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USGS Hosts WETMAAP Workshops for Teachers

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Teachers study maps and aerial photographs of Weedon Island Preserve at WETMAAP Workshop.
Wetland education: Teachers study maps and aerial photographs of Weedon Island Preserve at WETMAAP Workshop.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) geographer Larry Handley recently taught two WETMAAP (Wetland Education Through Maps and Aerial Photography) Workshops at the Florida Marine Research Institute in St. Petersburg, FL. Copresenters were Kathryn Smith (USGS, St. Petersburg, FL), Catherine Lockwood (Chadron State College, Nebraska), and USGS volunteer Nathan Handley.

WETMAAP integrates wetland issues into existing curriculums by introducing educators and students to wetland habitats, functions, and values; wetland mapping; digital data bases; and geographic-information-system (GIS) technologies. At the recent workshops, 44 teachers studied maps and aerial photographs of the Weedon Island Preserve along the Tampa Bay shore to see the changes in seagrass habitat and land use between 1951 and 2002.

On September 13, Larry and the WETMAAP team will present a workshop at the USGS' National Wetlands Research Center (Lafayette, LA) for Louisiana educators, using maps and aerial photographs from Avery Island, home of the internationally known Tabasco® pepper sauce. Avery Island is a rounded hill formed by cylindrical plugs of salt that have risen near the surface and formed a "salt dome." This dome, one of five such geologic formations in southern Louisiana, is one of the Gulf Coastal Plain's outstanding features, rising over 100 feet above the marshlands. Including Weedon Island Preserve and Avery Island, WETMAAP has 14 study sites in eight States.

Related Web Sites
Wetland Education Through Maps and Aerial Photography (WETMAAP)
cooperative educational Web site
National Wetlands Research Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI)
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)