Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Federal, State and Local Transportation Financial Statistics for FY 1982-1992 Now Available

DOT 147-95
BTS Product Line

Thursday, September 7, 1995 -- The Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) today released the report Federal, State, and Local Transportation Financial Statistics, Fiscal Years 1982-1992, which details transportation-related revenues and expenditures by mode and government jurisdictions.

The report also identifies which transportation expenditures are paid directly by users and the degree to which transportation expenditures are covered by user charges and transportation-related collections. In addition, it presents financial trends through time series data on government transportation-related program revenues and expenditures.

Dr. T. R. Lakshmanan, Director of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, said, "A considerable amount of funds are transferred among the three levels of government -- federal, state and local. These intergovernmental transfers represent a substantial revenue source for state and local governments and significant expenditures for federal and state governments."

Highlights of some trends emerging from these data include the following:

  • The greatest share of public revenues, by order of magnitude, we're generated by the highway, air and transit programs.
  • States funded the largest share of the highway program, while local governments carried the burden for transit and water., Federal funding was the greatest source of revenues for the air and pipeline safety programs.
  • The highway program generated the most revenues and expenditures of all the modes and has been consistently and substantially user financed. The state motor fuel tax contributed the most toward highways, and out of all the modes the most grants went to highways.
  • The air mode has also been consistently and substantially user financed. In addition, government revenues and expenditures for air have grown the fastest among all modes.

Future plans for this report call for an expanded data set in order to increase the scope of the report. In addition, the information contained in this report is expected to be released in electronic format by the end of this year. A related publication, Federal Transportation Financial Statistics, Fiscal Years 1984-94, to be published by BTS by the end of the year, will provide more detailed federal level information on receipts and expenditures.

This report is the eleventh in a series. BTS has assumed responsibility for publication of this document, which was formerly prepared by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Office of Economics.

To order a copy of Federal, State, and Local Transportation Financial Statistics, Fiscal Years 1982-1992, or for further information, contact BTS at (202) 366-DATA. or by fax on (202) 366-3640.

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