 2005. Phenology and parasitism rates in introduced populations of Pseudacteon tricuspis, a parasitoid of Solenopsis invicta. BioControl 50: 127-141.

Morrison, L. W., and S. D. Porter. 2005. Testing for population-level impacts of introduced Pseudacteon tricuspis flies, phorid parasitoids of Solenopsis invicta fire ants. Biological Control 33: 9-19.

Porter, S. D. 2005. A simple design for a rain-resistant pitfall trap. Insectes Sociaux 52: 201-203.

Porter, S. D., and L. E. Gilbert. 2005. Parasitoid case history: an evaluation of methods used to assess host ranges of fire ant decapitating flies, pp. 634-650. In M. S. Hoddle [ed.], Second international symposium on biological control of arthropods, Davos, Switzerland, September 12-16, 2005. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA; FHTET-2005-08.

Vazquez, R. J., and S. D. Porter. 2005. Re-confirming host specificity of the fire ant decapitating fly Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae) after field release in Florida. Florida Entomol. 88: 107-110.


King, J. R., and S. D. Porter. 2004. Recommendations on the use of alcohols for preservation of ant specimens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 51: 1-6.

Morrison, L. W., S. D. Porter, E. Daniels, and M. D. Korzukhin. 2004. Potential global range expansion of the invasive fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Biol. Invasions 6: 183-191.

Porter, S. D., and L. E. Gilbert. 2004. Assessing host specificity and field release potential of fire ant decapitating flies (Phoridae: Pseudacteon), pp. 152-176. In R. G. Van Driesche, T. Murray and R. Reardon [eds.], Assessing host ranges for parasitoids and predators used for classical biological control: a guide to best practice. FHTET-2004-03, USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, West Virginia.

Porter, S. D., L. A. Nogueira de Sá, and L. W. Morrison. 2004. Establishment and dispersal of the fire ant decapitating fly Pseudacteon tricuspis in North Florida. Biol. Control 29: 179-188.

Vazquez, R. J., S. D. Porter, and J. A. Briano. 2004. Host specificity of a new biotype of the fire ant decapitating fly Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae) from Northern Argentina. Environ. Entomol. 33: 1436-1441.


Graham, L. C., S. D. Porter, R. M. Pereira, H. D. Dorough, and A. T. Kelley. 2003. Field releases of the decapitating fly Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae) for control of imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee. Florida Entomol. 86: 334-339.

Morrison, L. W., and S. D. Porter. 2003. Positive association between densities of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, and generalized ant and arthropod diversity. Environ. Entomol. 32: 548-554.

Valles, S. M., and S. D. Porter. 2003. Identification of polygyne and monogyne fire ant colonies (Solenopsis invicta) by multiplex PCR of Gp-9 alleles. Insectes Sociaux 50: 1-2.

Wetterer, J. K., and S. D. Porter. 2003. The little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata: distribution, impact, control. Sociobiology 42: 1-41.

Williams, D. F., D. H. Oi, S. D. Porter, R. M. Pereira, and J. A. Briano. 2003. Biological control of imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Amer. Entomol. 49: 150-163.

Zacaro, A. A., and S. D. Porter. 2003. Female reproductive system of the decapitating fly Pseudacteon wasmanni Schmitz (Diptera: Phoridae). Arthropod Struct. Dev. 31: 329-337.


Wuellner, C. T., S. D. Porter, and L. E. Gilbert. 2002. Eclosion, mating, and grooming behavior of the parasitoid fly Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae). Florida Entomol. 85: 563-566.


Davis, L. R., Jr., R. K. Vander Meer, and S. D. Porter. 2001. Red imported fire ants expand their range across the West Indies. Florida Entomol. 84: 735-736.

Korzukhin, M. D., S. D. Porter, L. C. Thompson, and S. Wiley. 2001. Modeling temperature-dependent range limits for the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the United States. Environ. Entomol. 30: 645-655.

Porter, S. D., and M. A. Pesquero. 2001. Illustrated key to Pseudacteon decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae) that attack Solenopsis saevissima complex fire ants in South America. Florida Entomol. 84: 691-699.

Vander Meer, R. K., and S. D. Porter. 2001. Fate of newly mated queens introduced into monogyne and polygyne Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) colonies. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94: 289-297.


Porter, S. D. 2000. Host specificity and risk assessment of releasing the decapitating fly, Pseudacteon curvatus, as a classical biocontrol agent for imported fire ants. Biol. Control 19: 35-47.

Porter, S. D., and J. Briano. 2000. Parasitoid-host matching between the little decapitating fly Pseudacteon curvatus from Las Flores, Argentina and the black fire ant Solenopsis richteri. Florida Entomol. 83: 422-427.

Thompson, L. C., S. D. Porter, and M. D. Korzukhin. 2000. The model analysis of the potential temperature-dependent range for the red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta in the United States [in Russian]. Problems of Ecological Monitoring and Ecosystem Modelling 27: 275-286.


Morrison, L. W., S. D. Porter, and L. E. Gilbert. 1999. Sex ratio variation as as function of host size in Pseudacteon flies (Diptera: Phoridae), parasitoids of Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 66: 257-267.

Porter, S. D. 1999. FORMIS : a master bibliography of ant literature. USDA-ARS, CMAVE, Gainesville, FL.

Porter, S. D., and L. E. Alonso. 1999. Host specificity of fire ant decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae) in laboratory oviposition tests. J. Econ. Entomol. 92: 110-114.

Shattuck, S. O., S. D. Porter, and D. P. Wojcik. 1999. Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): proposed conservation of the specific name. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 56: 27-30.


Pesquero, M. A., H. G. Fowler, and S. D. Porter. 1998. The social parasitic ant, Solenopsis (=Labauchena) daguerrei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Rev. Biol. Trop. 46: 464-465.

Porter, S. D. 1998. Biology and behavior of Pseudacteon decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae) that parasitize Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 81: 292-309.

Porter, S. D. 1998. Host-specific attraction of Pseudacteon flies (Diptera: Phoridae) to fire ant colonies in Brazil. Florida Entomol. 81: 423-429.

Zakharov, A. A., and S. D. Porter. 1998. Spatial structure and patterns of foraging trails in polygyne fire ants (Formicidae: Solenopsis). Rus. Entomol. J. 4: 3-8.


Hoy, J. B., S. D. Porter, and P. G. Koehler. 1997. A microcomputer-based activity meter for multiple animals. J. Neurosci. Methods 72: 183-188.

Porter, S. D., D. F. Williams, and R. S. Patterson. 1997. Rearing the decapitating fly Pseudacteon tricuspis (Diptera: Phoridae) in imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Solenopsis) from the United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 135-138.

Porter, S. D., D. F. Williams, R. S. Patterson, and H. G. Fowler. 1997. Intercontinental differences in the abundance of Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): an escape from natural enemies? Environ. Entomol. 26: 373-384.

Zacaro, A. A., and S. D. Porter. 1997. First report on the ultrastructure (TEM) of a truly parasitic phorid: the ovary of the scuttle fly Pseudacteon solenopsidis Schmitz (Diptera: Phoridae). Acta Microscopica 6B: 622-623.


Macom, T. E., and S. D. Porter. 1996. Comparison of polygyne and monogyne red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) population densities. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 89: 535-543.

Pesquero, M. A., S. Campiolo, H. G. Fowler, and S. D. Porter. 1996. Diurnal patterns of ovipositional activity in two Pseudacteon fly parasitoids (Diptera: Phoridae) of Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 79: 455-457.


Fowler, H. G., S. Campiolo, M. A. Pesquero, and S. D. Porter. 1995. Notes on a southern record for Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Iheringia Ser. Zool. 79: 173.

Fowler, H. G., M. A. Pesquero, S. Campiolo, and S. D. Porter. 1995. Seasonal activity of species of Pseudacteon (Diptera: Phoridae) parasitoids of fire ants (Solenopsis saevissima) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Brazil. Cientifica 23: 367-371.

Macom, T. E., and S. D. Porter. 1995. Food and energy requirements of laboratory fire ant colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Environ. Entomol. 24: 387-391.

Pesquero, M. A., S. D. Porter, H. G. Fowler, and S. Campiolo. 1995. Rearing of Pseudacteon spp. (Dipt. Phoridae), parasitoids of fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) (Hym., Formicidae). J. Appl. Entomol. 119: 677-678.

Porter, S. D., H. G. Fowler, S. Campiolo, and M. A. Pesquero. 1995. Host specificity of several Pseudacteon (Diptera: Phoridae) parasites of fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in South America. Florida Entomol. 78: 70-75.

Porter, S. D., M. A. Pesquero, S. Campiolo, and H. G. Fowler. 1995. Growth and development of Pseudacteon phorid fly maggots (Diptera: Phoridae) in the heads of Solenopsis fire ant workers (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Environ. Entomol. 24: 475-479.

Porter, S. D., R. K. Vander Meer, M. A. Pesquero, S. Campiolo, and H. G. Fowler. 1995. Solenopsis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) fire ant reactions to attacks of Pseudacteon flies (Diptera: Phoridae) in Southeastern Brazil. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 88: 570-575.


Korzukhin, M. D., and S. D. Porter. 1994. Spatial model of territorial competition and population dynamics in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Environ. Entomol. 23: 912-922.

MacKay, W. P., S. Porter, H. G. Fowler, and B. Vinson. 1994. A distribução das formigas lava-pés (Solenopsis spp.) no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 24: 307-317.

Williams, D. F., and S. D. Porter. 1994. Fire ant control. Science 264: 1653.


Porter, S. D. 1993. Stability of polygyne and monogyne fire ant populations (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Solenopsis invicta) in the United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 86: 1344-1347.

Porter, S. D., and W. R. Tschinkel. 1993. Fire ant thermal preferences: behavioral control of growth and metabolism. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 32: 321-329.

Vargo, E. L., and S. D. Porter. 1993. Reproduction by virgin queen fire ants in queenless colonies: comparative study of three taxa (Solenopsis richteri, hybrid S. invicta/richteri, S. geminata) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 40: 283-293.


Porter, S. D. 1992. Frequency and distribution of polygyne fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Florida. Florida Entomol. 75: 248-257.

Porter, S. D., H. G. Fowler, and W. P. Mackay. 1992. Fire ant mound densities in the United States and Brazil (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 85: 1154-1161.


Porter, S. D. 1991. Origins of new queens in polygyne red imported fire ant colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Entomol. Sci. 26: 474-478.

Porter, S. D., A. P. Bhatkar, R. Mulder, S. B. Vinson, and D. J. Clair. 1991. Distribution and density of polygyne fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Texas. J. Econ. Entomol. 84: 866-874.

Tennant, L. E., and S. D. Porter. 1991. Comparison of diets of two fire ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): solid and liquid components. J. Entomol. Sci. 26: 450-465.

Publications before Joining the USDA-ARS (sorted in reverse order by year):


MacKay, W. P., S. D. Porter, D. Gonzalez, A. Rodriguez, H. Armendedo, A. Rebeles, and S. B. Vinson. 1991. A comparison of monogyne and polygyne populations of the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in Mexico. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 63: 611-615.


Hook, A. W., and S. D. Porter. 1990. Destruction of harvester ant colonies by invading fire ants in South-central Texas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Southwest. Nat. 35: 477-478.

Porter, S. D., and C. D. Jorgensen. 1990. Psammophores: do harvester ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) use these pouches to transport seeds? J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 63: 138-149.

Porter, S. D., and D. A. Savignano. 1990. Invasion of polygyne fire ants decimates native ants and disrupts arthropod community. Ecology 71: 2095-2106.


Calabi, P., and S. D. Porter. 1989. Worker longevity in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta: ergonomic considerations of correlations between temperature, size and metabolic rates. J. Insect Physiol. 35: 643-649.

Porter, S. D. 1989. Effects of diet on the growth of laboratory fire ant colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 62: 288-291.

Vargo, E. L., and S. D. Porter. 1989. Colony reproduction by budding in the polygyne form of Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 82: 307-313.


Porter, S. D. 1988. Impact of temperature on colony growth and developmental rates of the ant, Solenopsis invicta. J. Insect Physiol. 34: 1127-1133.

Porter, S. D., and C. D. Jorgensen. 1988. Longevity of harvester ant colonies in southern Idaho. J. Range Manage. 41: 104-107.

Porter, S. D., B. Van Eimeren, and L. E. Gilbert. 1988. Invasion of red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): microgeography of competitive replacement. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 81: 913-918.

Tschinkel, W. R., and S. D. Porter. 1988. Efficiency of sperm use in queens of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 81: 777-781.


Porter, S. D., and W. R. Tschinkel. 1987. Foraging in Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): effects of weather and season. Environ. Entomol. 16: 802-808.


Porter, S. D. 1986. Revised respiration rates for the southern harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Comp. Physiol. 83: 197-198.

Porter, S. D., and W. R. Tschinkel. 1986. Adaptive value of nanitic workers in newly founded red imported fire ant colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 79: 723-726.


Porter, S. D. 1985. Masoncus spider: a miniature predator of Collembola in harvester ant colonies. Psyche 92: 145-150.

Porter, S. D., and W. R. Tschinkel. 1985. Fire ant polymorphism: the ergonomics of brood production. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 16: 323-336.

Porter, S. D., and W. R. Tschinkel. 1985. Fire ant polymorphism (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): factors affecting worker size. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 78: 381-386.


Porter, S. D. 1983. Fast, accurate method of measuring ant head widths. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 76: 866-867.


Jorgensen, C. D., and S. D. Porter. 1982. Foraging behavior of Pogonomyrmex owyheei in Southeast Idaho. Environ. Entomol. 11: 381-384.

Porter, S. D., and D. A. Eastmond. 1982. Euryopis coki (Theridiidae), a spider that preys on Pogonomyrmex ants. J. Arachnol. 10: 275-277.


Bowers, M. A., and S. D. Porter. 1981. Effect of foraging distance on water content of substrates harvested by Atta colombica (Guerin). Ecology 62: 273-275.

Porter, S. D., and C. D. Jorgensen. 1981. Foragers of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex owyheei: a disposable caste? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 9: 247-256.


Porter, S. D., and M. A. Bowers. 1980. Emigration of an Atta colony. Biotropica 12: 232.

Porter, S. D., and C. D. Jorgensen. 1980. Recapture studies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex owyheei Cole, using a fluorescent marking technique. Ecol. Entomol. 5: 263-269.

Last Modified: 09/15/2008
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