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Astrogeology Research Program

Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

References Cited

Antoniadi, E. M., 1930, La Planéte Mars, pl. 2-5: Paris, Librairie Scientifique Herman et Cie., 239 p.

Arthur, D.W.G., Agnieray, A.P., Horvath, R.A., Wood, C.A., and Chapman, C.R., 1963, The system of lunar craters, quadrant I: Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, v. 2, no. 30, p. 71-78, 4 unnumbered appendixes, and 12 unnumbered maps.

_____ 1964, The system of lunar craters, quadrant II: Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, v. 3, no. 40, p. 1-59 and 12 unnumbered maps.

Arthur, D.W.G., Agnieray, A.P., Pellicori, R.H., Wood, C.A., and Weller, T., 1965, The system of lunar craters, quadrant III: Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, v. 3, no. 50, p. 61-62, catalogue p. 1-146 and 12 unnumbered maps.

Arthur, D.W.G., Pellicori, R.H., and Wood, C.A., 1966, The system of lunar craters, quadrant IV: Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, v. 5, no. 70, catalogue p. 1-208 and 12 unnumbered maps.

Batson, R.M., and Russell, J.F., editors, 1995, Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature 1994, 295 p.

Blagg, Mary, and Müller, Karl, 1935, Named lunar formations: London, Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd., 196 p.

International Astronomical Union, 1922, Transactions of the International

Astronomical Union, Rome, May 12-20, 1922: London, Imperial College Bookstall, v. 1, p. 52-53.

_____ 1960, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Moscow, August 12-20, 1958: Cambridge University Press, v. 10, pl. 1, p. 262.

_____ 1971, Commission 17: The Moon, in Proceedings of the 14th General Assembly, Brighton, 1970: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, v. 14B, p. 138-145.

_____ 1977, Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature, in Proceedings of the 16th General Assembly, Grenoble, 1976: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, v. 16B, p. 321-369.

Masursky, Harold, and others, 1986, Annual gazetteer of planetary nomenclature: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-692.

Schiaparelli, G.V., 1879, Osservazioni astronomiche e fisiche sull'asse di rotazione e sulla topografia del pianeta Marte, in Atti della R. Accademia del Lincei, Memoria della cl. di scienze fisiche. Memoria 2, ser. 3, v. 10, 1880-81, p. 281-387.

de Vaucouleurs, Gerard, Blunck, Jürgen, Davies, Merton, Dollfus, Audouin, Koval, I.K., Kuiper, G.P., Masursky, Harold, Miyamoto, S., Moroz, V.I., Sagan, Carl, and Smith, Bradford, 1975, The new Martian nomenclature of the International Astronomical Union: Icarus, v. 26, p. 85-98.

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