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A&I Logo Analysis & Information Online, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA Logo, Link to FMCSA Home Page

Proposed Enhancements to SafeStat
as of May 1, 2006

The following four changes to the SafeStat methodology are proposed to improve the performance of the current SafeStat algorithm (Version 8.6). 

1. New Traffic Violations Indicator (TVI)

Proposed Improvement

Replace the Moving Violations Indicator (MVI) with the Traffic Violations Indicator (TVI) in the Driver Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Value calculation.

The TVI differs from the MVI in four major respects:

The methodology on how the TVI will be calculated can be found by click here.

Reason for Change

Issues such as SafeStat’s ability to identify high crash risk carriers, fairness in assessing a carrier’s safety status, data quality, algorithm consistency, and carrier coverage were examined in developing the TVI. Results of these analyses show that incorporating the TVI accomplishes the following:

2. Shortened Data Exposure Time Period

Proposed Improvement

Reduce the amount of time considered from 30 months of data to 24 months for:

Reason for Change

In 1996, a 30-month time frame of data was set for the various SafeStat indicators to obtain enough safety information to assess the safety status of a large portion of the carrier population. Since then, the amount of safety data available to SafeStat has increased and the timeliness of these data has substantially improved, thereby providing more safety data to assess the safety status of individual motor carriers. Adjusting the 30-month time frame to 24 months:

3. Simplifying the Calculation of the Accident SEA Value

Proposed Improvement

Simplify the calculation of the Accident SEA value to be equal to the Accident Involvement Indicator (AII).

Reason for Change

By assigning the Accident SEA value to the AII and no longer using the RAI will:

4. Applying More Vehicle Out-of-Service (OOS) Violation Data for the Vehicle Inspection Indicator (VII)

Proposed Improvement

Include the results of Level 3 (Driver only) inspections that resulted in vehicle OOS violations when calculating the VII.

Reason for Change

While conducting Level 3 inspections of the driver, enforcement officer may discover vehicle OOS violations. Although these vehicle OOS violations are currently not being used in the VII, which considers only the result of vehicle inspections (Levels 1, 2, and 5), they are indicative of unsafe vehicle conditions. Including the results of Level 3 inspections with vehicle OOS violations will improve SafeStat’s ability to identify carriers with vehicle safety problems.

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A&I Logo Analysis & Information Online, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA Logo, Link to FMCSA Home Page