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USAID's Response: Environment

Improving Resource Management
USAID's goal is to strengthen the ability of the Government of Bangladesh and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to improve environmental and natural resources management. The model USAID will demonstrate is based on the following themes:

  • Re-linking people with natural ecosystems;
  • Re-linking terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to preserve biodiversity; and
  • Planning ahead for global climate change and biodiversity conservation.

To view the full plan, click here.

USAID's Approach to Managing Ecosystems

  • Views ecosystems in an integrated, comprehensive way that includes human use, living patterns, and population pressure and views biodiversity conservation as inherent to ecosystem management.
  • Focuses on long-term use and management of natural resources, balancing immediate increases in yield or income with long-term management of ecosystems and improves both biodiversity and sustainable production.
  • Builds upon our current efforts in floodplain ecosystem management and strong working relationship between NGOs and local communities.
  • Supports community-based ecosystems and natural resources management, working with the whole community and stakeholders.
  • Strengthens local capacity to manage and conserve natural resources and biodiversity effectively.
  • Strengthens Bangladesh's capacity to address climate change issues.

Wetlands Management
USAID's program aims at holistic, community-based management of the entire floodplain/wetlands ecosystem. Specific examples include environmentally-sound management of floodplain resources, such as fisheries, for a sustainable supply of food for the poor of Bangladesh. Through this project, USAID demonstrates to communities, local government and policy makers that a community approach to natural resource management and habitat conservation does work.

Conserving Tropical Forests
USAID has been working with the Government to establish a Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation under the auspices of the Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998. Recently, USAID began a tropical forest biodiversity conservation program. This program is for local communities living around protected areas (wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and game reserves). USAID will develop the capabilities of local resource management organizations to broker community agreements. Communities should understand and accept their responsibilities in jointly managing forest resources with the Forest Department. USAID will support:

  • local organizational mechanisms;
  • natural resources management investments and interventions;
  • stronger institutional skills and capabilities;
  • policies, plans, rules and regulations supporting resource management; and
  • alternative sources of incomes and jobs.

To view this program description, please click here.

United States Agency for International Development / Bangladesh
Madani Avenue, Dhaka Bangladesh
Phone: (880-2) 885-5500 Fax: (880-2) 882-3648

   Site created and maintained by the United States Agency for International Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Links to documents on other WWW sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

last modified:  February 27, 2008