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Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter - Coastal Science and Research News from Across the USGS
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Publications Listing

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Recently Published Articles

  • Cahoon, D.R., French, J.R., Spencer, T., Reed, D., and Mšller, I., 2000, Vertical accretion versus elevational adjustment in UK saltmarshes: An evaluation of alternative methodologies, in Pye, K., and Allen, J.R.L., eds., Coastal and Estuarine Environments: Sedimentology, Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology: Geological Society of London, Special Publications, v. 175, p. 223-238.

  • Cahoon, D.R., Marin, P.E., Black, B.K., and Lynch, J.C., 2000, A method for measuring vertical accretion, elevation, and compaction of soft, shallow-water sediments: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 70, no. 5, p. 1250-1253.

  • Dillon, W.P., Uchupi, E., ten Brink, U.S., Acosta, J., Anton, C.H., and Lee, M.W., 1999, Multichannel seismic profiles showing deformation of the North American plate and plate boundary zone near the northeastern corner of the Caribbean plate (abs.): GSA Penrose Conference, Subduction to Strike-Slip Transitions on Plate Boundaries, Puerto Plata Dominican Republic, Keynote Talks and Poster Abstracts Volume, (unpaginated).

  • Edgar, N.T., Jacobson, G.L., McNeal, J.M., Holmes, C.W., Cronin, T.M., and Swarzenski, P.M., 2000, Variation of mercury in sediment from Lake Tulane, Florida, related to climate: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, p. A-418.

  • Farris, G.S., 1998, United States Geological Survey National Wetlands Research Center, in McCaughan, D.M., ed., Marine Resources and History of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, v. 4, Agencies and Organizations: Federal, State, Local, and Private: Mississippi Department of Natural Resources, Jackson, p. 170-180.

  • Ferrigno, J.G., and Williams, R.S., Jr., 2000, U.S. Geological Survey coastal-change and glaciological maps of Antarctica project: Status Report for the SCAR Working Group on Geodesy and Geographic Information, July 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 4 p (also online at

  • Halley, R.B., and Yates, K.K., 2000, Will reef sediments buffer corals from increased global CO2? (abs.): 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, Abstracts, p. 249.

  • Halley, R.B., Yates, K.K., and Curry, R.W., 2000, Geochemical monitoring of coral in Biscayne National Park (abs.): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 7, p. A-264.

  • Hayes, M.L., Shinn, E.A., and Barber, R.T., 2000, Dust to dust: Iron as the functional link between eolian dust and marine infectious diseases: 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, Abstracts, p. 75.

  • Lidz, B.H., 2000, Bedrock Beneath Reefs: the Importance of Geology in Understanding Biological Decline in a Modern Reef Ecosystem: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 000-046, 4 p., 1 Plate.

  • Lidz, B.H., 2000, Reefs, Corals, and Carbonate Sands: Guides to Reef-Ecosystem Health and Environment: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-164, 8 p., 1 Plate.

  • Lidz, B.H., and Hallock, P., 2000, Testing a multi-tiered stress-gradient model for risk assessment using sediment constituents from coral-reef environments (abs.): Carbonate Beaches 2000 Conference, An International Symposium on Geology, Petrology, Geography, Management, and Coastal Engineering of Carbonate Sand Beaches, Key Largo, Fla., Book of Abstracts (unpaginated).

  • Poppe, L.J., Knebel, H.J., Signell, R.P., List, J.H., Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Lewis, R.S., and DiGiacomo-Cohen, M.L., 2000, Sedimentary environments off Roanoke Point, New York, in southeastern Long Island Sound (abs.): Proceedings, 4th Biennial Long Island Sound Research Conference, November 1998, Connecticut Sea Grant Program, Groton, CT, p. 168.

  • Reich, C.D., Shinn, E.A., and Hickey, T.D., 2000, Sources and transport of nutrient-rich ground water to coral reef environments, Florida Keys, USA: 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, Abstracts, p. 274.

  • Schwab, W.C., Thieler, E.R., Denny, J.F., and Danforth, W.W., 2000, Seafloor sediment distribution off southern Long Island, New York: U.S. Geological Survey Electronic Open-File Report 00-243, 2 sheets, scale 1:275,000.

  • Shinn, E.A., and Holmes, C.W., 2000, Coral reefs and the threat of soil dust (abs.): 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, Abstracts, p. 77.

  • Shinn, E.A., Holmes, C.W., and Garrison, V., 2000, Transatlantic dust and ecosystem health/human health (abs.): 6th International Symposium on Metal Ions and Biology and Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico (paper was presented but abstract was received too late for publication in Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts).

  • Shinn, E.A., Holmes, C.W., Garrison, V., Griffin, D., Hayes, M., Betzer, P., and Merman, E., 2000, Effects of African dust on Holocene coral communities—Did it happen in the past? (abs.): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 7, p. A-256.

  • Shinn, E.A., Holmes, C.W., and Marot, M., 2000, Short-lived isotopes for investigation of microbially precipitated calcium carbonate: A new approach to the "whiting problem" (abs.): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 7, p. A-279.

  • Shinn, E.A., Smith, G.W., Prospero, J.M., Betzer, P., Hayes, M.L., Garrison, V., and Barber, R.T., 2000, African dust and the demise of Caribbean coral reefs: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 27, no. 19, p. 3029-3032.

  • Steyer, G.D., Courtemanche, R.P., Jr., and Johnston, J.B., 1999, The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act monitoring program: An application of science into management, in Magoon, O., ed., Coastal Zone '99: American Society of Civil Engineers, NY, p. 232-234.

  • Swarzenski, P.W., Martin, J.B., Cable, J.E., and Bowker, R., 2000, Quantification of submarine groundwater discharge to the Indian River Lagoon, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-492, 4 p.

  • Thieler, E.R., and Hammar-Klose, E.S., 2000, National assessment of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise: Preliminary results for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Coast: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-179, 1 sheet (36"x48" with multiple figures and a table).

  • Weir, J.R., Garrison, V., Shinn, E., and Smith, G.W., 2000, The relationship between gorgonian coral (Cnideria: Gorgonacea) diseases and African dust storms: 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, Abstracts, p. 78.

  • Yates, K., 2000, SHARQ Infested Waters: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-166, 2 p.

  • Yates, K., and Halley, R., 2000, Geochemical Productivity Monitoring in Florida Bay: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-361, 2 p.

  • Yates, K.K., and Halley, R.B., 2000, Reef production in a shallow, turbid environment (abs.): 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, Abstracts, p. 66.

  • Yates, K.K., and Robbins, L.L., 2000, Microbial cycling of inorganic carbon and calcium: Implications for isotope signatures in microbial carbonates (abs.): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 7, p. A-257.

Publications Sent to Geologic Division Publications Groups

  • Childs, J.R., Hart, P., Bruns, T.R., Marlow, M.S., and Sliter, R., High-resolution marine seismic reflection data from the San Francisco Bay area: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

  • Collie, J.S., and Valentine, P.C., Effects of bottom fishing on gravel habitats of Georges Bank: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, December 2000, Anchorage, AL.

  • Colman, S.M., Baucom, P.C., Bratton, J.F., Cronin, T.M., McGeehin, J.P., Willard, D., Zimmerman, A.R., and Vogt, P., Radiocarbon dating of Holocene sediments in Chesapeake Bay: Quaternary Research.

  • Cote, J.M., Hotchkiss, F., Martini, M.A., and Denham, C.R., Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data processing system manual: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

  • Dadisman, S.V., Hill, J.C., and Schwab, W.C., Archive of boomer subbottom data collected during U.S. Geological Survey MGNM 00014, central South Carolina, 13-30 March 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, CD-ROM.

  • Dadisman, S.V., Hill, J.C., and Schwab, W.C., Archive of datasonics SIS-1000 chirp subbottom data collected during U.S. Geological Survey cruise MGNM 00014, central South Carolina, 13-30 March 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, CD-ROM.

  • Geist, E.L., Complex earthquake rupture and local tsunamis: Journal of Geophysical Research.

  • Gelfenbaum, G., and Kaminsky, G., eds., Southwest Washington coastal erosion study workshop report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 00-439.

  • Halley, R.B., and Yates, K.K., Coral reef sediment dissolution in response to elevated atmospheric CO2: Letter to Nature.

  • Hapke, C.J., Geology and coastal hazards of northern Monterey Bay--Field trip guidebook: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 00-438.

  • Hill, J.C., Archive of water gun subbottom data collected during U.S. Geological Survey cruise SEAX 96004, New York Bight, 1 May—9 June, 1996: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-396, DVD.

  • Hill, J.C., Schwab, W.C., and Foster, D.S., Archive of boomer subbottom data collected during U.S. Geological Survey cruise DIAN 96040, Fire Island, New York, 4-24 September 1996: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 9 CD-ROMs.

  • Kvenvolden, K.A., and Lorenson, T.D., Global occurrences of gas hydrates: Proceedings, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 17-21 June 2001, Stavanger, Norway.

  • Kvenvolden, K.A., Global implications of natural gas hydrate (abs.): EUG XI Conference, European Union of Geosciences, 8-12 April 2001, Strasbourg, France.

  • Kvenvolden, K.A., Kolak, J.J., Hostettler, F.D., Rosenbauer, R.J., and Lorenson, T.D., Coastal tar residues of the State of California, USA (abs.): 20th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, 10-14 September 2001, Nancy, France.

  • Lorenson, T.D., and Kvenvolden, K.A., Hydrocarbon leakage and gas hydrate along the California continental margin (abs.): EUG XI Conference, European Union of Geosciences, 8-12 April 2001, Strasbourg, France.

  • Morton, R.A., Mapping shores and coastal terrain, in Schwartz, M., ed., Encyclopedia of Coastal Science: Kluwer Publisher.

  • Nealon, J.W., Dillon, W.P., ten Brink, U.S., Uchupi, E., Danforth, W.W., Roth, E.G., Acosta, J., Munoz, A., Palomo, R., and Van der Hilst, R., Tectonics of the Puerto Rico/Virgin Island microplate (abs.): Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 2000, Reno, NV.

  • Plumlee, G.S., Morton, R.A., Boyle, T.P., Medlin, J.H., and Centeno, J.A., An overview of mining-related environmental and human health issues, Marinduque Island, Philippines: Observations from a joint U.S. Geological Survey-Armed Forces Institute of Pathology reconnaissance field evaluation, May 12-19, 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-397, 44 p.

  • Poag, C.W., Meteorite mayhem in Old Virginia: The Virginia Explorer, 22 p.

  • Sallenger, A., Stockdon, H., Haines, J., Krabill, W., Swift, R., and Brock, J., Probabilistic assessment of beach and dune changes: Proceedings, International Conference on Coastal Engineering, October 2000, Sydney, Australia.

  • Stockdon, H., Holman, R., and Sallenger, A., Longshore variability of the coastal response to extreme storms (abs.): American Geophysical Union, 15-19 December 2000, San Francisco, CA.

  • Swarzenski, P.W., Martin, J.B., and Cable, J.E., Submarine groundwater discharge in upper Indian River Lagoon, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey WRIR from the Leaky Coastal Margins/KIG Workshop.

  • Swarzenski, P.W., Martin, J.B., Cable, J.E., and Bowker, R., Quantification of submarine groundwater discharge to the Indian River Lagoon, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

  • Swarzenski, P.W., Reich, C.D., Spechler, R.M., and Kindinger, J.L., Using multiple geochemical tracers to characterize the hydrogeology of the submarine spring off Crescent Beach, Florida (abs.): (SWICA) 1st International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers, 18-25 April 2001, Essaouira, Morocco.

  • Swarzenski, P.W., Reich, C.D., Spechler, R.M., Kindinger, J.L., and Moore, W.S., Using multiple geochemical tracers to characterize the hydrogeology of the submarine spring off Crescent Beach, Florida: Chemical Geology.

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MRIB: Ocean Geo-Library

Outreach Nat'l Geography Awareness Week


Lake Tahoe: "Wonders of the Universe" Calendar

Plymouth County Detention Center

African Dust

Bill Normark Interview

Rock Course for Teachers

Meetings Geologic Framework of U.S. Coastal & Marine Regions

Coastal Marsh Die-Back

Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion

Southeatern U.S. Benthic Habitat

Southern California Benthic Habitat

9th International Coral Reef Symposium

Gulf of Maine

Long Island Sound


Awards Distinguished Lecturer

Earthquake Hazards Video

Hapke Honored by CSBPA

Staff & Center News Senior Leadership Visit

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Suspension Modeling

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)