The US Census Bureau

Electronic Products User Note

Public Law 94-171 Redistricting Program 2000 file layouts

All ASCII text files contain a single line feed character only at the end of each record.

Structure for table: ssGEO.DBF  (FoxPro format) CD-ROM only
                     ssGEO.UPL  (ASCII text non-delimited format fixed record length) 

                     ss is the state postal abbrieviation

Field Descriptions

Geographic File Field Descriptions
Data Segment One Field Descriptions
Data Segment Two Field Descriptions

   Field   Field Name         Type           Width     
       1   FILEID             Character          6
       2   STUSAB             Character          2
       3   SUMLEV             Character          3
       4   GEOCOMP            Character          2
       5   CHARITER           Character          3
       6   CIFSN              Character          2
       7   LOGRECNO           Character          7
       8   REGION             Character          1
       9   DIVISION           Character          1
      10   STATECE            Character          2
      11   STATE              Character          2
      12   COUNTY             Character          3
      13   COUNTYSC           Character          2
      14   COUSUB             Character          5
      15   COUSUBCC           Character          2
      16   COUSUBSC           Character          2
      17   PLACE              Character          5
      18   PLACECC            Character          2
      19   PLACEDC            Character          1
      20   PLACESC            Character          2
      21   TRACT              Character          6
      22   BLKGRP             Character          1
      23   BLOCK              Character          4
      24   IUC                Character          2
      25   CONCIT             Character          5
      26   CONCITCC           Character          2
      27   CONCITSC           Character          2
      28   AIANHHCE           Character          4
      29   AIANHH             Character          5
      30   AIANHHCC           Character          2
      31   AIHHTLI            Character          1
      32   AITSCE             Character          3
      33   AITS               Character          5
      34   AITSCC             Character          2
      35   ANRC               Character          5
      36   ANRCCC             Character          2
      37   MSACMSA            Character          4
      38   MASC               Character          2
      39   CMSA               Character          2
      40   MACCI              Character          1
      41   PMSA               Character          4
      42   NECMA              Character          4
      43   NECMACCI           Character          1
      44   NECMASC            Character          2
      45   EXI                Character          1
      46   UA                 Character          5
      47   UASC               Character          2
      48   UATYPE             Character          1
      49   UR                 Character          1
      50   CD106              Character          2
      51   CD108              Character          2
      52   CD109              Character          2
      53   CD110              Character          2
      54   SLDU               Character          3
      55   SLDL               Character          3
      56   VTD                Character          6
      57   VTDI               Character          1
      58   ZCTA3              Character          3
      59   ZCTA5              Character          5
      60   SUBMCD             Character          5
      61   SUBMCDCC           Character          2
      62   AREALAND           Character         14
      63   AREAWATR           Character         14
      64   NAME               Character         90
      65   FUNCSTAT           Character          1
      66   GCUNI              Character          1
      67   POP100             Character          9
      68   RES                Character          9
      69   INTPTLAT           Character          9
      70   INTPTLON           Character         10
      71   LSADC              Character          2
      72   PARTFLAG           Character          1
      73   SDELM              Character          5
      74   SDSEC              Character          5
      75   SDUNI              Character          5
      76   TAZ                Character          6
      77   UGA                Character          5
      78   PUMA5              Character          5
      79   PUMA1              Character          5
      80   RESERVED           Character         32
** Total **                                    400

The actual physical record length is 401 characters: 400 characters of data followed by a 
line feed (non-printable) character at the end of each record.

Structure for table: ss00001.DBF (FoxPro format) CD-ROM only
                     ss00001.UPL (ASCII text comma separated variable format 
                                         variable record length) *

                     ss is the state postal abbrieviation

   Field Descriptions

   Field   Field Name         Type           Width **

       1   FILEID             Character          8
       2   STUSAB             Character          2
       3   CHARITER           Character          5
       4   CIFSN              Character          2
       5   LOGRECNO           Character          7
       6   P0010001           Integer            4 **
       7   P0010002           Integer            4
       8   P0010003           Integer            4
       9   P0010004           Integer            4
      10   P0010005           Integer            4
      11   P0010006           Integer            4
      12   P0010007           Integer            4
      13   P0010008           Integer            4
      14   P0010009           Integer            4
      15   P0010010           Integer            4
      16   P0010011           Integer            4
      17   P0010012           Integer            4
      18   P0010013           Integer            4
      19   P0010014           Integer            4
      20   P0010015           Integer            4
      21   P0010016           Integer            4
      22   P0010017           Integer            4
      23   P0010018           Integer            4
      24   P0010019           Integer            4
      25   P0010020           Integer            4
      26   P0010021           Integer            4
      27   P0010022           Integer            4
      28   P0010023           Integer            4
      29   P0010024           Integer            4
      30   P0010025           Integer            4
      31   P0010026           Integer            4
      32   P0010027           Integer            4
      33   P0010028           Integer            4
      34   P0010029           Integer            4
      35   P0010030           Integer            4
      36   P0010031           Integer            4
      37   P0010032           Integer            4
      38   P0010033           Integer            4
      39   P0010034           Integer            4
      40   P0010035           Integer            4
      41   P0010036           Integer            4
      42   P0010037           Integer            4
      43   P0010038           Integer            4
      44   P0010039           Integer            4
      45   P0010040           Integer            4
      46   P0010041           Integer            4
      47   P0010042           Integer            4
      48   P0010043           Integer            4
      49   P0010044           Integer            4
      50   P0010045           Integer            4
      51   P0010046           Integer            4
      52   P0010047           Integer            4
      53   P0010048           Integer            4
      54   P0010049           Integer            4
      55   P0010050           Integer            4
      56   P0010051           Integer            4
      57   P0010052           Integer            4
      58   P0010053           Integer            4
      59   P0010054           Integer            4
      60   P0010055           Integer            4
      61   P0010056           Integer            4
      62   P0010057           Integer            4
      63   P0010058           Integer            4
      64   P0010059           Integer            4
      65   P0010060           Integer            4
      66   P0010061           Integer            4
      67   P0010062           Integer            4
      68   P0010063           Integer            4
      69   P0010064           Integer            4
      70   P0010065           Integer            4
      71   P0010066           Integer            4
      72   P0010067           Integer            4
      73   P0010068           Integer            4
      74   P0010069           Integer            4
      75   P0010070           Integer            4
      76   P0010071           Integer            4
      77   P0020001           Integer            4
      78   P0020002           Integer            4
      79   P0020003           Integer            4
      80   P0020004           Integer            4
      81   P0020005           Integer            4
      82   P0020006           Integer            4
      83   P0020007           Integer            4
      84   P0020008           Integer            4
      85   P0020009           Integer            4
      86   P0020010           Integer            4
      87   P0020011           Integer            4
      88   P0020012           Integer            4
      89   P0020013           Integer            4
      90   P0020014           Integer            4
      91   P0020015           Integer            4
      92   P0020016           Integer            4
      93   P0020017           Integer            4
      94   P0020018           Integer            4
      95   P0020019           Integer            4
      96   P0020020           Integer            4
      97   P0020021           Integer            4
      98   P0020022           Integer            4
      99   P0020023           Integer            4
     100   P0020024           Integer            4
     101   P0020025           Integer            4
     102   P0020026           Integer            4
     103   P0020027           Integer            4
     104   P0020028           Integer            4
     105   P0020029           Integer            4
     106   P0020030           Integer            4
     107   P0020031           Integer            4
     108   P0020032           Integer            4
     109   P0020033           Integer            4
     110   P0020034           Integer            4
     111   P0020035           Integer            4
     112   P0020036           Integer            4
     113   P0020037           Integer            4
     114   P0020038           Integer            4
     115   P0020039           Integer            4
     116   P0020040           Integer            4
     117   P0020041           Integer            4
     118   P0020042           Integer            4
     119   P0020043           Integer            4
     120   P0020044           Integer            4
     121   P0020045           Integer            4
     122   P0020046           Integer            4
     123   P0020047           Integer            4
     124   P0020048           Integer            4
     125   P0020049           Integer            4
     126   P0020050           Integer            4
     127   P0020051           Integer            4
     128   P0020052           Integer            4
     129   P0020053           Integer            4
     130   P0020054           Integer            4
     131   P0020055           Integer            4
     132   P0020056           Integer            4
     133   P0020057           Integer            4
     134   P0020058           Integer            4
     135   P0020059           Integer            4
     136   P0020060           Integer            4
     137   P0020061           Integer            4
     138   P0020062           Integer            4
     139   P0020063           Integer            4
     140   P0020064           Integer            4
     141   P0020065           Integer            4
     142   P0020066           Integer            4
     143   P0020067           Integer            4
     144   P0020068           Integer            4
     145   P0020069           Integer            4
     146   P0020070           Integer            4
     147   P0020071           Integer            4
     148   P0020072           Integer            4
     149   P0020073           Integer            4
** Total **                                    601

Structure for table: ss00002.DBF (FoxPro format) CD-ROM only
                     ss00002.UPL (ASCII text comma separated variable format 
                                         variable record length) *

                     ss is the state postal abbrieviation

   Field Descriptions

   Field   Field Name         Type           Width *
       1   FILEID             Character          8
       2   STUSAB             Character          2
       3   CHARITER           Character          5
       4   CIFSN              Character          2
       5   LOGRECNO           Character          7
       6   P0030001           Integer            4 **
       7   P0030002           Integer            4
       8   P0030003           Integer            4
       9   P0030004           Integer            4
      10   P0030005           Integer            4
      11   P0030006           Integer            4
      12   P0030007           Integer            4
      13   P0030008           Integer            4
      14   P0030009           Integer            4
      15   P0030010           Integer            4
      16   P0030011           Integer            4
      17   P0030012           Integer            4
      18   P0030013           Integer            4
      19   P0030014           Integer            4
      20   P0030015           Integer            4
      21   P0030016           Integer            4
      22   P0030017           Integer            4
      23   P0030018           Integer            4
      24   P0030019           Integer            4
      25   P0030020           Integer            4
      26   P0030021           Integer            4
      27   P0030022           Integer            4
      28   P0030023           Integer            4
      29   P0030024           Integer            4
      30   P0030025           Integer            4
      31   P0030026           Integer            4
      32   P0030027           Integer            4
      33   P0030028           Integer            4
      34   P0030029           Integer            4
      35   P0030030           Integer            4
      36   P0030031           Integer            4
      37   P0030032           Integer            4
      38   P0030033           Integer            4
      39   P0030034           Integer            4
      40   P0030035           Integer            4
      41   P0030036           Integer            4
      42   P0030037           Integer            4
      43   P0030038           Integer            4
      44   P0030039           Integer            4
      45   P0030040           Integer            4
      46   P0030041           Integer            4
      47   P0030042           Integer            4
      48   P0030043           Integer            4
      49   P0030044           Integer            4
      50   P0030045           Integer            4
      51   P0030046           Integer            4
      52   P0030047           Integer            4
      53   P0030048           Integer            4
      54   P0030049           Integer            4
      55   P0030050           Integer            4
      56   P0030051           Integer            4
      57   P0030052           Integer            4
      58   P0030053           Integer            4
      59   P0030054           Integer            4
      60   P0030055           Integer            4
      61   P0030056           Integer            4
      62   P0030057           Integer            4
      63   P0030058           Integer            4
      64   P0030059           Integer            4
      65   P0030060           Integer            4
      66   P0030061           Integer            4
      67   P0030062           Integer            4
      68   P0030063           Integer            4
      69   P0030064           Integer            4
      70   P0030065           Integer            4
      71   P0030066           Integer            4
      72   P0030067           Integer            4
      73   P0030068           Integer            4
      74   P0030069           Integer            4
      75   P0030070           Integer            4
      76   P0030071           Integer            4
      77   P0040001           Integer            4
      78   P0040002           Integer            4
      79   P0040003           Integer            4
      80   P0040004           Integer            4
      81   P0040005           Integer            4
      82   P0040006           Integer            4
      83   P0040007           Integer            4
      84   P0040008           Integer            4
      85   P0040009           Integer            4
      86   P0040010           Integer            4
      87   P0040011           Integer            4
      88   P0040012           Integer            4
      89   P0040013           Integer            4
      90   P0040014           Integer            4
      91   P0040015           Integer            4
      92   P0040016           Integer            4
      93   P0040017           Integer            4
      94   P0040018           Integer            4
      95   P0040019           Integer            4
      96   P0040020           Integer            4
      97   P0040021           Integer            4
      98   P0040022           Integer            4
      99   P0040023           Integer            4
     100   P0040024           Integer            4
     101   P0040025           Integer            4
     102   P0040026           Integer            4
     103   P0040027           Integer            4
     104   P0040028           Integer            4
     105   P0040029           Integer            4
     106   P0040030           Integer            4
     107   P0040031           Integer            4
     108   P0040032           Integer            4
     109   P0040033           Integer            4
     110   P0040034           Integer            4
     111   P0040035           Integer            4
     112   P0040036           Integer            4
     113   P0040037           Integer            4
     114   P0040038           Integer            4
     115   P0040039           Integer            4
     116   P0040040           Integer            4
     117   P0040041           Integer            4
     118   P0040042           Integer            4
     119   P0040043           Integer            4
     120   P0040044           Integer            4
     121   P0040045           Integer            4
     122   P0040046           Integer            4
     123   P0040047           Integer            4
     124   P0040048           Integer            4
     125   P0040049           Integer            4
     126   P0040050           Integer            4
     127   P0040051           Integer            4
     128   P0040052           Integer            4
     129   P0040053           Integer            4
     130   P0040054           Integer            4
     131   P0040055           Integer            4
     132   P0040056           Integer            4
     133   P0040057           Integer            4
     134   P0040058           Integer            4
     135   P0040059           Integer            4
     136   P0040060           Integer            4
     137   P0040061           Integer            4
     138   P0040062           Integer            4
     139   P0040063           Integer            4
     140   P0040064           Integer            4
     141   P0040065           Integer            4
     142   P0040066           Integer            4
     143   P0040067           Integer            4
     144   P0040068           Integer            4
     145   P0040069           Integer            4
     146   P0040070           Integer            4
     147   P0040071           Integer            4
     148   P0040072           Integer            4
     149   P0040073           Integer            4
** Total **                                    601


*   Ignore widths for comma delimited ASCII text files.

**   The integer field type (FoxPro) is for non-decimal numeric values. It is stored 
(in FoxPro) as a 4-byte binary value in tables, so consequently, it requires less 
memory than other numeric data types. As a binary value, it requires no ASCII conversion. 
It also requires less storage.

Integer field type in FoxPro (tm)
Field type Description Size Range
Integer Integer values 4 bytes 2147483647 to 2147483646

End of notes

   Geographic File

   Field Name       Field Description 
   FILEID           File Identification
   STUSAB           State/US-Abbreviation (USPS)
   SUMLEV           Summary Level
   GEOCOMP          Geographic Component
   CHARITER         Characteristic Iteration
   CIFSN            Characteristic Iteration File Sequence Number
   LOGRECNO         Logical Record Number
   REGION           Region
   DIVISION         Division
   STATECE          State (Census)
   STATE            State (FIPS)
   COUNTY           County
   COUNTYSC         County Size Code
   COUSUB           County Subdivision (FIPS)
   COUSUBCC         FIPS County Subdivision Class Code
   COUSUBSC         County Subdivision Size Code
   PLACE            Place (FIPS)
   PLACECC          FIPS Place Class Code
   PLACEDC          Place Description Code
   PLACESC          Place Size Code
   TRACT            Census Tract
   BLKGRP           Block Group
   BLOCK            Block
   IUC              Internal Use Code
   CONCIT           Consolidated City (FIPS)
   CONCITCC         FIPS Consolidated City Class Code
   CONCITSC         Consolidated City Size Code
   AIANHHCE         American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (Census)
   AIANHH           American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (FIPS)
   AIANHHCC         FIPS American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Class
   AIHHTLI          American Indian Trust Land/Hawaiian Home Land Indicator
   AITSCE           American Indian Tribal Subdivision (Census)
   AITS             American Indian Tribal Subdivision (FIPS)
   AITSCC           FIPS American Indian Tribal Subdivision Class Code
   ANRC             Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS)
   ANRCCC           FIPS Alaska Native Regional Corporation Class Code
   MSACMSA          Metropolitan Statistical Area/Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
   MASC             MSA/CMSA Size Code
   CMSA             Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
   MACCI            Metropolitan Area Central City Indicator
   PMSA             Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
   NECMA            New England County Metropolitan Area
   NECMACCI         New England County Metropolitan Area Central City Indicator
   NECMASC          New England County Metropolitan Area Size Code
   EXI              Extended Place Indicator
   UA               Urban Area
   UASC             Urban Area Size Code
   UATYPE           Urban Area Type
   UR               Urban/Rural
   CD106            Congressional District (106th)
   CD108            Congressional District (108th)
   CD109            Congressional District (109th)
   CD110            Congressional District (110th)
   SLDU             State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)
   SLDL             State Legislative District (Lower Chamber)
   VTD              Voting District
   VTDI             Voting District Indicator
   ZCTA3            ZIP Code Tabulation Area (3 digit)
   ZCTA5            ZIP Code Tabulation Area (5 digit)
   SUBMCD           Subbarrio (FIPS)
   SUBMCDCC         FIPS Subbarrio Class Code
   AREALAND         Area (Land)
   AREAWATR         Area (Water)
   NAME             Area Name-Legal/Statistical Area Description (LSAD) Term-Part Indicator
   FUNCSTAT         Functional Status Code
   GCUNI            Geographic Change User Note Indicator
   POP100           Population Count (100%)
   RES              Reserved
   INTPTLAT         Internal Point (Latitude)
   INTPTLON         Internal Point (Longitude)
   LSADC            Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
   PARTFLAG         Part Flag
   SDELM            School District (Elementary)
   SDSEC            School District (Secondary)
   SDUNI            School District (Unified)
   TAZ              Traffic Analysis Zone
   UGA              Oregon Urban Growth Area
   PUMA5            Public Use Microdata Area - 5% File
   PUMA1            Public Use Microdata Area - 1% File
   RESERVED         Reserved

   Data Segment 01 

   Field Name       Field Description

                    PL1.  RACE [71]
                    Universe: Total population
   P0010001                 Total
   P0010002            Population of one race
   P0010003                 White alone
   P0010004                 Black or African American alone
   P0010005                 American Indian and Alaska Native alone
   P0010006                 Asian alone
   P0010007                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
   P0010008                 Some other race alone
   P0010009            Population of two or more races
   P0010010            Population of two races
   P0010011                 White; Black or African American
   P0010012                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0010013                 White; Asian
   P0010014                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010015                 White; Some other race
   P0010016                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0010017                 Black or African American; Asian
   P0010018                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010019                 Black or African American; Some other race
   P0010020                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0010021                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010022                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0010023                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010024                 Asian; Some other race
   P0010025                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010026            Population of three races
   P0010027                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0010028                 White; Black or African American; Asian
   P0010029                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010030                 White; Black or African American; Some other race
   P0010031                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0010032                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010033                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0010034                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010035                 White; Asian; Some other race
   P0010036                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010037                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0010038                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010039                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0010040                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010041                 Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0010042                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010043                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010044                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0010045                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010046                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010047            Population of four races
   P0010048                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0010049                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010050                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0010051                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010052                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0010053                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010054                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010055                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0010056                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010057                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010058                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010059                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0010060                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010061                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010062                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010063            Population of five races
   P0010064                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0010065                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0010066                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010067                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010068                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010069                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0010070            Population of six races
   P0010071                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
                    Universe: Total population
   P0020001                 Total
   P0020002            Hispanic or Latino
   P0020003             Not Hispanic or Latino
   P0020004              Population of one race
   P0020005                 White alone
   P0020006                 Black or African American alone
   P0020007                 American Indian and Alaska Native alone
   P0020008                 Asian alone
   P0020009                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
   P0020010                 Some other race alone
   P0020011              Population of two or more races
   P0020012              Population of two races
   P0020013                 White; Black or African American
   P0020014                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0020015                 White; Asian
   P0020016                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020017                 White; Some other race
   P0020018                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0020019                 Black or African American; Asian
   P0020020                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020021                 Black or African American; Some other race
   P0020022                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0020023                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020024                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0020025                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020026                 Asian; Some other race
   P0020027                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020028              Population of three races
   P0020029                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0020030                 White; Black or African American; Asian
   P0020031                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020032                 White; Black or African American; Some other race
   P0020033                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0020034                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020035                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0020036                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020037                 White; Asian; Some other race
   P0020038                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020039                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0020040                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020041                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0020042                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020043                 Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0020044                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020045                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020046                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0020047                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020048                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020049              Population of four races
   P0020050                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0020051                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020052                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0020053                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020054                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0020055                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020056                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020057                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0020058                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020059                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020060                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020061                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0020062                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020063                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020064                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020065              Population of five races
   P0020066                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0020067                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0020068                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020069                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020070                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020071                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0020072              Population of six races
   P0020073                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race

   Data Segment 02

   Field Name       Field Description

                    PL3.  RACE FOR THE POPULATION 18 YEARS AND OVER [71]
                    Universe: Total population 18 years and over
   P0030001                 Total
   P0030002            Population of one race
   P0030003                 White alone
   P0030004                 Black or African American alone
   P0030005                 American Indian and Alaska Native alone
   P0030006                 Asian alone
   P0030007                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
   P0030008                 Some other race alone
   P0030009            Population of two or more races
   P0030010             Population of two races
   P0030011                 White; Black or African American
   P0030012                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0030013                 White; Asian
   P0030014                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030015                 White; Some other race
   P0030016                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0030017                 Black or African American; Asian
   P0030018                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030019                 Black or African American; Some other race
   P0030020                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0030021                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030022                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0030023                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030024                 Asian; Some other race
   P0030025                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030026             Population of three races
   P0030027                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0030028                 White; Black or African American; Asian
   P0030029                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030030                 White; Black or African American; Some other race
   P0030031                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0030032                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030033                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0030034                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030035                 White; Asian; Some other race
   P0030036                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030037                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0030038                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030039                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0030040                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030041                 Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0030042                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030043                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030044                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0030045                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030046                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030047             Population of four races
   P0030048                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0030049                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030050                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0030051                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030052                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0030053                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030054                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030055                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0030056                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030057                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030058                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030059                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0030060                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030061                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030062                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030063             Population of five races
   P0030064                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0030065                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0030066                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030067                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030068                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030069                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0030070             Population of six races
   P0030071                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
                    Universe: Total population 18 years and over
   P0040001                 Total
   P0040002            Hispanic or Latino
   P0040003             Not Hispanic or Latino
   P0040004               Population of one race
   P0040005                 White alone
   P0040006                 Black or African American alone
   P0040007                 American Indian and Alaska Native alone
   P0040008                 Asian alone
   P0040009                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
   P0040010                 Some other race alone
   P0040011               Population of two or more races
   P0040012                Population of two races
   P0040013                 White; Black or African American
   P0040014                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0040015                 White; Asian
   P0040016                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040017                 White; Some other race
   P0040018                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0040019                 Black or African American; Asian
   P0040020                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040021                 Black or African American; Some other race
   P0040022                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0040023                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040024                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0040025                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040026                 Asian; Some other race
   P0040027                 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040028                Population of three races
   P0040029                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native
   P0040030                 White; Black or African American; Asian
   P0040031                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040032                 White; Black or African American; Some other race
   P0040033                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0040034                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040035                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0040036                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040037                 White; Asian; Some other race
   P0040038                 White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040039                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0040040                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040041                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0040042                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040043                 Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0040044                 Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040045                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040046                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0040047                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040048                 Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040049                Population of four races
   P0040050                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian
   P0040051                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040052                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race
   P0040053                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040054                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race
   P0040055                 White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040056                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040057                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0040058                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040059                 White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040060                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040061                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0040062                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040063                 Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040064                 American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040065                Population of five races
   P0040066                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
   P0040067                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race
   P0040068                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040069                 White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040070                 White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040071                 Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race
   P0040072                Population of six races
   P0040073                 White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race

Electronic Products Development Branch
Administrative and Customer Services Division
U.S. Census Bureau

Last Updated: