PHMSA Gas Integrity Management Protocol Results Form

Explanation of Protocol Format

Each protocol element will have top-tier protocols that address the high level requirements. The regulatory requirement upon which the protocol is based is contained in brackets; e.g., [§192.905(a)]

Each top-tier protocol will have detailed "sub-tier" protocols which collectively lead the inspector to draw overall conclusions about compliance with the top-tier protocol. The regulatory requirement, upon which each sub-tier protocol is based, is also contained in brackets.

Notes on protocols:

Protocol Area F. Continual Evaluation and Assessment

F.01 Periodic Evaluations

Verify the operator conducts a periodic evaluation of pipeline integrity based on data integration and risk assessment to identify the threats specific to each covered segment and the risk represented by these threats. [§192.917 and §192.937(b)]

F.01.a. Verify that periodic evaluations are conducted based on a data integration and risk assessment of the entire pipeline as specified in §192.917. The evaluation must consider the following: [§192.937(b) and 192.917]
  1. Past and present assessment results
  2. Data integration and risk assessment information [§192.917]
  3. Decisions about remediation [§192.933]
  4. Additional preventive and mitigative actions [§192.935]
F.01.a. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.01.a. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.01.b. Verify that periodic evaluations of data are thorough, complete, and adequate for establishing reassessment methods and schedules. [§192.937(b)]

F.01.b. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.01.b. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.01.c. Verify that an appropriate interval is established for performing required periodic evaluations of threats and pipeline conditions following completion of the baseline assessment. [§192.937(b)]

F.01.c. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.01.c. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.01.d. Verify that the operator periodically reviews the evaluation results to determine if the new information warrants changes to reassessment intervals and/or methods, and makes changes as appropriate. [§192.937]

F.01.d. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.01.d. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.01 Documents Reviewed    (Tab from bottom-right cell to add additional rows.)
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F.01 Inspection Notes


F.02 Reassessment Methods

Verify that the approach for establishing the reassessment method is consistent with the requirements in §192.937(c). [§192.937(c) and §192.941]

F.02.a. Verify that one or more of the following assessment methods (depending on the applicable threats) are specified:
  1. An internal inspection tool(s) capable of detecting corrosion and any other threats that the operator intends to address using this tool(s). The process must follow ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 6.2, in selecting the appropriate inspection tool. [§192.937(c)(1)]
  2. A pressure test conducted in accordance with Subpart J. An operator must use the test pressures specified in ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5, Table 3, to justify an extended reassessment interval in accordance with §192.939. Pressure test is appropriate for threats as defined in ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 6.3. [§192.937(c)(2)]
  3. Direct assessment – refer to Protocol D. [§192.937(c)(3)]
  4. Other technology that an operator demonstrates can provide an equivalent understanding of the condition of the pipe. If other technology is the method selected, the process should require that the operator notify OPS at least 180 days before conducting the assessment, in accordance with §192.949. Also, verify that notification to a State or local pipeline safety authority is required when either a covered segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate covered segment is regulated by that State. [§192.937(c)(4)]
  5. Confirmatory direct assessment when used on a covered segment that is scheduled for a reassessment period longer than seven years. Refer to Protocol G. [§192.937(c)(5)]
  6. If the operator is using "low stress reassessment" method, evaluate the process using Protocol F.03.
F.02.a. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.02.a. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.02.b. Review the methods selected for reassessments and verify that they are appropriate for the identified threats.

F.02.b. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.02.b. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.02 Documents Reviewed    (Tab from bottom-right cell to add additional rows.)
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F.02 Inspection Notes


F.03 Low Stress Reassessment

For pipelines operating at < 30% SMYS, the operator may choose to use a "low stress reassessment" method to address threats of external and internal corrosion. If this method is used, verify that the operator addresses the following requirements [§192.941]:

F.03.a. Verify that the operator completes a baseline assessment on the covered segment prior to implementing the "low stress reassessment" method. [§192.941(a)]

F.03.a. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.03.a. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.03.b. If used to address external corrosion, verify that the operator has incorporated the following:
  1. If the pipe is cathodically protected, electrical surveys (i.e., indirect examination tool/method) must be performed at least every 7 years. The operator must use the results of each survey as part of an overall evaluation of the cathodic protection and corrosion threat for covered segments. This evaluation must consider, at a minimum, the leak repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe records, and the pipeline environment. [§192.941(b)(1)]
  2. If the pipe is unprotected or cathodically protected where electrical surveys are impractical, the operator must require (1) the conduct of leakage surveys as required by §192.706, at 4-month intervals; and (2) the identification and remediation of areas of active corrosion every 18 months by evaluating leak repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe records, and the pipeline environment. [§192.941(b)(1)]
F.03.b. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.03.b. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.03.c. If used to address internal corrosion, verify that the operator has incorporated all of the following:
  1. Gas analysis for corrosive agents must be performed at least once each calendar year. [§192.941(c)(1)]
  2. Periodic testing of fluids removed from the segment must be conducted. At least once each calendar year the operator must test the fluids removed from each storage field that may affect a covered segment. [§192.941(c)(2)]
  3. At least every seven (7) years, the operator must integrate data from the analysis and testing required by c.i and c.ii above with applicable internal corrosion leak records, incident reports, and test records, and define and implement appropriate remediation actions. [§192.941(c)(3)]
F.03.c. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.03.c. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.03 Documents Reviewed    (Tab from bottom-right cell to add additional rows.)
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F.03 Inspection Notes


F.04 Reassessment Intervals

Verify that the requirements for establishing the reassessment intervals are consistent with section §192.939 and ASME B31.8S-2004. [§192.937(a), §192.939(a), §192.939(b), §192.913(c), and ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5, Table 3]

F.04.a. Verify that the operator reassesses covered segments on which a baseline assessment was conducted during the baseline period specified in subpart 192.921(d) by no later than seven years after the baseline assessment of that covered segment unless the reassessment evaluation (refer to Protocol F.01) indicates an earlier reassessment. [§192.937(a)]

F.04.a. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.04.a. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.04.b. For pipelines operating at or above 30% SMYS, verify that the operator meets the following requirements:
  1. If the operator establishes a reassessment interval greater than seven (7) years, a confirmatory direct assessment (refer to Protocol G) must be performed at intervals not to exceed seven (7) years followed by a reassessment at the interval established by the operator (refer below). [§192.939(a)]
  2. Unless a deviation is permitted under §192.913(c), the maximum reassessment interval shall not exceed the values listed in the §192.939(b) table. [§192.937(a)]
  3. If the reassessment method is a pressure test, ILI, or other equivalent technology, the interval must be based on either: (1) the identified threat(s) for the covered segment (see §192.917) and on the analyses of the results from the last integrity assessment, and a review of data integration and risk assessment; or (2) using the intervals specified for different stress levels of pipeline listed in ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5, Table 3. An operator must use the test pressures specified in ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5, Table 3, to justify an extended reassessment interval in accordance with §192.939. [§192.939(a)(1)]
  4. If the reassessment method is external corrosion direct assessment, internal corrosion direct assessment, or SCC direct assessment refer to Protocol D for evaluating the operator's interval determination.
F.04.b. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.04.b. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.04.c. For pipelines operating < 30% SMYS, verify that the operator selects one of the following reassessment approaches:
  1. Reassessment by pressure test, internal inspection or other equivalent technology following the requirements in §192.939(a)(1) except that the stress level referenced in §192.939(a)(1)(ii) would be adjusted to reflect the lower operating stress level. However, if an established interval is more than seven (7) years, the operator must conduct at seven (7) year intervals either a confirmatory direct assessment in accordance with §192.931, or a low stress reassessment in accordance with §192.941. An operator must use the test pressures specified in ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5, Table 3, to justify an extended reassessment interval in accordance with §192.939.[§192.939(b)(1)]
  2. Reassessment by external corrosion direct assessment, internal corrosion direct assessment, or SCC direct assessment. Refer to Protocol D for evaluating the operator's interval determination. [§192.939(b)(2), §192.939(b)(3) and §192.939(b)(4)]
  3. Reassessment by confirmatory direct assessment at seven year intervals in accordance with subpart 192.931, with reassessment by one of the methods listed in §192.939(b)(1) – §192.939(b)(3) by year 20 of the interval. [§192.939(b)(4)]
  4. Reassessment by the "low stress method" at 7-year intervals in accordance with §192.941 with reassessment by one of the methods listed in §192.939(b)(1) through §192.939(b)(3) by year 20 of the interval. [§192.939(b)(5)]
F.04.c. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.04.c. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.04.d. Verify that a covered segment on which a prior assessment was credited as a baseline assessment under subpart §192.921(e) is required to be reassessed by no later than December 17, 2009. [§192.937(a)]

F.04.d. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.04.d. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.04.e. Verify that reassessment intervals are appropriate and that adequate documentation and technical bases support the intervals selected.

F.04.e. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.04.e. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.04 Documents Reviewed    (Tab from bottom-right cell to add additional rows.)
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F.04 Inspection Notes


F.05 Deviation from Reassessment Requirements

If the operator elects to deviate from certain requirements listed in §192.913(c), verify that the operator uses a performance based approach that satisfies the requirements for exceptional performance as follows: [§192.913 and ASME B31.8S-2004]

F.05.a. Verify that the operator has a performance based integrity management program that meets or exceeds the performance-based requirements of ASME B31.8S-2004 and includes, at a minimum, the following elements: [§192.913(a)]
  1. A comprehensive process for risk analysis;
  2. All risk factor data used to support the program;
  3. A comprehensive data integration process;
  4. A procedure for applying lessons learned from assessment of covered pipeline segments to pipeline segments not covered by this subpart;
  5. A procedure for evaluating every incident, including its cause, within the operator's sector of the pipeline industry for implications both to the operator's pipeline system and to the operator's integrity management program;
  6. A performance matrix that demonstrates the program has been effective in ensuring the integrity of the covered segments by controlling the identified threats to the covered segments (Refer to Protocol I);
  7. Semi-annual performance measures beyond those required in §192.943 that are part of the operator's performance plan. [See §192.911(i)] Refer to Protocol I.
  8. An analysis that supports the desired integrity reassessment interval and the remediation methods to be used for all covered segments.
F.05.a. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.05.a. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.05.b. Verify that the operator has completed at least two integrity assessments on each covered pipeline segment the operator is including under the performance-based approach and is able to demonstrate that each assessment effectively addressed the identified threats on the covered segments. [§192.913(b)(2)(i)]

F.05.b. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.05.b. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.05.c. Verify the operator has remediated anomalies identified in the more recent assessment per the requirements of §192.933. [§192.913(b)(2)(ii)]

F.05.c. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.05.c. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.05.d. Verify the operator has incorporated the results and lessons learned from the more recent assessment into the operator's data integration and risk assessment. [§192.913(b)(2)(ii)]

F.05.d. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.05.d. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.05.e. Verify that deviations are allowed only for the timeframe for reassessment as provided in §192.939 except that reassessment by some method allowed by Subpart O (e.g., confirmatory direct assessment) must be completed at intervals not to exceed seven (7) years. [§192.913(c)(1)]

F.05.e. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.05.e. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.05 Documents Reviewed    (Tab from bottom-right cell to add additional rows.)
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F.05 Inspection Notes


F.06 Waiver from Reassessment Interval

Verify that the operator's program requires that it apply for a waiver, should it become necessary, from the required reassessment interval. The waiver request must demonstrate that the waiver is justified as specified in the rule. Such a waiver request may only be made in the following limited situations: [§192.943]

F.06.a. Lack of internal inspection tools. [§192.943(a)(1)]

F.06.a. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.06.a. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.06.b. Cannot maintain local product supply. [§192.943(a)(2)]

F.06.b. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.06.b. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.06.c. Application must be made at least 180 days before the end of the required reassessment interval. (Exception: If local product supply issues make the 180 day submittal impractical, an operator must apply for the waiver as soon as the need for waiver becomes known). [§192.943(b)]

F.06.c. Inspection Results    Type an "X" in the applicable box below. Select only one.
No Issues Identified
Potential Issues Identified (explain in summary)
Not Applicable (explain in summary)


F.06.c. Inspection Issues Summary    Leave blank if no issue was identified.


F.06 Documents Reviewed    (Tab from bottom-right cell to add additional rows.)
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F.06 Inspection Notes