Michigan State University Extension
Ornamental Plants plus Version 3.0 - 00000157

Asclepias tuberosa--Butterfly Weed

Hardiness Zones: 4 to 9
Height: 24 in Spacing: 12 in
Type: herbaceous perennial
Flowers: Orange

Comments: Butterfly Weed is a member of the milkweed
family. The plants produce their orange (Vis. 1) flowers
from July to September. The flowers are followed by seed
pods (Vis. 2) that resemble those of milkweed. The plant
will not flower freely until well established. The best
sites have exposure to sun or partial shade and almost any
soil. The plant tolerates dry soil but not heavy soil.
Once established, do not disturb Butterfly Weed
unnecessarily. Butterfly Weed is slow to start growth in
the spring so mark its location to prevent damage to easily
injured dormant crowns. A taproot makes transplanting
difficult. As its name implies, the flowers attract

Propagation: Propagation is by seed or division in the
spring. The seed germinates in 3 to 4 weeks at 70 to 75
degrees. Plants may be planted in a cold frame in spring
or fall. Fresh seed may need chilling.

'Gay Butterflies' - Flower colors are pink, red and
gold in addition to orange.
'Hello Yellow' - Bright yellow flowers.

References for Cultivars: Ray Wiegand's Nursery 1995,
Wayside Gardens 1999, Weston Nurseries 1999, White Flower
Farm 1999.

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