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Sierra Leone

Photo: A parade to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the U.N.'s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. Photo: A young boy was made to work as an “aide-de-camp” during the conflict. Photo: An 8-year-old ”“Kamajoh” with the Civil Defense Force in Moyamba, has been fighting since the age of 6. Photo: A 7-year-old victim of amputation by RUF rebels. Photo: A young man started fighting after rebels raided his village and killed both his parents. Photo: A 15-year-old boy recalls fighting to defend his village. Photo: A young woman who was captured by the RUF. Photo: A former combatant living in a safehouse in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

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Sierra Leone

Photo: A young man started fighting after rebels raided his village and killed both his parents.

"T.S." started fighting in 1992 after rebels raided his village, killed both his parents, and abducted him. The rebels told him that his "new job was to fight for freedom in Sierra Leone." Typically, they would carry out attacks at daybreak. "The big man" (unit commander) would inject the younger boys with cocaine or have them ingest gunpowder, which also acts as a stimulant, before such raids. After the raids, which often lasted an entire day, they were given "blue boats," a narcotic that would make them sleep for many hours. During the period that the rebels were in control, T.S. left his faction and found his way to a safehouse for ex-combatants. However, because he suffered from nightmares and was "urinating the bed," other ex-combatants teased and beat him, so he left and joined rebel forces again. This happened twice before he returned and signed an agreement to never again take up arms. T.S. wants to learn any trade that he can.

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Thu, 05 May 2005 14:49:31 -0500