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PEST (Parameter ESTimation)

PEST is a model-independent parameter estimation package which can communicate with any model through the model's own input and output files. PEST can be used for nonlinear parameter estimation and predictive analysis in many different fields of study including ground and surface water hydrology, geophysics, engineering and others.

Current Version: 6.05
Release Date: April 2003
Development Status: General Release
Development Information: Release Notes - changes and known deficiencies
Operating System: DOS
Development Language: FORTRAN
Intended Audience: Hydrologist, Geophysicist, Engineer
Key Words: model, independent, parameter, estimation
Related Web Sites: None Available
Text Files (ASCII Format)
File Name File Description
ABSTRACT.TXT Summary of functions, theory, and applicability.
README.TXT Important installation and usage information.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available as a free download, to view some files in this list. See EPA's PDF page to learn more about PDF, and for a link to the free Acrobat Reader.

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Setup file for version 6.05 of the PEST system. See README.TXT for important installation information.
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1.8 MB
PEST Model-Independent Parameter Estimation (PDF, 279 pp., 1.8 MB). User's guide for the PEST software.
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1.6 MB
The PEST Surface Water Utilities are a suite of programs designed to assist in the use of PEST with surface water models. See README.TXT for important installation information.
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0.5 MB
PEST Surface Water Utilities (PDF, 122 pp., 0.5 MB). User's guide for the optional PEST surface water utilities.
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0.9 MB
The modified version of Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF) reads numbers contained in input files with greater precision, enhancing its use with PEST. See README.TXT for important installation information.
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96 KB
Alterations to HSPF Data Input (PDF, 4 pp., 96 KB). Describes the changes made to HSPF to enhance its use with PEST.
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1.7 MB
The PEST workshop download contains files required to complete the exercises outlined in WORKSHOP.PDF. See README.TXT for important installation information.
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0.3 MB
Calibrating a HSPF Model Using TSPROC and PEST (PDF, 33 pp., 0.3 MB). Provides lessons which can be applied to the calibration and predictive analysis of environmental models. Files contained in WORKSHOP.EXE are required to complete the exercises.

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