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Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter - Coastal Science and Research News from Across the USGS
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Publications Listing

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Recently Published Articles

  • Brock, J.C., Chavez, P., Andrefouet, S., Palandro, D., Muller-Karger, F., and Wright, C.W., 2001, Evaluation of airborne and satellite remote sensing for coral reef studies [abs.]: Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC) Scientific Meeting, 30th, La Parguera, Puerto Rico, June 24-29, 2001, p. 11.

  • Brock J., Duffy, M., Krabill, W., Harris, M., Moore, L., and Sallenger, A., 2001, USGS-NPS-NASA research on coastal change and habitats within U.S. National Seashores [abs.]: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition Abstracts, v. 33, no. 6, p. A-165.

  • Brock, J., Krabill, W., Duffy, M., Sallenger, A., and Wright, C.W., 2001, A demonstration of lidar metrics analysis and barrier island morphodynamic classification, north Assateague Island, Maryland [abs.]: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition Abstracts, v. 33, no. 6, p. A-320.

  • Brock, J., and Nayegandhi, A., 2001, Creation of a processing system to enable wide application of coastal NASA airborne topographic mapper lidar data [abs.]: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), Measuring the Earth—Digital Elevation Technologies and Applications Conference Abstracts and Program, St. Petersburg, FL, p. 10.

  • Brock, J.C., Sallenger, A.H., Krabill, W.B., Swift, R.N., and Wright, C.W., 2001, Identification and mapping of barrier island vegetation with NASA airborne topographic mapper lidar surveys: International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, 5th, San Francisco, September 17-20, 2001, Proceedings, 8 p.

  • Brock, J.C., Sallenger, A.H., Krabill, W.B., Swift, R.N., and Wright, C.W., 2001, Recognition of fiducial surfaces in lidar surveys of coastal topography: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 67, no. 11, p. 1245-1258.

  • Brock, J.C., and Wright, C.W., 2001, An optical model for coral reef mapping based on compound remote sensing, Biscayne National Park, Florida, USA [abs.]: 2001 Florida Bay Science Conference Abstracts and Program, Key Largo, FL, p. 3-4.

  • Brock, J.C., and Wright, C.W., 2002, An approach to merging remote sensing with in situ monitoring in assessing the status of coral reef ecosystems [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 83, no. 4 (Ocean Sciences Meeting supp.), Abstract OS21F-105.

  • Dvorkin, J., Helgerud, M.B., Waite, W.F., Kirby, S.H., and Nur, A., 2000, Introduction to physical properties and elasticity models, chap. 20 of Max, M.D., ed., Natural gas hydrate in oceanic and permafrost environments: Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 245-260.

  • Griffin, D.W., Kellogg, C.A., Peak, R.R., and Shinn, E.A., 2001, A rapid and efficient assay for extracting DNA from fungi: Letters in Applied Microbiology, v. 34, no. 3, p. 210-214.

  • Harris, C.K., and Butman, B., 2002, Sediment redistribution in the New York Bight; influence of wind-forced currents, energetic waves, and topography [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 83, no. 4 (Ocean Sciences Meeting supp.), p. OS55.

  • Karl, H.A., Chin, J.L., Ueber, Edward, Stauffer, P.H., and Hendley, J.W., II, 2001, Beyond the Golden Gate—oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1198, 78 p., CD-ROM with extended articles.

  • Keeley, J.E., 2002, Fire and invasive species in Mediterranean-climate ecosystems of California, in Galley, K.E.M., and Wilson, T.P., eds., Proceedings of the Invasive Species Workshop; the Role of Fire in the Control and Spread of Invasive Species; Fire Conference 2000—the First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Management: Tallahassee, FL, Tall Timbers Research Station Miscellaneous Publication 11, p. 81-94.

  • Keeley, J.E., 2002, Fire management of California shrubland landscapes: Environmental Management, v. 29, p. 395-408.

  • Manheim, F.T., Krantz, D.E., Snyder, D.S., and Sturgis, B., 2002, Streamer resistivity surveys in Delmarva coastal bays: Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP) Workshop, Las Vegas, NV, February 10-13, 2002, paper 13GSL5, 17 p.

  • Marincioni, F., and Hotchkiss, F., 2002, Marine Realms Information Bank, a distributed geolibrary for the ocean [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 83, no. 4 (Ocean Sciences Meeting supp.), p. 0S322 (URL:

  • Moore, L.J., Jol, H.M., Vanderburg, S., Kaminsky, G., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2001, Linkages between shoreline progradation and climate, southwest Washington [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 82, no. 47, supp., p. F1132.

  • Nelson, C.H., Damuth, J.E., Olson, H.C., and Twichell, D.C., 2002, Comparison of modern intraslope mini-basins to deep-sea fan turbidite systems in the Gulf of Mexico [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, March 10-13, 2002, v. 11, p. A129.

  • Poppe, L.J., Commeau, J.A., and Luepke, Gretchen, 2001, Silt heavy-mineral distributions in the Rio Cibuco system and adjacent rivers of north-central Puerto Rico, in Bawiec, W.J., compiler, Geology, geochemistry, geophysics, mineral occurrences and mineral resource assessment for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-38, CD-ROM.

  • Rendigs, R.R., and Bothner, M.H., 2002, Temporal changes in grain size and organic-mineral aggregate in surficial sediments near the Massachusetts Bay outfall site: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-499, 47 p.

  • Twichell, D.C., Cross, V.A., and Rudin, M., 2002, Mapping turbidites in Lake Mead from source to sink [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, March 10-13, 2002, v. 11, p. A179-180 (URL:

  • Waite, W.F., Helgerud, M.B., Nur, A., Pinkston, J.C., Stern, L.A., Kirby, S.H., and Durham, W.B., 2000, Laboratory measurements of compressional and shear wave speeds through methane hydrate, in Holder, G.D., and Bishnoi, P.R., eds., Gas hydrates, challenges for the future: New York Academy of Sciences Annals, v. 912, p. 1003-1009.

  • Ware, J., Frye, D., Hogg, N., Koshi, P., Butman, B., and Martini, M., 2002, Acoustically linked ocean observatories; initial results from three installations [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 84, no. 4 (Ocean Sciences Meeting supp.), p. OS75.

Publications Submitted for Director's Approval

  • Brock, J.C., Wright, C.W., Sallenger, A.H., Krabill, W.B., and Swift, R.N., Airborne laser sensing for coastal studies I—basis and methods: Journal of Coastal Research.

  • Deusser, R., and Schwab, W.P., Woods Hole Field Center, Sea-Floor Mapping Facilities: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.

  • Griffin, D.W., Drinking water, microbiology and homeland defense: Water Conditioning and Purification Magazine.

  • Hart, P.E., and Cooper, A.K., U.S. Geological Survey gas hydrate studies in the northern Gulf of Mexico [abs.]: Methane Hydrates Interagency R&D Conference, Washington, D.C., March 20-22, 2002, Proceedings.

  • Hirata, Kenji, Geist, E.L., Satake, Kenji, and Tanioka, Yuichiro, Slip distribution of the 1952 Tokachi-Oki earthquake (M8.1) along the Kuril trench deduced from tsunami waveform inversion: Journal of Geophysical Research.

  • Hoare, A.M., Hallock Muller, P., Lidz, B.H., Reich, C.D., and Shinn, E.A., Analysis of Biscayne Bay sediments—do benthic foraminifera of the bay reflect trace metal contamination?: Benthic Ecology Conference sponsored by Florida State University, March 22-24, 2002, Orlando, FL.

  • Holmes, C.W., Robbins, J.A., Reddy, R.A., Neuman, S.A., and Marot, M., The effect of phosphorous-enriched waters on the timing and rate of cattail growth in the northern Florida Everglades: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 28-31, 2002.

  • Holmes, C.W., Willard, D.A., Weimer, L.M., and Marot, M.E., Changes of the sub-aquatic ecosystem in northeastern Florida Bay due to the hydrologic changes in the southern Everglades: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 28-31, 2002.

  • Hutchinson, D., U.S. Geological Survey research in gas hydrates: U.S. Department of Energy Newsletter.

  • Lidz, B.H., Reich, C.D., and Shinn, E.A., Late Quaternary evolution of recurring coral reef ecosystems, South Florida—a regional synthesis with global perspectives: Geological Society of America Bulletin.

  • Lidz, B.H., Reich, C.D., and Shinn, E.A., Regional submarine geomorphology and implications for land loss in the Florida Keys: Geological Society of America Bulletin.

  • McQuarrie, Megan, and Hibbeler, Lori, Pollution and waste disposal, Los Angeles shelf—predicting the fate of contaminants: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet.

  • Multer, H.G., Gischler, E., Lundberg, J., Simmons, K.R., and Shinn, E.A., The Key Largo Limestone revisited—Pleistocene shelf-edge facies, Florida Keys, USA [abs.]: Sediment 2002 Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, May 29-31, 2002.

  • Multer, H.G., Gischler, E., Lundberg, J., Simmons, K.R., and Shinn, E.A., Key Largo Limestone revisited—Pleistocene shelf-edge facies, Florida Keys, USA: Facies.

  • Nealon, J.W., Dillon, W.P., Danforth, W.W., and O'Brien, T.F., Deep towed chirp profiles of the Blake Ridge collapse structure collected aboard the R/V Cape Hatteras in 1992 and 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-123, CD-ROM.

  • Poag, C.W., Tsunamis and hypercanes; late-stage impact depositional systems at Chesapeake Bay Crater: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 28-31, 2002.

  • Poppe, L.J., Paskevich, V.F., Hathaway, J.C., and Blackwood, D.S., A digital compilation of x-ray powder diffraction methods [abs.]: Clay Minerals Society Annual Meeting, 39th, Boulder, CO, June 8-13, 2002.

  • Rubin, D.M., Topping, D.J., and Schmidt, J.C., Grand Canyon sediment update: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions).

  • Snow-Cotter, S., Todd, B., Valentine, P.C., and Noji, T., Mapping the Gulf of Maine; building the link between marine geology and benthic habitat to improve ocean management [abs.]: Canadian Coastal Zone Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, June 2002.

  • Takahashi, Hiroaki, and Hirata, Kenji, The 2000 Nemuro-Hanto-Oki earthquake, off eastern Hokkaido, Japan—a key to solving the fault plane problem of the 1994 Kuril earthquake (Mw8.3): Journal of Geophysical Research.

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Gas-Hydrate Research Wells Completed

Moloka'i Coral Reef Sediment

Research Role of Parasites in Ecosystems

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Prairie Restoration

Marine Science Day

Marine Environmental Careers Symposium

Students Visit Woods Hole

Congressional Briefing on Wetlands

Woods Hole Science Fairs

Talks—DOE and College of William and Mary

Meetings Netherlands Sediment-Transport Collaboration

Sediment-Transport Modeling

Tampa Bay Estuary Tour

Awards Monterey Bay Research Award

Staff & Center News Japanese Land-Management Team Visits St. Pete

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)