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V005 MODIS LST/Emissivity 8-Day CMG Quality Science Data Sets

The table below lists the bit field legend for the LST Quality Indicators. This information is excerpted from the file specifications for V005 MOD11C2 found at ftp://modular.nascom.nasa.gov/pub/LatestFilespecs/collection5/.

The QC science data sets in this product (QC_Day, QC_Night) provide the user with information on algorithm results that can be viewed in a spatial context for each pixel. The QC information tells if algorithm results were nominal, abnormal, or if other defined conditions were encountered for a pixel. The QC information should be used to help determine the usefulness of the LST data for a user's needs.  The QC information can be extracted by reading the flags stored in an 8-bit unsigned integer. See Table 1 below.

Table 1: LST Quality Indicators, Day and Night
NOTE:There is no FillValue for the QC SDS. This SDS should be used together with the LST SDS. If LST has FillValue 0, the 0-1 bits in QC have values of 10 or 11, other bit fields with 0 as undefined.

Bit No. Long Name Bit Comb. V005 MOD11C2 QC_DAY, QC_NIGHT
0-1 Mandatory QA Flags 00 LST produced, good quality, not necessary to examine more detailed QA
01 LST produced, other quality, recommend examination of more detailed QA
10 LST not produced due to cloud effects
11 LST not produced primarily due to reasons other than cloud
2 Data Quality Flag 0 Good data quality of L1B in 7 TIR bands
1 Other quality data
3 Terra/Aqua combined-use flag 0 No
1 Yes
4-5 Emis Error Flag 00 Average emissivity error <= 0.01
01 Average emissivity error <= 0.02
10 Average emissivity error <= 0.04
11 Average emissivity error > 0.04
6-7 LST Error Flag 00 Average LST error <= 1 K
01 Average LST error <= 2K
10 Average LST error <= 3K
11 Average LST error > 3K

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/modis/qa/mod11c2_qa_v5.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Wednesday, March 05, 2008
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