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Checks for validity of a Control Net file.

Overview Parameters


Checks for the validity of a Control Net file given a cube list. Its primary function is to check and find islands of the Control Net. These islands are then written to seperate files, which lists the cubes and their corresponding serial number. If a serial number's cube is not listed in the input list, than that cube will NOT be listed within the appropriate island file. If an island file is missing altogether, it is due to the fact that all of that islands cubes were not listed in the input list. cnetcheck should be ran from the directory you wish for the output files to be written to.



Christopher Austin2008-07-09 Original version
Steven Lambright2008-07-10 Fixed output files to only show filenames and usage of c_str.
Christopher Austin2008-07-28 Fixed NoLatLon option.
Christopher Austin2008-08-01 Added Control Point IDs to the NoLatLon flat file.

Parameter Groups

Input Files

Name Description
LIST List of ISIS3 input cubes in the match point file.
CONTROL Isis3 input control network file

Output Options

Name Description
PREFIX Outputs results
NOMATCH Check for listed Cubes which do not exist in the Control Net.
NOCUBE Checks for cubes in the Control Net but not listed.
SINGLE Check for Control Points with only a single Control measure.
DUPLICATE Check for Control Points with the same cube in multiple Control Measures.
NOLATLON Check for cubes which cannot compute latitudes and longitudes.

Input Files: LIST


A text file containing one column of ISIS3 cube file names. Every file used in the match point file should be represented in this list.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.lis, *.txt, *.lis
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Input Files: CONTROL


Use this parameter to specify the control network file containing the information to be validated

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.ctl, *.pvl, *.net
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Output Options: PREFIX


The result of the validity check is placed in output files with the given prefix.

Type string
File Mode output
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Output Options: NOMATCH


When true, a file named [PREFIX]NoMatch.txt will be created, which will list all of the cubes, and their corresponding Serial Number which do not exist within the provided Control Net. If there are no such cubes, then no file is created.

Type boolean
Default True
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Output Options: NOCUBE


When true, a file named [PREFIX]NoCube.txt will be created, which will list all of the Serial Numbers in the given Control Net which do not have a corresponding Cube in the proveded List. If there are no such Serial Numbers, then no file is created.

Type boolean
Default True
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Output Options: SINGLE


When true, a file named [PREFIX]SinglePointCubes.txt will be created, which will list all of the Cubes which exist as a single Control Measure in a Control Point within the provided Control Net. If there are no such singe Control Measures, then no file is created.

Type boolean
Default True
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Output Options: DUPLICATE


When true, a file named [PREFIX]DuplicateMeasures.txt will be created, which will list all of the cubes which exist in more than one Control Measure in a single Control Point within the provided Control Net. If there are no such duplicate Control Measures, then no file is created.

Type boolean
Default True
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Output Options: NOLATLON


When true, a file named [PREFIX]NoLatLon.txt will be created, which will list all of the serial numbers which are within the given Control Net and listed in the input list which cannot compute a latitude and longitude. These serial numbers will be followed by the Control Point IDs in which they could not compute their latitudes and longitudes. If there are no such serial numbers, then no file is created. Note: This option is very time consuming.

Type boolean
Default True
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