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EDG Data Set Name Granule Shortname
MODIS/Terra Observation Pointers Daily L2G Global 1km SIN Grid Day MODPT1KD

Version Acquisition Range Science Quality Status
V003 August 29, 2002 (2002241) - October 7, 2002 (2002280) Provisional as of Nov 1, 2000
V004 February 24, 2000 (2000055) Validated Stage 1 as of October 31, 2000

Data Set Characteristics
Area = ~ 10° x 10° lat/long
Image Dimensions = 2 (1200x1200 row/column)
Average File Size = 16 MB
Resolution = 1 kilometer
Projection = Sinusoidal
Processing Level = 2G
Data Format = HDF-EOS
Science Data Sets (SDSs) = 5

Color Observation Coverage
Violet 0 to 10%
Sienna 11 to 20%
Purple 21 to 30%
Maroon 31 to 40%
Magenta 41 to 50%
Cyan 51 to 60%
Yellow 61 to 70%
Blue 71 to 80%
Green 81 to 90%
Red 91 to 100%

Color Granule Pointers
Red 1
Blue 2
Cyan 0
Black 255

Product Description
The MODIS Level 2 Gridded (L2G) land data storage methodology was developed to satisfy the diverse needs of the MODIS land product generation algorithms, to enable efficient processing and reprocessing of MODIS land products, to facilitate the development of terrestrial remote sensing algorithms and science using MODIS land data, and to provide users with the original sensed MODIS observations and their sub-pixel geolocation information.

The L2G data structure stores information concerning the Level 2 (L2) observations that fall within each Level 3 (L3) grid cell over a 24 hour (GMT) period. The measured L2 geophysical parameter and the sensing geometry information are stored for each observation. The observation coverage, the area of the intersection of the observation and each overlapping grid cell in the tile, is computed and stored in the MODPT1KD product. The original 1-km L2 product line and sample numbers of each observation are also stored. The images displayed represent day-mode L2G information acquired over the western coast of North America on June 9, 2000. The first image is of the observation coverage and the second contains the granule pointer, a pointer to the granule from which each observation was obtained. The observations stored in the L2G products are examined by the L3 processes to help extract the most relevant observations falling over each grid cell.

NOTE: The later versions of these products are validated, meaning that product uncertainties are well defined over a range of representative conditions. Although there may be later improved versions, these data are ready for use in scientific publications.

SDS Units Data Type -bit Fill
Multiply By
Scaling Factor
Number of Observations na 8-bit signed integer -1 0 - 127 na na
Observation coverage % 8-bit signed integer -1 0 - 100 0.01 5
Granule pointer na 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0 - 254 na na
Observation line number na 16-bit unsigned integer 65535 0 - 1199 na na
Observation sample number na 16-bit unsigned integer 65535 0 - 1199 na na

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EOS Data Gateway Search Tips
Data Center: LPDAAC
Sensor: MODIS
Dataset: MODIS/Terra Observation Pointers Daily L2G Global 1km SIN Grid Day
Geographic Extent: Type Lat/Long Range or Draw on Map
Temporal Extent: 2000-02-24 to present

Product Information
Product Description - Not Available
User Guide - Not Available
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) - See ATBD-MOD-28 Level 1A Earth Location
MODIS Standard Data Products Catalog - No description available for MODPT1KD
EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 1 (2000) - No description available for MODPT1KD

Contact Information
LP DAAC User Services
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS)
47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57198-0001

Phone: 605-594-6116
Toll Free:  866-573-3222

Fax: 605-594-6963
Email: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Web: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/modis/modpt1kdv4.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Monday, August 29, 2005
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