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C&D Research/Funding — Grant Opportunities

Federal Funding | State FundingPhoto showing three construction workers reviewing a set of plans.

The majority of funding for C&D materials management, recycling programs, and market development is at the state level. However, some Federal funding is available for research and the development of innovative approaches to address environmental challenges including those in the construction industry.

Federal Funding

EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) funds innovative pilot projects that demonstrate creative approaches to waste minimization, energy recovery, and recycling through the OSWER Innovations Initiative. This program encourages collaboration and partnership between EPA regional and headquarter program offices with co-regulators (i.e., Federal, State, interstate, intrastate, and local) and external stakeholders including public agencies and institutions, nonprofit private organizations, academia, and federally recognized Tribes. In 2004, the OSWER Innovations Initiative funded two projects specifically related to construction materials reuse:

Other OSWER Innovations Initiative projects include:

EPA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program is administered by the Agency's National Center for Environmental Research and Quality Assurance (NCERQA) in the Office of Research and Development. The Agency's SBIR Program solicits and funds research proposals that address EPA priority needs including solid waste management techniques. The goal is to promote technology innovation and commercialization. The Program is intended to spawn commercial ventures that improve our environment and quality of life, create jobs, increase productivity and economic growth, and enhance the international competitiveness of the U.S. technology industry. Generally, businesses with fewer than 500 employees are eligible to receive an SBIR award. Over the past several years, the SBIR Program has funded several projects related to the construction industry including:

EPA regional offices also provide grants to various organizations—such as nonprofits, tribes, universities, and other institutions—to encourage sustainable C&D debris management including C&D debris source reduction, deconstruction and recycling, waste screening, and safety. Examples of various projects funded at the regional level:

To learn more about grant/funding opportunities at the regional level, contact your EPA regional office. Many of the C&D materials regional Web sites provide summary information on regional projects/initiatives sponsored by each regional office.

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State Funding

State agencies typically provide the majority of funding for C&D materials management and recycling. Some states have recycling market development programs that offer additional financial assistance. Contact your state agency for specific information on grant/funding opportunities.

Examples of C&D materials management projects funded at the state level:

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