Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Evaluation of Rural ITS Information Systems Along U.S. 395, Spokane, Washington


The FHWA funded the Washington State DOT to install various ITS technologies in the mostly rural and mountainous region north of Spokane, Washington to the Canadian border. These system components are intended to facilitate collecting and communicating information to commercial vehicle operators, public motorists, and maintenance crews concerning current weather conditions, road surface conditions, border crossings, floods, slide areas, and other information necessary to assist roadway users in making informed travel decisions. The availability of traveler information regarding accidents, construction activities, road weather conditions, and flooding events has been limited in this region. Prior to the ITS earmark project there was limited availability of traveler information outside the immediate Spokane area. The concept underlying this project is that with better rural road condition information, commercial and public travelers will be able to make better decisions regarding their trip timing, route selection, and preparedness leading to a more efficient and safer transportation system. In addition, road maintenance crews and system operators will be able to more efficiently manage the transportation facilities for which they are responsible. This report describes the independent evaluation of this project in order to better determine and document the benefits of such rural road weather and traveler information ITS deployments.


U.S. DOT ITS Joint Program Office; Prepared by Battelle and Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc.

Date: 2004


Battelle and Meyer, Mohaddes Associates


Traveler information

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Office of Operations