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Manage Time Periods Tool:

Another requirement of RLCM is to specify time period(s) for a classification. These periods can range from a single day to decades. There is no minimum or maximum length for time periods, and no limit to the number of time periods. A time period can be modified at any time (Figures 8 and 9). The purpose of a time period is to provide a systematic method of organization, quality control, and more importantly, to allow for the assembly of land cover time series collections that can be accurately compared. An example of quality control is if you have selected the c.2000 time period and are viewing an image that falls outside that time period, RLCM will not allow the classification of those DGs falling on that image. Only images falling within the selected time period can be used to classify the DGs. To change the time period during classification, simply select the desired time period from the Time Period drop-down menu (Figure 1, Item 5). image
Figure 8: Time Period Dialog

Figure 9: Time period Create/Edit
Dialog Window

>NOTE: RLCM does not allow a time period's date range (maximum - minimum) to be smaller than the date values applied during classification. The only case in which a time period's date range can be freely modified is before any classifications have been applied to the DG.