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Children & War in Africa


Photo: A wall mural outside a military hospital in Luanda. Photo: A wall mural outside a military hospital in Luanda. Photo: A landmine victim begs in traffic in Central Luanda. Photo: A young girl participates in activities in Viana. Photo: Young war-displaced students on the outskirts of Luanda. Photo: A young girl cares for a 7-month-old whose parents were displaced  and unable to care for him. Photo: A young man learns to cook at a displaced center. Photo: A young mother and child at the Viana displaced children center. Photo: Local children play on an abandoned tank adjacent to the Save/Uk office in Huambo. Photo: A young woman with a child outside the Save the Children/Uk center. Photo: Grandparents care for their grandson. Photo: A wall mural depicting a typical village in Huambo, Angola.



Sierra Leone



During Angola's 16-years of civil war, an estimated 100,000 children were orphaned, and large numbers of children suffered the shock of attack, displacement, separation from parents, destruction of home, hunger, inadequate health care, and often crippling landmine-related accidents.

Photo: A young woman with a child outside the Save the Children/Uk center.
Source: Martin Lueders

Research completed by Christian Children's Fund in 2004 identified that in Huambo alone, approximately one in ten young people between eight and twenty-five were forcefully abducted at least once during the war. The boys were allocated to soldiers as their personal assistants; the girls provided logistics support services and accompanied the military attacks. Both girls and boys describe extreme physical hardship with long-term after-effects from their injuries.

USAID, through the Christian Children's Fund (CCF), has helped reintegrate more than 300,000 traumatized children in Angola through a variety of community organizations, non-governmental organizations, and government ministries. USAID-funded projects have provided training and follow-up guidance to 4,000 adults who help children come to terms with their war experiences. USAID also funds the Save the Children Fund of the United Kingdom (SCF-UK) in Angola. Given the years of conflict, a large number of children have become separated from their parents. USAID and Save the Children work with the Government of Angola to help document, trace, and reunite children with their families and to discourage the institutionalization of these children. NGOs, community organizations, and churches all serve as partners in reuniting families.

Learn more about USAID's current Displaced Children & Orphans Fund programs in Angola.

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Thu, 05 May 2005 14:49:20 -0500