U.S. Census Bureau

X-12-Graph Download Page

X-12-Graph is a program developed at the Census Bureau to provide graphical diagnostics for the Bureau's X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment program.

X-12-Graph allows the user to:

Our goal in creating X-12-Graph was to provide specific types of time series graphs in a package that would be easy for everyone to use. X-12-Graph is currently programmed with the SAS® System but requires no previous SAS experience from the user.

Documentation and examples for the X-12-Graph program are also available, as well as documentation for the X-12-Graph Batch Windows Interface.

SAS, SAS/AF, and SAS/FSP software are registered trademarks of the SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration.

Note that X-12-Graph is distributed using ZIP compressed files. A separate utility that can extract ZIP files is required if your operating system (versions of Windows® before Windows 2000) does not provide one, such as the ZIP Reader from PKWARE® This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content.

Distribution Files:

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Installing the X-12-Graph Batch Windows Interface:

Users with older versions of Windows may need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. in order to use the interface. If it is not found on your computer, you will be prompted to download and install it when you attempt to install the interface.

To install the program, first unzip the file x12gbi.zip. This zip folder contains three files:


Double click on Setup.exe to open the wizard that installs the program. The default installation directory is

C:\Program Files\X12GraphBatch\

but you will be given an opportunity to change it.

When the program is installed, the installation directory will contain the interface, x12gb.exe, and the configuration file for the interface, x12gb.exe.config. It will also contain the necessary datasets and catalogs for the X-12-Graph SAS program to run. These are located in the appl subdirectory.

The installation wizard will place an icon for the program on your desktop. To start the X-12-Graph Batch interface, double click on the X12Graph icon.

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Installing the Batch Version of X-12-Graph:

Before you can use X-12-Graph, you must copy it to your computer:

  1. Create a directory for the program; c:\x12graph is recommended, and will be used throughout this document.
  2. Copy the file x12gbat.zip to the c:\x12graph directory.
  3. Double Click on x12gbat.zip in Windows® Explorer to uncompress the files.

X-12-Graph Batch consists of a SAS program, a subdirectory with three SAS files, and an images subdirectory, as well as this document. After uncompressing x12gbat.zip, the following files should be in the c:\x12graph directory:


The c:\x12graph\appl directory should contain the following files:


There should also be a directory, c:\x12graph\images, containing examples of the graphs that can be created.

The three SAS files in the appl subdirectory must be in that directory for the program to run. The SAS program x12gbat.sas can be stored in any directory.

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Changes from the previous version:

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System Requirements:

The X-12-Graph Batch program requires SAS/GRAPH® and SAS Version 8 or 9; Windows; and Version 0.2.8 or later of X-12-ARIMA.

You must run X-12-ARIMA in graphics mode to take advantage of X-12-Graph. For more information on running in graphics mode, see the X-12-ARIMA Reference Manual or the "Getting Started with X-12-ARIMA Input Files (PC)" paper [PDF].

[PDF] or PDF denotes a file in Adobe’s Portable Document Format. To view the file, you will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. available free from Adobe.

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Contact Information

Questions or comments on X-12-Graph can be directed to Demetra Lytras, the primary programmer.

email: demetra.p.lytras@census.gov

Phone: 301-763-7426

FAX: 301-763-8804

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