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Scripts of the Radio Ads for Drinking Water Public Service Announcements

EPA is currently making updates to the radio ads below to reflect changes in contact information. Keep checking this page for updates.

For Granted - 30 second Radio

SFX:    Drip, Drip, Drip

ANNCR:  You drink it.

SFX:    Boiling water/steaming tea kettle

ANNCR:  Cook with it.

SFX:    Faucet on full, dishes clinking 

ANNCR:  It´s there every time you turn on the faucet.

MUSIC:  Up and under

ANNCR:  But what do you really know about your tap water?  Do you know where it comes from?  Or what´s in it?

You should.  And now you can. Your water supplier will soon be sending you a short, new report about your water.  Look for it in the mail. And when it comes, read it.

Don´t let this chance to learn about your drinking water go down the drain.


SFX:    Drain noise

ANNCR:  Learn more by calling your water supplier or EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). 

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Water Sayings - 30 second Radio

ANNCR:  We talk about water all the time.  We say our mouths water, and we don´t want to get into hot water and blood is thicker than water, and you can´t mix oil and water.

It´s not all talk- we´re even made of water.

MUSIC:  Up and under

ANNCR:  But what do you really know about your tap water?  Do you know where it comes  from?  Or what´s in it?

Chances are, you don´t.  But now you can.  Your water supplier will soon be sending you a short, new report about your drinking water. Look for it.  And when you get it, read it.  Because this report really holds water.


ANNCR:  Learn more by calling your water supplier or EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).

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Report Card (two different voices) - 30 second Radio

SFX:  Door slams shut, footsteps, keys drop on table

WOMAN:  Hi, I´m home.  Any mail today?

MAN:  Nothing too exciting. Just David´s report card and something from the water company.

WOMAN:  Another water bill? 

MAN:  I don´t know- ´didn´t open it.

SFX:  Paper rustling/envelope being torn open

WOMAN:  [not pleased] David´s report card could be better. [happier] But this is interesting.  The water company sent us a report about the quality of our tap water and where it comes from.

MAN:    And?

WOMAN:  Our water passed all its tests...unlike some people around here.

MUSIC:  Up and under

ANNCR:  You´ll also be receiving a short, new report about your tap water from your water supplier.  Look for it.  And when it comes, read it. 

For more information, call your water supplier or EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).


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En Espanol -- Water Sayings - 30 second Radio

Hablamos acerca del agua continuamente.  Decimos que se nos hace la boca agua.  Sabemos que la sangre es más espesa que el agua, y que no se puede mezclar aceite y agua.  Hasta estamos hechos de agua.

¿Pero sabe de donde viene su agua potable o lo que hay dentro de ella? Su proveedor de agua pronto le enviará un nuevo y breve informe sobre su agua potable.  Esté atento.  Y cuando lo reciba, lealo.

Enterese más llamando a su proveedor de agua o en el web al: www.epa.gov/safewater.

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En Espanol --  For Granted - 30 second Radio

Usted la toma.

Cocina con ella.

Está ahí cada vez que abre el grifo de agua.

¿Pero sabe de donde viene su agua potable o lo que hay dentro de ella?  Su proveedor de agua pronto le enviará un nuevo y breve informe sobre su agua potable.  Esperelo y cuando llegue, lealo.  No deje evaporar esta oportunidad de informarse sobre su agua potable.

Enterese mas llamando a su proveedor de agua o en el web al:

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