PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/09/2008 08:29 PM

Protocol Item D.03

D.03 ECDA Indirect Examination

Verify that the ECDA Indirect Examination process complies with ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 6.4 and NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4 to identify and characterize the severity of coating fault indications, other anomalies, and areas at which corrosion activity may have occurred or may be occurring, and establish priorities for excavation. [�192.925(b)(2)]

  1. Verify that the operator conducts indirect examination measurements in accordance with NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.2.
    1. Verify that the operator identifies and clearly marks the boundaries of each ECDA region. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.2.1]
    2. Verify that the operator performs indirect inspections over the entire lengths of each ECDA region and that the inspections conform to generally accepted industry practices. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.2.2]
    3. Verify that the operator specifies and follows generally accepted industry practices for conducting ECDA indirect inspections and analyzing results. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.2.2]
    4. Verify that the operator specifies the physical spacing of readings (and the practices for changing the spacing as needed) such that suspected corrosion activity on the segment can be detected and located. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.2.3]
  1. Verify that the operator properly aligns indications and compares the data from each indirect examination to characterize both the severity of indications and urgency for direct examination in accordance with NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.3 and NACE RP0502-2002, Section 5.2.
    1. Verify the operator specifies criteria for identifying and documenting those indications that must be considered for excavation and direct examination. Minimum criteria include
      1. Known sensitivities of assessment tools
      2. The procedures for using each tool
      3. The approach to be used for decreasing the physical spacing of indirect assessment tool readings when the presence of a defect is suspected. [�192.925(b)(2)(ii) and NACE RP0502-2002, Section]
    2. Verify that the operator specifies and applies criteria for classification of the severity of each indication. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.3.2],
      1. Verify that the operator considers the impact of spatial errors when aligning indirect examination results. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section]
      2. Verify that the operator compares the results from the indirect inspections and determines the consistency of indirect inspections results to resolve conflicting or differing indications by the primary and secondary tools. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.3.3]
      3. Verify that the operator compares indirect inspection results with pre-assessment results to confirm or reassess ECDA feasibility and ECDA Region definitions. [NACE RP0502-2002, Section 4.3.4]
    3. Verify that the operator specified and applies criteria for defining the urgency level (i.e., immediate, scheduled, or monitored) with which excavation and direct examination of indications will be conducted based on the likelihood of current corrosion activity plus the extent and severity of prior corrosion. [�192.925(b)(2)(iii) and (iv) and NACE RP0502-2002, Section 5.2]
    4. Verify that the operator�s ECDA procedures have a process to address pipeline coating indications. The procedures must provide for integrating ECDA data with encroachment and foreign line crossing data to evaluate the covered segment for the threat of third party damage, and to address this threat as required by �192.917(e)(1) (See Protocol C.02 and Protocol C.03). [�192.917(b), �192.917(e) and �192.925(b)]
  1. Verify that the operator applies more restrictive criteria when conducting ECDA for the first time on a covered segment. [�192.925(b)(2)(i)]

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