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Estimating 2003 Building-Related Construction and Demolition Materials Amounts (PDF) (60 pp, 722K)
EPA530-R-09-002; March 2009
Provides information about the quantity of building-related C&D materials.

Characterization of Building-Related Construction and Demolition Debris in the United States (PDF) (94 pp, 1.2MB)
EPA 530-R-98-010; June 1998
Provides information about the quantity and composition of building-related C&D debris.

Industrial Materials Recycling: Managing Resources for Tomorrow | PDF Version (2 pp, 1.4MB)
Fact sheet addressing the importance of recycling industrial materials, including construction and demolition debris.

BioCycle Exit EPA magazine occasionally includes publications on C&D materials:

Building Deconstruction Consortium (BDC) Exit EPA resources include:

CIWMB’s Deconstruction Training Manual; Waste Management Reuse & Recycling at MatherField (PDF) (46 pp, 1.8MB) Exit EPA

Construction and Demolition Recycling Exit EPA magazine specializes in C&D debris coverage.

Recycling Construction Materials: An Important Part of the Construction Process Exit EPA; Kimberly Cochran, Ph.D and Nicole Villamizar in Construction Business Owner, June 2007.

Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings (PDF) (134 pp, 3.2MB) Exit EPA is a report to California’s Sustainable Building Task Force, a group of over 40 California state government agencies. Completed in October 2003, this study demonstrates that sustainable building is a cost-effective investment, and shows that it makes a good financial sense for communities across the country to “build green.”

Deconstruction: Building Disassembly and Material Salvage (PDF) (2 pp, 1.2MB)
Produced by NAHB Research Center, this brochure provides an overview of the economic and environmental benefits of deconstruction.

Deconstruction Guide for Military Installations Exit EPA

Deconstruction Institute’s A Guide to Deconstruction (PDF) (93 pp, 2.3MB) Exit EPA

Background Document for Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for Clay Brick Reuse and Concrete Recycling (PDF) (21 pp, 775K)

Institute for Local Self-reliance (ILSR) Exit EPA, a nonprofit organization, offers titles on reuse, recycling, solid waste management, and recycling-based economic development from ILSR’s Waste to Wealth Program including:

On-Site Grinding of Residential Construction Debris: The Indiana Grinder Pilot (PDF) (55 pp, 1.5MB)
Prepared by NAHB Research Center, this 1999 report documents a pilot project conducted to determine the feasibility of onsite grinding of clean wood, drywall, and cardboard waste from new residential construction as an alternative to conventional landfilling. The report includes information on how to identify and assess the major technological, economic, and environmental factors associated with the grinding technique.

Planning for Natural Disaster Debris (PDF) (94 pp, 1.9MB, About PDF) | Fact Sheet (PDF) (1 pg, 73K, About PDF) - This document is an update of “Planning for Disaster Debris” published by the EPA in 1995 (document EPA530-K-95-010). It's designed for local communities (including cities, counties, tribes, etc.) who are encouraged to create disaster debris management plans. Information is included on:

RCRA in Focus: Construction, Demolition, and Renovation (PDF) (24 pp, 1.4MB)
This report includes a chapter on C&D Debris (p. 3) and on Special Issues in C&D Debris (p. 7).

Recycling of Construction Debris as Aggregate in the Mid-Atlantic Region Exit EPA
Focuses on reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and portland cement concrete (RPCC). This document presents an overview of factors that affect recycled aggregate cost, availability, and engineering performance, and the results of a survey of business practices in the Mid-Atlantic region. Available from Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 42, Issue 3, October 2004, pp. 275-294.

Residential C&D Waste Guide Information Links Exit EPA

Tribal Waste Journal: Construction and Demolition Materials: Concrete Reasons to Manage Them Now (PDF) (24 pp, 748K)

The ABCs of C&D Debris: Tribal Construction and Demolition Debris Management Training Course
This training guide, developed by EPA and the Tribal Association for Solid Waste and Emergency Response, presents information, ideas, and lessons on how to manage C&D debris on tribal lands. It includes sections tribal specific issues, planning and funding, waste reduction, recycling, landfill disposal, waste screening, and safety.

Waste Management and Recovery—A Field Guide for Residential Remodelers:

WasteWise Update: Building for the Future (PDF) (16 pp, 2.2MB)
Covers reduction, reuse, and recycling of C&D materials, and the use of recycled, reused, and otherwise “resource-efficient” building products.

Selection of Methods for the Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling of Demolition Waste (PDF) (102 pp, 1.1MB) Exit EPA. Developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Unified Facilities Criteria, #UFC-1-1900-01, December 2002), this document provides guidance for recovery and recycling of building demolition waste and assists users in determining the most feasible methods for reducing C&D materials being disposed of in landfills.

US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory produces reports on C&D materials at Army installations:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Exit EPA produced two reports on deconstruction:

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