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Funding Guidelines

Following is general guidance for those interested in applying for funding from the Displaced Children & Orphans Fund, Leahy War Victims Fund, or Victims of Torture Fund (DCOF/LWVF/VTF).


DCOF, WVF, and VTF projects are generally implemented through grants and cooperative agreements to domestic, foreign, or international nongovernmental organizations registered with USAID's Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation. Grantees work with host governments (usually the ministries responsible for health and social welfare), local NGOs capable of participating in implementation of the project, and other international agencies working with vulnerable children; war victims and people with disabilities; or the needs of torture survivors, their families, and communities.


Funds from DCOF/LWVF/VTF are usually transferred to USAID's overseas missions where grants and cooperative agreements are negotiated and managed. When circumstances preclude this type of arrangement (e.g., in countries with no USAID mission, with multiple country projects, etc.) programs are managed directly from USAID/Washington.


Proposals for programs can be solicited or unsolicited. Solicited tenders include Annual Program Statements (APS), Requests for Applications (RFA), and Requests for Proposals (RFP). Information on in-country solicitations can be obtained through the local USAID mission. General information on business opportunities available through USAID can be found at Current APSs and RFAs can be found at FedGrants (, the government-wide portal for grant opportunities.

Unsolicited concept papers can be submitted to USAID missions or to the DCOF/LWVF/VTF manager at the address listed above. Concept papers should be approximately five pages.

Selection Criteria

Although selection criteria for funding may vary from country to country and program to program, decisions for each fund are guided by a set of principles:

Displaced Children & Orphans Fund   Leahy War Victims Fund   Victims of Torture Fund
Programs address the needs of

- Children affected by armed conflict

- Street children

- Children with disabilities and/or

- Children otherwise separated from appropriate care-giving situations


- Yield the greatest impact for the children themselves

- Allow children to participate and make decisions

- Seek to address both the physical and emotional needs of families and children while respecting their religious and cultural practices
  - Focus on countries where need and potential for impact is the greatest

- Focus on cost-effectiveness and quality of service

- Emphasize orthopedic assistance within a framework of social and economic integration of the disabled

- Work with representatives of the disabilities community to strengthen country policies

- Develop local activities that can replicated

- Support the development of effective practices, appropriate technologies, and innovative programmatic approaches within a framework of direct assistance

- Include people with disabilities in developing and implementing activities

  - Need for recovery of individuals, families, and communities

- Cultural appropriateness

- Potential for restoring functionality is the greatest and improvements can be sustained

- Improvement in the function of clients (individuals, families, and communities)

- Treatment of the physical and psychological effects of torture.

Additionally, proposals for training and research will be considered.

For more information, contact:

DCOF/LWVF/VTF Technical Support Contract
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004
(202)789-1500 (ph), (202)789-1601 (fax)

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Thu, 05 May 2005 15:22:01 -0500