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The Federal Investment in Highway Research, 2006-2009: Strengths and Weaknesses

TRB has released the prepublication version of TRB Special Report 295, The Federal Investment in Highway Research, 2006-2009: Strengths and Weaknesses.  The report, produced by TRB’s Research and Technology Coordinating Committee, assesses how well the investments that Congress made in research programs through the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users comply with the principles articulated in the preface to the act’s research title.  The report contains findings and recommendations about specific research programs and calls for reliance on competition and merit review in awarding funds through the Federal Highway Administration and in selecting institutions for the University Transportation Centers program of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration.

A four-page summary of the report is also available.

Date Posted: 11/04/2008

Type: Recently Released TRB Publications

Subjects: Highways, Administration and Management, Research
TRB Publication: TRB Special Report #295
TRT Terms: Federal government, Investments, Return on investment, Research, Government funding
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