PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/09/2008 07:21 PM

Topic: Preventive and Mitigative Measures

Topic Hierarchy:

Topical Index
 » Integrity Issues
   » Preventive and Mitigative Measures

Related Rule Sections:

Related Protocol Questions:

H.01 General Requirements (Identification of Additional Measures)

Verify that a process is in place to identify additional measures to prevent a pipeline failure and to mitigate the consequences of a pipeline failure in a high consequence area. [§192.935(a)]

H.02 Third Party Damage

Verify that the following preventive and mitigative requirements regarding threats due to third party damage have been addressed: [§192.935(b)(1) and §192.935(e)]

H.03 Pipelines Operating Below 30% SMYS

Verify that the following preventive and mitigative requirements for pipelines operating below 30% SMYS have been addressed: [§192.935(d)]

H.04 Plastic Transmission Pipeline

For plastic transmission pipelines, verify that applicable third party damage requirements have been applied to covered segments of the pipeline. [§192.935(e)]

H.05 Outside Force Damage

Verify that the operator adequately addresses threats due to outside force (e.g., earth movement, floods, unstable suspension bridge). [§192.935(b)(2)]

H.06 Corrosion

Verify that the operator takes required actions to address corrosion threats. [§192.917(e)(5)]

H.07 Automatic Shut-Off Valves or Remote Control Valves

Verify that the operator has a process to decide if automatic shut-off valves or remote control valves represent an efficient means of adding protection to potentially affected high consequence areas. [§192.935(c)]

H.08 General Requirements (Implementation of Additional Measures)

Verify that the operator has identified and implemented (or scheduled) additional measures beyond those already required by Part 192 to prevent a pipeline failure and to mitigate the consequences of a pipeline failure in a high consequence area: [§192.935(a)]

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