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BASINS 3.1 Lectures, data sets, and exercises

The following list is ordered according to the workshop schedule and provides a link to a ".zip" file (more on zip files exit EPA) which, when uncompressed, will provide lectures in PowerPoint format and exercises in Word documents.

All files are in .zip format

Lecture 1 (614 K)

Introduction to BASINS

Lecture 2  (1 MB)

HSPF Overview and Case Study

Lecture 3 (507 K)

BASINS Data Download Tool and Data Extensions

Exercise 1 (1 MB)

Building a BASINS Project, Import Tools, and Data

Dataset 1 (15 K) Predefined Delineation Shapefile
Lecture 4 (455 K)

Watershed Delineation/Segmentation

Exercise 2 (1.5 MB)

Manual and Automatic Watershed Delineation

Lecture 5 (290 K)

WDMUtil and Weather Data

Exercise 3 (1.8 MB)

WDM Utility

Dataset 2 (45 K) Extra Training Files and West Branch Weather Data
Lecture 6 (473 K)

Operational Aspects of HSPF

Lecture 7 (4.6 MB)

Hydrologic Processes and PWATER for Wetlands

Lecture 8 (360 K)

Channel Routing in HSPF

Exercise 4 (1.2 MB)

Introduction to HSPF and GenScn

Dataset 3 (8.7 MB) The "Modelout" Data Directory
Exercise 5 (914 K)

WinHSPF Hydrology Calibration

Exercise 6 (1.1 MB)

Introduction to HSPFEXP

Lecture 9 (405 K)

Snow Processes, Parameters, and Calibration

Exercise 7 (3.2 MB)

Simulation of Snow Accumulation and Melt

Lecture 10 (1.7 MB)

Sediment Processes, Parameters, and Calibration

Lecture 11 (515 K)

Nonpoint Source (NPS) Quality Processes, Parameters, and Calibration

Lecture 12 (2.9 MB)

Water Quality Modeling: Temperature, Sediment, and General Constituents

Exercise 8 (1.9 MB)

Sediment Erosion and Transport

Exercise 9 (427 K)

Bacteria and Temperature Modeling

Lecture 13 (5.8 MB)

Watershed Segmentation

Exercise 10 (582 K)


Lecture 16 (207 K)

Water Quality Modeling (RQUAL)

Exercise 12 (318 K)

Nutrient, Dissolved Oxygen, and Algae Modeling

Lecture 17 (1.1 MB)

Watershed Model Calibration and Validation: Issues and Procedures

Exercise 13 (379 K)

Water Quality Calibration

Lecture 14 (1.2 MB)

AGCHEM Processes, Parameters, and Calibration

Lecture 15 (217 K)

Additional HSPF Features

Exercise 11 (759 K)


Lecture 18 (1.9 MB)

Analysis of Alternatives: Modeling Scenarios, BMPs, and TMDLs

Exercise 14 (706 K)

Modeling Alternatives Scenarios, BMPs, and TMDLs

Exercise 15 (545 K)

HSPFParm Tool

Appendix A (6 K)

Installing BASINS 3.1

Appendix B (320 K)

Connecting Exercise 4 to Exercise 5: Begin Hydrology Calibration

Appendix C (315 K)

Calculating Observed Flow Volumes for Calibration

Appendix D (134 K)

Downloading HSPEXP

Appendix E (1.6 MB)

Using the TMDL USLE Tool to Estimate Sediment Loads

Appendix F (447 K)

Manually Adding Temperature and Fecal Coliform

Appendix G (12 K)

Pollutant Selection Tool Information

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