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Poverty Reduction



Poverty Reduction and NRM Seminar Series

Seminar 6: Key Macro and National Level Issues

Fenced farm compound with two conical thatched buildings, surrounded by arid grasslands. Photo Source: Copyright 2002 John Robinette, Courtesy of Photoshare
Ethiopian farmhouse compound is surrounded by
now-parched agricultural land that was forested
in the 1970’s.

This seminar addressed the macro-scale issues that affect the rural poor in developing and transitional countries. Key seminar objectives included sharing knowledge on new research and thinking regarding key broad-scale issues affecting poverty reduction and effective natural resource management, and shaping USAID programming to better account for these issues in Agency programs that address poverty reduction and natural resource management.

Kadi Warner of Winrock International spoke on the poverty implications of valuation and payment systems for environmental goods and services. Peter Veit of the World Resources Institute talked about the national redistribution of natural resource wealth.

Following the panel presentations, there was an open discussion on themes presented in the seminar.

Seminar 6:

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Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:09:26 -0500