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Astrogeology Research Program

Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

Specifics of the Gazetteer


Coordinates listed in columns labeled "lat" and "long" are taken from the maps identified in columns "quad" and "map," or from digital images. Note that coordinates of features are updated from time to time as new control networks and image mosaics become available. For maps published by the USGS the field "quad" identifies the informal name of the map, and the field "map" lists the USGS map identification ("I" or "SIM") number. In identifying lunar maps published by the DMA or ACIC in the 1960s and early 1970s or Soviet maps of Venus published in 1985 and 1986, we use different systems of identification, as shown in the key below.

We identify the continent ("ct") and ethnic group ("et") of a name in order to compute and equalize international representation (see Abbreviations for Continents, Countries, and Ethnic Groups).

Names within brackets are not currently in use. These names have either been dropped or were never officially approved. Dropped names are shown in gray type and in brackets, and names that were never offically approved are shown in brown type and in brackets.

Column Classification and Codes

Label Description
P (planet)

Planet on which name is found (This field does not appear in the sort by planet and feature type.)

Key to Planet codes
Code Planet/System
A asteroid belt
E Earth
H Mercury (Hermes)
J Jupiter
M Mars
N Neptune
S Saturn
U Uranus
V Venus
Sa (satellite or asteroid) Satellite or asteroid on which name is found. An upper case letter in this field indicates that the feature name is located on the planet, not on a satellite.
Key to satellite codes
Code Satellite
am Amalthea
ar Ariel
ca Callisto
da Dactyl
de Deimos
di Dione
en Enceladus
ep Epimetheus
er Eros
eu Europa
ga Ganymede
gs Gaspra
hy Hyperion
ia Iapetus
id Ida
io Io
it Itokawa
ja Janus
m Moon
M Mars with planetographic latitude and west longitude
ME Mars with planetocentric latitude and east longitude
ma Mathilde
mi Mimas
mr Miranda
ne Nereid
ob Oberon
pe Phoebe
ph Phobos
pr Proteus
pu Puck
rh Rhea
ss small satellites of Uranus
te Tethys
th Thebe
tn Titan
ti Titania
tr Triton
um Umbriel
name (feature name) As spelled by honoree or by reference shown in Sources of Planetary Names; brackets indicate that the name has been dropped or was never officially approved. This field shows the names with the diacritical marks.
name (legacy) This field shows the names with the codes that represent the diacritical marks.
clat ( center latitude) Latitude of center of feature. Positive numbers indicate that the feature is located in the northern hemisphere, and negative numbers indicate that the feature is located in the southern hemisphere.
clon (center longitude) Longitude of center of feature. Degrees 0 to 360 in an east or west system. On the Moon, positive longitude values indicate east longitudes, and negative values indicate west longitudes.
slat (starting latitude) Starting latitude of feature. Positive numbers indicate that the feature is located in the northern hemisphere, and negative numbers indicate that the feature is located in the southern hemisphere.
elat (ending latitude) Ending latitude of feature. Positive numbers indicate that the feature is located in the northern hemisphere, and negative numbers indicate that the feature is located in the southern hemisphere.
slon (starting longitude) Starting longitude of feature. Degrees 0 to 360 in an east or west system. On the Moon, positive longitude values indicate east longitudes, and negative values indicate west longitudes.
elon (ending longitude) Ending longitude of feature. Degrees 0 to 360 in an east or west system. On the Moon, positive longitude values indicate east longitudes, and negative values indicate west longitudes.
diam (diameter) Diameter or longest dimension of feature in kilometers.
ct (continent) Continent or large geographic division that is origin of name (see Abbreviations for Continents, Countries, and Ethnic Groups).
et (ethnic/cultural group or country) Country or ethnic group that is origin of name (see Abbreviations for Continents, Countries, and Ethnic Groups).
map (map number) USGS, Soviet, or Defense Mapping Agency number of map.
quad (map name) Informal name of map; planet or satellite abbreviation or number, or abbreviation of map name.
as (approval status)

Number indicates IAU level of approval:

Key to Approval Level Codes
Code Approval Level
1 Proposed (not currently used)
2 Task Group approval (not currently used)
3 WGPSN approval (not currently used)
4 Executive Committee approval (not currently used)
5 Adopted by IAU
6 Dropped, no longer in use
7 Never approved by the IAU
ad (approval date) Date when name was adopted. Starting in mid-September 2006, complete dates are recorded (YYYY-MM-DD). Before mid-September 2006, only the approval year was recorded.
ref (reference) Reference from which spelling and origin information were derived (see Sources of Planetary Names).
ft (feature type) Latin or Greek descriptor term (see Descriptor Terms (Feature Types)).
origin Short explanation of name.

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