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Compare two pvl files

Overview Parameters Example 1 Example 2


This program will compare two PVL files with or without a tolerance. The purpose of this program is for application tests, that output a Pvl formatted file, to be able to specify tolerances in numerical values of keywords.



Steven Lambright2007-08-10 Original version

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input PVL file 1
FROM2 Input PVL file 2
DIFF Input PVL tolerance file
TO Differences

Files: FROM


Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.pvl *.txt
Close Window

Files: FROM2


Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.pvl *.txt
Close Window

Files: DIFF


This is used to specify tolerances between the two input file. If this file is not specified, the two Pvl files must match exactly. See Isis Application and Category Test How-to for information about the tolerance file.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default None
Filter *.pvl *.txt *.pvl.DIFF
Close Window

Files: TO


This will output the differences to a text file.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.txt
Close Window

Example 1

Basic Comparison


This example will cover doing a basic difference between two pvl files and how to interpret the results.

Command Line

pvldiff from=pvl1.pvl from2=pvl2.pvl
Differencing pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl

GUI Screenshot

Differencing two files

Running this program with pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl

This shows how to run this program to compare the two pvl files pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl.

Data Files

Links open in a new window.
pvl1.pvl This is the file used in the input parameter FROM. It will be compared with pvl2.pvl.
pvl2.pvl This is the file used in the input parameter FROM2. It will be compared with pvl1.pvl.

Output Image


The results from comparing pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl

This is the output after running this program on pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl. Since the input pvl files differed, it shows the first difference encountered. Notice it also says exactly where the difference was found and, if numerical, the tolerance.

Example 2

Basic Comparison With Tolerance


This example will cover doing a basic difference between two pvl files with a tolerance file.

Command Line

pvldiff from=pvl1.pvl from2=pvl2.pvl diff=tolerance.pvl
Differencing pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl

GUI Screenshot

Differencing two files

Running this program with pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl with tolerance

This shows how to run this program to compare the two pvl files pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl using a tolerance file.

Data Files

Links open in a new window.
pvl1.pvl This is the file used in the input parameter FROM. It will be compared with pvl2.pvl.
pvl2.pvl This is the file used in the input parameter FROM2. It will be compared with pvl1.pvl.
tolerance.pvl This is the file used in the input parameter DIFF. It specifies the tolerance for the two files.

Output Image


The results from comparing pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl

This is the output after running this program on pvl1.pvl and pvl2.pvl. The input pvl files differed, but not more than specified by the tolerance so the results came back identicle.