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Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit:
2002 Conditions and Performance Report

Exhibit 12-7:

Percent of STRAHNET Routes Under Bridges with Clearance Greater Than 16 Feet, 1995-2000

Exhibit 12-7

Exhibit 12-7 is a chart that shows the percent of STRAHNET routes under bridges with clearance greater than 16 feet from 1995 to 2000. The vertical axis measures percentages from 66 to 72 in increments of 1 percent. The horizontal axis measures each year from 1995 to 2000. 68.6 percent of STRAHNET routes went under bridges with a clearance greater than 16 feet in 1995, 67.9 in 1996, 69.5 in 1997, 69.4 in 1998, 70.4 in 1999, and 70.8 in 2000.
Source: FY 2003 FHWA Performance Plan.

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