PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/08/2008 04:35 PM

Protocol Area F. Continual Evaluation and Assessment

Protocol:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P 

F.01 Periodic Evaluations

Verify the operator conducts a periodic evaluation of pipeline integrity based on data integration and risk assessment to identify the threats specific to each covered segment and the risk represented by these threats. [§192.917 and §192.937(b)]

[See Details...]

F.02 Reassessment Methods

Verify that the approach for establishing the reassessment method is consistent with the requirements in §192.937(c). [§192.937(c) and §192.941]

[See Details...]

F.03 Low Stress Reassessment

For pipelines operating at < 30% SMYS, the operator may choose to use a "low stress reassessment" method to address threats of external and internal corrosion. If this method is used, verify that the operator addresses the following requirements [§192.941]:

[See Details...]

F.04 Reassessment Intervals

Verify that the requirements for establishing the reassessment intervals are consistent with section §192.939 and ASME B31.8S-2004. [§192.937(a), §192.939(a), §192.939(b), §192.913(c), and ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5, Table 3]

[See Details...]

F.05 Deviation from Reassessment Requirements

If the operator elects to deviate from certain requirements listed in §192.913(c), verify that the operator uses a performance based approach that satisfies the requirements for exceptional performance as follows: [§192.913 and ASME B31.8S-2004]

[See Details...]

F.06 Waiver from Reassessment Interval

Verify that the operator's program requires that it apply for a waiver, should it become necessary, from the required reassessment interval. The waiver request must demonstrate that the waiver is justified as specified in the rule. Such a waiver request may only be made in the following limited situations: [§192.943]

[See Details...]

Explanation of Protocol Format

Each protocol element will have top-tier protocols that address the high level requirements. The regulatory requirement upon which the protocol is based is contained in brackets; e.g., [§192.905(a)]

Each top-tier protocol will have detailed "sub-tier" protocols which collectively lead the inspector to draw overall conclusions about compliance with the top-tier protocol. The regulatory requirement, upon which each sub-tier protocol is based, is also contained in brackets.

Notes on protocols:
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