PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:30 PM

Protocol Item F.03

F.03 Low Stress Reassessment

For pipelines operating at < 30% SMYS, the operator may choose to use a "low stress reassessment" method to address threats of external and internal corrosion. If this method is used, verify that the operator addresses the following requirements [§192.941]:

  1. Verify that the operator completes a baseline assessment on the covered segment prior to implementing the "low stress reassessment" method. [§192.941(a)]

  1. If used to address external corrosion, verify that the operator has incorporated the following:
    1. If the pipe is cathodically protected, electrical surveys (i.e., indirect examination tool/method) must be performed at least every 7 years. The operator must use the results of each survey as part of an overall evaluation of the cathodic protection and corrosion threat for covered segments. This evaluation must consider, at a minimum, the leak repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe records, and the pipeline environment. [§192.941(b)(1)]
    2. If the pipe is unprotected or cathodically protected where electrical surveys are impractical, the operator must require (1) the conduct of leakage surveys as required by §192.706, at 4-month intervals; and (2) the identification and remediation of areas of active corrosion every 18 months by evaluating leak repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe records, and the pipeline environment. [§192.941(b)(1)]
  1. If used to address internal corrosion, verify that the operator has incorporated all of the following:
    1. Gas analysis for corrosive agents must be performed at least once each calendar year. [§192.941(c)(1)]
    2. Periodic testing of fluids removed from the segment must be conducted. At least once each calendar year the operator must test the fluids removed from each storage field that may affect a covered segment. [§192.941(c)(2)]
    3. At least every seven (7) years, the operator must integrate data from the analysis and testing required by c.i and c.ii above with applicable internal corrosion leak records, incident reports, and test records, and define and implement appropriate remediation actions. [§192.941(c)(3)]

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