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Image Library Tool:
To build the initial Image Library or append images to the library, open the Image Library Management Console by pressing the Image Library button (Figure 1, Item 11). This window displays all the images available to the RLCM for interpretation. It also provides access to the image metadata editor, labeled Edit Metadata and to the image search tool, labeled Find Imagery.
Figure 10: Image library Management Console
Figure 11: Source Imagery Search Paths
To build the initial library or add image records to it, press the Find Imagery button. This button will open the imagery search path dialog window where RLCM can be directed to search for imagery (Figure 11).
If this is the first time building the Image Library an image search path or paths must be defined. To define a path, press the Add Folder button; the Choose Folder(s) window will open. In that window navigate to the location where the folder or folders are located that contain the imagery to be used for interpretation. Select the folder or multiple folders and then press the Add button. Continue this procedure until all the required folders are added to the list. If a folder is added inadvertently or is no longer required select it from the list and press the Delete Folder button. Folders are searched in the order displayed, so the first folder in the list is searched first and so on. To change the search order, select the folder to demote or promote and press the Move Up or Move Down button. Once the list is complete, press the Accept button. RLCM will then search all the folders listed, looking recursively for any image formats supported by ArcMap and adding them to the image library. Because folders are searched recursively, it is not necessary to list folders in the search list that are subfolders of folders already listed. For example, if the folder d:\landcover\images is listed, it is not necessary to list d:\landcover\images\landsat because RLCM will inherently search the landsat folder because it is a subfolder of d:\landcover\images. If a new image data set is acquired and needs to be added to the library, either add the new folder to the list and press Accept or if the new set has been copied to a current folder in the list just press the Accept button. This will initiate the search and the new images will be appended to the library. Also, if an image data set is moved to a different folder, the same procedure is followed, but instead of RLCM adding records to the library it searches the lirary for the existing images and updates their file location. image
Figure 12: Image Library metadata editor window
Because RLCM requires that any image used for an interpretation must have a record in the library and an acquisition date to identify it, RLCM allows the user to edit fields in an image's metadata record. To access this metadata, select the subject image from the list in the Image Library Management Console and press the Edit Metadata button (Figure 12). The Image Metadata window will open displaying all the metadata stored by RLCM for that image. There are only three fields that can be manually edited: image path, acquisition date, and sensor type. If the image path needs to be changed, press the Change Path button to the right of the field and navigate to and select the correct folder. If an acquisition date needs to be added or changed, either type in the correct date in the field or press the calendar drop-down tool and select the date. To edit the sensor type field, simply enter the sensor type in it. When all the edits are complete for the select image, press the Save button at the lower right of the window.