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According to a population-based survey conducted in Peru’s 24 largest cities in 2002, adult HIV prevalence was estimated to be less than 1 percent (0.6 percent among pregnant women, 0.4 percent among males, and 0.1 percent among females). The survey demonstrated that cases are unevenly distributed in the country, affecting mostly young people between the ages of 25 and 34. As of September 2007, the recorded number of persons infected with HIV was 29,771, and there were 20,110 cases of AIDS (Ministry of Health [MOH, 2007]). The male/female ratio for AIDS diagnoses in 2006 was 3.01 (MOH, 2007). UNAIDS estimates that 93,000 Peruvians are HIV-positive, meaning that many people at risk do not know their status. There were 5,600 deaths due to AIDS in Peru in 2005.

Through USAID, Peru received $1.2 million in fiscal year 2007 for essential HIV/AIDS programs and services. USAID programs in Peru are implemented in partnership with the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. USAID supports and complements activities under the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and functions in an advisory role in the Peruvian Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM). In 2002, USAID provided technical and financial assistance to prepare projects submitted to the Global Fund’s second round. In 2006, USAID assisted the CCM in obtaining technical assistance for improved implementation of Global Fund projects in Peru.

View the USAID HIV/AIDS Health Profile for Peru - June 2008 [PDF, 117KB]

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Tue, 05 Aug 2008 12:25:33 -0500