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Activists Shutdown Livestock Production

Because the regulatory scheme in many states does not allow local governments to zone agriculture out of existence, many activist groups are angling for any tactic that will work. read more »

Food Makers Slow to Cut Food Costs

Food makers raised their prices, blaming higher raw commodity prices. So, now that several commodities cost less, why have the high retail food prices stuck around? read more »

‘The Man Who Fed the World’ Named Book of the Year

Leon Hesser tells the story of Dr. Norman Borlaug and the green revolution sparked by his research. read more »

Members to Gather in San Antonio

Farm Bureau members from across the nation are expected to attend the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 90th annual convention, Jan. 11-14, 2009, in San Antonio. read more »

Current News
Evidence of Commitment Needed for Continued WTO Talks
AFBF Opposes EPA-Proposed Tax on Livestock
‘The Man Who Fed the World’ Named Book of the Year
National Farm-City Week Kicks Off in Alabama
AFBF Urges Trade Votes During Lame Duck

State Roundup
   CSAs Help Consumers Eat Locally
     -Virginia Farm Bureau
  Christmas Poinsettias and the Holiday Experience
     -Kentucky Farm Bureau
  Dismal Pecan Harvest
     -Oklahoma Farm Bureau

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A Better Tool Needed for World Trade
The Doha Round, a multilateral trade negotiating system under the WTO, is stalled. With 153 member nations that must sign off on all trade deals, it is fairly easy to see why this tool needs improvement. continue »