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National Education Association

0812collegeaffordability.jpgWe're Working to Make Higher Education Affordable

College costs are soaring while federal student aid lags. Whether 23 or 50, NEA members are struggling under the crushing weight of student loan debt. Meet Ben Redmond of Kentucky. He won NEA's “Got Tuition” video contest. Watch his innovative presentation and listen to his plans for solving the college affordability crisis.

Related Links:
square.gif Are soaring student loans scaring off tomorrow's teachers?
square.gif Here's help for those with student loan debt.

Find everything you need to know about NCLB, including updates on congressional action, timelines, definitions, the latest news, NEA members' experiences, and ways you can help improve the law.


Information for:
Support Professionals
College Students
Higher Ed Faculty & Staff
Retired Members

What's new in:
Professional Pay
Minority Community Outreach

C.L.E.A.N. Award Honors School Custodians

The NEA Health Information Network is recognizing the contributions custodians make to public health in their schools, communities, and profession. Five awards will be presented (one top recipient and four runners-up) at the 2009 NEA National ESP Conference in Orlando, Florida. The deadline to apply is December 10, 2008.

National Inclusive Schools Week, December 1-5

Great things happen in inclusive schools. The Inclusive Schools Network is a web-based resource for families and educators to share inclusive educational practices year round. You can become a partner!

Question of the Week:
Block Scheduling?

Block schedules versus timed periods. Which do you prefer and why? How do you make your school's prescribed schedule work for you?

NEA's blogs:

» Works4Me -- Tips for Educators
» Ed Notes -- From NEA Today
» Education Votes -- NEA News on the Election
» Joel Packer Has All the Answers -- NEA's NCLB Expert

take action
Urge Congress to provide the funding needed for great public schools.

NEA Member Benefits
NEA Marketplace
Teacher Toolkit
National Foundation for the Improvement of Education
NEA Health Information Network

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