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Gender Equality in Education: Publications

The publications below are listed by region and country, and then in alphabetical order by title.



Advancing basic education and literacy project, phase 2 [ABEL 2] : final report
08/01/2000 (83KB)

The Advancing Basic Education and Literacy (ABEL2) project was a five-year activity managed by a consortium of organizations headed by the Academy for Educational Development (AED). ABEL2 activities aimed at expanding access to and improving the quality of basic education, early childhood education, and non-formal education for out-of-school youth and adults. Among other areas, ABEL2 concentrated on increasing girls’ participation in basic education; Creative Associates International, Inc. (CAII) led the efforts in this area.

Comptes rendus : symposium sur l'education des filles -- faits, problemes, actions [: 17-18 mai, 2000, Washington, DC,US]
01/01/2000 (821KB)

This French-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Educating girls : a map to context analysis
11/01/2000 (1.7MB)

This document, produced by the Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) project, describes how to create a context analysis, which is used to identify the status and condition of girls' educational participation, the factors affecting them, and their solutions. The document provides four steps needed for creating a context analysis -- statistical landscape analysis, classroom observation, policy analysis and assessment, and focus groups -- and presents an investigative map that illustrates the "landscape" of the context of girls' education.

EQUATE Technical Briefs: Gender, Education, and HIV/AIDS
09/20/2007 (42KB)

This technical brief examines the relationship between gender disparities and the spread of HIV/AIDS. It also offers suggestions for USAID staff and implementing partners on designing appropriate education sector strategies for mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS by addressing gender inequality.

Gender Equality Framework
05/01/2008 (156KB)

This document introduces a simple framework within which often misunderstood terms and concepts are reviewed in easily understood terminology. The Gender Equality Framework is based on the results from USAID education program assessments conducted during the past decade that revealed the need for a tool to help USAID move education programming toward achieving gender equality. The framework was developed and introduced by the EQUATE project with support from the USAID Office of Women in Development and in consultation with USAID education staff, implementing partners, and other stakeholders.

Gender Equality in Education: a Dynamic Framework
09/20/2007 (142KB)

This is a visual framework that demonstrates how to address the various elements of gender equality.

Girls' and women's education [GWE] project : quarterly & final report, January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2003
04/01/2003 (24KB)

Girls' education and crises
05/01/2001 (830KB)

This document summarizes the results of an examination of various types of crises, including severe economic downturn, epidemic disease, and internal conflict, on the participation of girls in primary schooling. It summarizes the general trends in girls' education across the countries that have received USAID assistance over the last 30 years, discusses the principal findings regarding girls' education in these countries during periods of crisis, and draws implications from these findings. The document was produced under the Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS) project.

Glossary of Gender Terms
09/20/2007 (321KB)

This is a one-page glossary of common terms related to gender integration and equity.

Multisectoral strategies for advancing girls' education : principles and practice
06/01/2001 (3.3MB)

This review of multisectoral partnerships for girls' education focuses on the persistent need for support for girls' enrollment, attendance, and completion of basic education. The study profiles country programs in Guinea and Morocco and examines issues, strategies, and experiences for developing successful multisectoral partnerships to advance girls' education. The two case studies validate the Office of Women in Development's approach to mobilizing sectors and developing partnerships to support girls' education.

Multisectoral support of basic and girls' education
10/01/2000 (1.9MB)

This study provides an overview of how and to what extent the business, religious, and media sectors have supported girls' education in developing countries. The study provides a foundation for understanding these sectors' roles in and potential for supporting girls' education activities in poor countries. While the primary focus is on girls' basic education, the study also looks at basic education for all children and vocational training for girls and women.

Proceedings : symposium on girls' education -- evidence, issues, actions [: 17-19 May 2000, Washington, DC]
05/01/2000 (1.0MB)

This document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Proceedings : symposium on girls' education -- evidence, issues, actions [: 17-19 May 2000, Washington, DC] -- [Arabic version]
05/31/2000 (1.4MB)

This Arabic-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Rapport du suivi evaluation de l'execution des activites des plans d'actions communautaires et du programme d'encadrement des filles des APE et comite de gestion des PVO et ONG partenaires
07/01/2002 (145KB)

Title in English and French, text in French | Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Resource handbook for girls' education officers : draft
11/01/2001 (691KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Simposio sobre educacion de ninas : evidencias, temas, acciones -- 17-18 de mayo del 2000 [Washington, DC, US]
05/01/2000 (594KB)

This Spanish-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Starting now : strategies for helping girls complete primary [education]
11/01/2000 (1.7MB)

This paper is intended as a practical reference for educators interested in helping girls stayed enrolled in school until they finish their primary level education. The information and approaches presented are a distillation of existing literature and field experience. The paper's underlying arguments are that (1) investing in girls' education requires that attention be paid to balancing access and quality and that (2) improving program quality and the modes of education delivery are the most cost-effective ways to expand access to educational opportunities and ensure that children, especially girls, will want to complete their primary education.

Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) : SAGE final activities report
07/31/2002 (412KB)

The SAGE [strategies for advancing girls' education] story : it's about girls moving forward
10/01/2002 (97KB)

This document, part of a series of nine success stories entitled "Strategies That Succeed: Stories from the SAGE Project," introduces the project and the series. The success stories illustrate a variety of ways that a multisectoral approach can be implemented in terms of differing local rationales, partners, activities, results, and efforts to promote sustainability. Evidence from the SAGE project provides a strong mandate for using multisectoral approaches to address many of the complex issues of girls' education.

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.

Unsafe schools : A literature review of school-related gender-based violence in developing countries
09/01/2003 (1.2MB)

This literature review was commissioned by USAID's Office of Women in Development to identify, annotate, and synthesize research studies and projects/interventions addressing primary and secondary school-related gender-based violence. The review is divided into four sections that provide the following:

  1. evidence of the prevalence of school-related gender-based violence in developing countries,
  2. a context for the subsequent discussion of the consequences of school-related gender-based violence for the health and educational outcomes for students, 
  3. what is being done at the program and policy levels to address school-related gender-based violence, and
  4. recommendations for further work.

User manual for the Cohort Tracking System (CoTrack)
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

This is the user's manual for the Cohort Tracking System (CoTrack), which was designed to collect and analyze individual student enrollment data from schools offering from pre-school through Grade 12. Cohorts are defined as the set of students enrolled in a grade in a given year. The manual was produced under the Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS) project.

Women Transforming Development (brochure)
01/01/2007 (2.0MB)

This brochure is the monographic record of a USAID photographic exhibition in honor of International Women's Day (8-16 March 2007, Senate Russell Office Building, Washington, DC and 16-23 March 2007, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC). It describes how women contribute to development and how USAID assistance supports women's empowerment and equality, focusing on the economic growth, peace and security, humanitarian assistance, democracy and governance, education, and health sectors.

Women, Men, and Development
03/01/2006 (1.1MB)

This document profiles USAID's efforts to address barriers to full access to opportunity for women and men throughout the developing world. The selected examples illustrate the efforts of the USAID field missions, the Office of Women in Development, and other USAID operating units to fully integrate women into development programs and policies throughout USAID. Topics covered in the report include education, economic growth, women's health and HIV/AIDS, trafficking in persons, violence against women, and women's legal rights and political participation.

[WIDTECH] project completion report : core contract
01/01/2002 (1.7MB)

This is the final report of the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) Project, a five-year contract that ran from September 1996 through December 2001. WIDTECH promoted gender integration by supporting the USAID Women in Development office in its goal of enabling women to participate fully and benefit equally in the development process and incorporating gender concerns into all activities in USAID-assisted countries. The report describes WIDTECH's achievements and lessons learned, focusing on its five sector areas (democracy and governance, economic growth, education, environment, and health) and core services (training, grants to local NGOs, communication and information dissemination, and gender integration).


Africa Regional

Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development : final report -- cooperative agreement FAO-A-00-96-00001-00 : September 26, 1996-September 30, 2000 -- African women leaders in agriculture and the environment (AWLAE program)
12/31/2000 (58KB)

This final report of the African Women Leaders in Agriculture and the Environment (AWLAE) program provides an overview of the activities implemented and results achieved under the program. The goal of the program was to increase the participation and leadership of African women at all levels of agricultural and environmental activity. The program focused on helping professional women advance so that they might become stronger advocates for policies and programs that benefit women farmers.


Gender assessment and gender plan of action for USAID/Angola
08/01/2001 (996KB)

This gender assessment focuses principally on (a) how strengthening women's participation and paying attention to gender issues can enhance USAID/Angola's results and (b) how monitoring and evaluation can track the success stories of women's involvement in USAID programs as well as any unintended negative impacts that can be remedied once observed. The report identifies key issues for Angolan women, particularly in light of conflict and the anticipated transition from humanitarian to development assistance; these include illiteracy, internal displacement, poverty, and violence. The report also looks at gender and performance monitoring with regard to USAID/Angola programming in the agriculture & food security, democracy & governance, and health & HIV/AIDS sectors.


Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.


Appui technique a la formation des enseignants des ecoles pilotes de SAGE en RD Congo
06/01/2002 (199KB)

Title in English and French, text in French | Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Conform, reform, or transform? : Congolese communities confront their values
10/01/2002 (108KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Formation des comites de parents d'eleves (AXE A) et des medias pour la scolarisation des filles : rapport de consultation Mai-Juillet 2002 = Training of parent associations and the design of media activities to broaden awareness in girls' education
2002 (705KB)

Title in English and French, text in French | Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Multisectoral approaches in promoting girls' education : lessons learned in five SAGE countries
Jul 2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)


Gender assessment of health parameters and delivery systems, agricultural, and enterprise development, and women's participation in Eritrea
08/01/2002 (609KB)

This gender assessment considers (1) the general context of women and gender issues in Eritrea, including how gender issues are enshrined in law and legal codes and thereby impact political participation and education; (2) the health situation and constraints for women and girls in terms of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS; (3) gender issues relating to economic growth and income generation in terms of rural and urban enterprise development; (4) studies of female demobilized soldiers; and (5) how the Mission can take a cross-cutting approach to gender equity and increased participation of women in its funding, management, monitoring, and evaluation.


Basic education strategic objective (BESO) II -- basic education program : final evaluation
01/01/2007 (432KB)

At head of title: USAID | Ethiopia | Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

Evaluation of basic education SO II : community/government partnership program -- USAID Ethiopia : June and July 2005
5 Oct 2005 (2.0MB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC) | Project title: Basic education strategic objective II (BESO II)

Safe schools program : Ethiopia assessment report, April 26-May 7, 2004
07/16/2004 (387KB)

This document reports the findings of a a school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) assessment carried out by a four-person team from the Safe Schools Program in 2004. It summarizes general issues and recommendations as reported by NGO staff, USAID partners, Ethiopian educational personnel, and local schoolteachers, parents, and students, as well as by global literature on best practices. It also reports on select priority issues and recommendations that address gaps at multiple levels -- national, institutional, community, and individual -- and that address SRGBV in three areas of programming -- prevention, reporting, and response.


Approaches for advancing girls' education in Ghana : a symposium to examine current practices & identify future directions, June 25 & 26, 2001 [ Ajumako, Ghana]
6/30/2001 (1.5MB)

This report documents the first-ever national symposium of organizations involved in addressing girls' education in Ghana, which was held in June 2001. The symposium was organised by the Girls' Education Unit of Ghana's Ministry of Education to (1) address issues such as increasing girls' enrollment in primary school and reducing their secondary school dropout rates and (2) construct a comprehensive picture of what interventions related to advancing girls' education were being implemented and who was involved.  Organizations whose projects had a girl-child education component were invited to share their experiences.

Evaluation of the community mobilization component of strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE), phase I and II in Ghana : final
10/01/2004 (293KB)

Multisectoral approaches in promoting girls' education : lessons learned in five SAGE countries
Jul 2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

National vision for girls' education in Ghana and a framework for action : charting the way forward
01/01/2001 (940KB)

This document presents a national vision for girls' education in Ghana and a strategic framework for achieving that vision. It also examines the gender and regional disparities in girls' education in Ghana, explains the efforts leading to the development of the girls' education vision and strategic framework, and describes the key players involved in this work.

Safe schools program : Ghana assessment report, January 6-16, 2004
05/25/2004 (368KB)

This report shares the findings of an assessment of the Safe Schools Program in Ghana. The assessment team collected reports, materials, and data and conducted in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with key informants from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, USAID and other donor agencies, NGOs, and community-level organizations (e.g. Parent Teacher Associations) to identify: (a) types of gender-based violence; (b) issues, gaps, and what works in existing programs; and (c) recommendations.

Shaping new roles and responsibilities in Ghana
10/01/2002 (117KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Women speak out in Ghana
10/01/2002 (109KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)


Cultivating philanthropy : Guinea's National Fund for Education (FONSEF)
10/01/2002 (122KB)

This brief, number three in the "Strategies that Succeed: Stories from the SAGE Project" series, shares the achievements of Guinea's National Fund for Girls’ Education, known as FONSEF (Fonds National pour le Soutien de l’Education des Filles). The Strategies for Advancing Girls Education (SAGE) project created FONSEF and is providing ongoing technical assistance and support to help strengthen the capacity of FONSEF’s fundraising activities. As a result of FONSEF’s work, a culture of philanthropy is being cultivated in Guinea.

Diagnostic des besoins en assistance technique des alliances locales pilotes : rapport final
05/01/2002 (287KB)

The French-language report, "Needs Analysis for Technical Assistance to Pilot Local Alliances," focuses on the Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE/GUINEE) project.

Guinea country study
05/01/2002 (102KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Guinea's local alliances energize communities
10/01/2002 (106KB)

This brief, the second in the "Strategies that Succeed: Stories from the SAGE Project" series, focuses on the Strategies for Advancing Girls’ Education (SAGE) project's work in Guinea. To confront the educational gender gap, SAGE Guinea has supported the development of local alliances to promote girls’ education. The results demonstrate the importance of creating local-level institutions to increase support for girls’ schooling.

Monitoring and evaluation training courses in Guatemala, Guinea and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Multisectoral approaches in promoting girls' education : lessons learned in five SAGE countries
Jul 2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Multisectoral strategies for advancing girls' education : principles and practice
06/01/2001 (3.3MB)

This review of multisectoral partnerships for girls' education focuses on the persistent need for support for girls' enrollment, attendance, and completion of basic education. The study profiles country programs in Guinea and Morocco and examines issues, strategies, and experiences for developing successful multisectoral partnerships to advance girls' education. The two case studies validate the Office of Women in Development's approach to mobilizing sectors and developing partnerships to support girls' education.

SAGE : strategies for advancing girls' education
02/01/2001 (128KB)

The Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) program is a long-term initiative under the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) project. SAGE provides targeted technical assistance to USAID missions and partner organizations, helping to create and fund girls' education programs. This information brief highlights SAGE programs in Guinea and Mali, illustrating community-sponsored strategies for improving girls' education.

Strategies pour promouvoir l'education des filles
02/01/2001 (496KB)

The Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) program is a long-term initiative under the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) project. SAGE provides targeted technical assistance to USAID missions and partner organizations, helping to create and fund girls' education programs. This French-language information brief highlights SAGE programs in Guinea and Mali, illustrating community-sponsored strategies for improving girls' education.

Technical assistance and training plan to the Ministry of Pre-University and Civic Education's Equity Committee in Guinea
08/01/2000 (184KB)

This document reports on the activities and accomplishments of a consultancy to strengthen the capacity of the Equity Committee of the Ministry of Pre-University and Civic Education to be more effective, visible, and dynamic in promoting girls' education and in decreasing educational disparities between rural and urban areas in Guinea. The consultant conducted a detailed evaluation of the Equity Committee's organizational and planning capacities, which will be strengthened by subsequent training sessions and the implementation of recommendations. This document also prepares members of the Equity Committee for subsequent long-term technical assistance.

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)


Gender-Based Violence In Schools: An Entry Point for Addressing Child Marriage
02/29/2008 (840KB)

This presentation explains how the Safe Schools Program is helping to prevent child marriage in Malawi. It profiles several young girls who the Safe Schools Program helped stay or re-enroll in school. A total of 35 child marriages were avoided between October and December 2007.

Safe schools program : Malawi assessment report, October 25th-November 5th, 2004
12/22/2004 (441KB)

This report presents the findings and recommendations of a school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) assessment conducted in Malawi by a team from the Washington, DC-based Safe Schools Program. The team summarizes the general issues and recommendations as reported by NGO staff, USAID implementing partners of the Malawi Education Support Activity, Malawian educational personnel, and local schoolteachers, parents and students, augmenting these issues and recommendations based on the global literature on best practices. After analyzing the data and general recommendations, the team identified eight priority issues and recommendations that are proposed as the Safe Schools pilot program in Malawi.

The safe schools program : a qualitative study to examine school-related gender-based violence in Malawi
01/01/2008 (1.2MB)

The objective of Safe Schools is to create safe environments for both girls and boys that promote gender-equitable relationships and reduce school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) by working in partnership with children, youth, parents, teachers, schools and communities. This report summarizes the results of the participatory learning and action research activity conducted in October and November 2005 to help raise awareness, involvement, and accountability at national, institutional, community and individual levels of SRGBV in the Machinga District in southern Malawi. The study revealed a lack of knowledge about school-related gender-based violence in communities in the Machinga District; however, it also found that all schools in the study have some kind of reporting structure in place in the event that violence against children occurs.

The safe schools program : quantitative research instruments to measure school-related gender-based violence
12/01/2006 (1.4MB)

This document presents the quantitative research instruments used to examine school-related gender-based violence in schools in Malawi. The study was carried out by DevTech Systems, Inc. and the Centre for Educational Research and Training through the USAID-funded Safe Schools Program. The document contains a suggested sampling methodology, interview guides, and suggested preliminary data analysis.

The safe schools program : student and teacher baseline report on school-related gender-based violence in Machinga District, Malawi
12/01/2007 (633KB)

This Safe Schools Program report presents results from a baseline survey conducted among school children and teachers in the Machinga District in the Southern Region of Malawi in April 2006. Selected from a random sample, 800 boys and girls and 288 teachers at 40 participating schools were interviewed. They were asked about the type of violence, abuse, and mistreatment that boys and girls experience at school; who is responsible for this mistreatment; where this mistreatment occurs; if there are other school practices or conditions that are inappropriate, place pupils at risk, or potentially interfere with their schooling; and the effectiveness of reporting.


Community action planning : women in Mali want girls' mentoring
01/01/2002 (108KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTech)

Enhancing the utility and efficacy of USAID/Mali's 2003-2012 country strategic plan through gender analyses and an action plan
02/01/2002 (1.0MB)

This report presents analyses of four sectors: education, economic growth, health care, and democracy and governance; each sector analysis includes key gender issues and opportunities, an analysis of USAID's past practice, and recommendations for the new country strategic plan. In addition, the report suggests cross-cutting themes that apply to all sectors within which USAID/Mali intends to work. Lastly, it proposes a gender plan of action for USAID/Mali.

Etude Rétrospective sur l’éducation des filles au Mali et Utilisation du Modéle de Simulation pour la Gestion de l’Education (French)
08/01/2002 (781KB)

Integrating Gender into the Level I Basic Education Curriculum in the Republic of Mali Phase I; Final Report
12/1/2001 (1.0MB)

Leadership training in Mali triggers positive changes in attitude
10/01/2002 (112KB)

This four-page project briefer is the fifth in the Strategies that Succeed: Stories from the SAGE Project series. It summarizes the activities of the SAGE project in Mali, which has worked with communities to provide leadership training for female PTA members and increase women's participation in PTAs. SAGE Mali conducted a leadership training in Dogobala, Mali (attended by 23 people, 11 of whom were women) to discern barriers to women's participation in PTAs and to girls' education.

Lessons from school-based environmental education programs in three African countries [Mali, Tanzania, and Zambia]
Jun 2000 (391KB)

French ed.: PN-ACJ-163 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)

L’intégration du genre dans le curriculum du niveau I de l’enseignement fundamental dans la république du Mali Rapport final de la première phase; (French)
12/1/2001 (719KB)

Mali country study
05/01/2002 (76KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Multisectoral approaches in promoting girls' education : lessons learned in five SAGE countries
Jul 2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Programmes d'education environnementale en milieu socolaire : lecons de trois pays africains [Mali, Tanzanie, et Zambie]
Jun 2000 (623KB)

English ed.: PN-ACJ-162 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)

Rapport de l'atelier genre et curriculum: l'integration du genre dans le developpement du curriculum du niveau I de l'enseignement fondamental dans la republique du Mali - rapport final de la deuxieme phase II
11/01/2002 (684KB)

This is the final French-language report of a consultancy to identify strategies for integrating gender into Mali's basic education curriculum and the teacher training program. This consultancy for the creation of gender analysis tools took place in three phases: development of tools (Phase I), validation of tools (interim phase), and a training workshop for curriculum developers on use of the tools (Phase II). This report focuses on Phase II and is divided into five sections:

  1. Context of the consultation and expected results;
  2. Report on the preparatory workshop;
  3. Report on the gender and curriculum workshop;
  4. Monitoring and assessment plan; and
  5. Lessons learned and recommendations.
The English version of the report is PN-ADC-662.

Report on gender and curriculum workshop : integrating gender into level I basic education curriculum in the Republic of Mali -- final report (phase II)
11/01/2002 (963KB)

This is the final report of a consultancy to identify strategies for integrating gender into Mali's basic education curriculum and the teacher training program. This consultancy for the creation of gender analysis tools took place in three phases: development of tools (Phase I), validation of tools (interim phase), and a training workshop for curriculum developers on use of the tools (Phase II). This report focuses on Phase II and is divided into five sections:

  1. Context of the consultation and expected results;
  2. Report on the preparatory workshop;
  3. Report on the gender and curriculum workshop;
  4. Monitoring and assessment plan; and
  5. Lessons learned and recommendations.
The French version of the report is PN-ADK-400.

Retrospective study on girls' education in Mali and the use of the simulation model for education management
8/1/2002 (339KB)

SAGE : strategies for advancing girls' education
02/01/2001 (128KB)

The Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) program is a long-term initiative under the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) project. SAGE provides targeted technical assistance to USAID missions and partner organizations, helping to create and fund girls' education programs. This information brief highlights SAGE programs in Guinea and Mali, illustrating community-sponsored strategies for improving girls' education.

Strategies pour promouvoir l'education des filles
02/01/2001 (496KB)

The Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) program is a long-term initiative under the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) project. SAGE provides targeted technical assistance to USAID missions and partner organizations, helping to create and fund girls' education programs. This French-language information brief highlights SAGE programs in Guinea and Mali, illustrating community-sponsored strategies for improving girls' education.

Suivi et evaluation de la formation en leadership des femmes membres des associations de parents d'eleves : une intervention du programme SAGE Mali pour l'appui de l'education des filles aupres des ecoles communautaires au Mali
2002 (265KB)

Title in English and French, text in French | Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Vers une participation active des femmes dans les actions d'education a la base : guide d'animation a l'intention des agents de changement -- des PVO et NGO partenaires du programme SAGE au Mali : activite 2 -- participation active des femmes membres
Apr 2000 (231KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)


Gender mainstreaming and disability sensitization in civic and voter education for USAID/Namibia
05/01/2004 (353KB)

This report examines the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Electoral Support Consortium (ESC), which was established to encourage voters in Namibia to participate in the elections and help these voters make informed voting decisions. Although the focus of this consultancy was to determine to what extent the ESC has been integrating gender mainstreaming and addressing disability and socially marginalized populations, this report, out of necessity, also gives an overview of the ESC and the Namibian social environment within which the ESC operates.

The initiative for Namibian education technology, iNET : final administrative and progress report, 15 February 2003 through 31 August 2005
[2005] (1.8MB)

A digital opportunities for technology-education (dot-EDU) project

South Africa

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.


Lessons from school-based environmental education programs in three African countries [Mali, Tanzania, and Zambia]
Jun 2000 (391KB)

French ed.: PN-ACJ-163 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)

Programmes d'education environnementale en milieu socolaire : lecons de trois pays africains [Mali, Tanzanie, et Zambie]
Jun 2000 (623KB)

English ed.: PN-ACJ-162 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)


Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.


Lessons from school-based environmental education programs in three African countries [Mali, Tanzania, and Zambia]
Jun 2000 (391KB)

French ed.: PN-ACJ-163 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)

Programmes d'education environnementale en milieu socolaire : lecons de trois pays africains [Mali, Tanzanie, et Zambie]
Jun 2000 (623KB)

English ed.: PN-ACJ-162 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)

USAID/Zambia gender assessment and education strategy : workshop proceedings, May 23-27, 2005[, Lusaka, Zambia]
26 Aug 2005 (1.5MB)

EQUATE, achieving equality in educationo | Task order # GEW-I-01-02-00021



Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 2
05/01/2005 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 2 contents:

  • Drug Addiction and Women
  • Customary Law in Afghanistan
  • Afghan Men's Literacy
  • Maternal Health in Afghanistan
  • Afghan Men and Women in Parliament

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 4
07/01/2005 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 4 contents:

  • Violence Against Women by Women
  • Men's Employment in Afghanistan
  • Women's Higher Education in Afghanistan
  • Family Planning and Women's Health in Afghanistan
  • Understanding the Afghan Constitution and Parliament


Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.


Gender analysis & assessment : USAID/Cambodia -- volume I : gender analysis
03/01/2006 (320KB)

This gender analysis is the first volume in a two volume series; the gender assessment for USAID/Cambodia is volume two (PN-ADF-576). This report analyzes gender roles and relationships in the context of Cambodia and in relation to the scope of USAID/Cambodia's Strategic Plan for 2005-2010. It analyzes gender issues in the health, education, and governance sectors, which are the Mission's three focus areas.

Gender analysis & assessment : USAID/Cambodia -- volume II : gender assessment
03/01/2006 (260KB)

This gender assessment is the second volume in a two volume series; the gender analysis is volume one (PN-ADF-575). This report uses the volume one gender analysis to examine the USAID/Cambodia portfolio, highlight gender integration in on-going activities, and suggest potential avenues to strengthen gender mainstreaming in the future. It focuses on USAID/Cambodia's three focus areas: health, education, and governance.


Evaluation of the USAID-funded girls' education activity
06/20/2001 (813KB)

Project title: women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH) | Expanding advocacy for girls' education in Uttar Pradesh, India | Document lists contract as FAO-0100-Q-06-600600


Integrating Gender and Caste into an Environmental Education and Awareness Workshop, Peace Corps/Nepal
12/1/2001 (437KB)

Longitudinal study of the effect of integrated literacy and basic education programs on the participation of women in social and economic development in Nepal
Dec 2002 (550KB)

Girls' and women's education [GWE] policy research activity | Related document: PN-ACR-860 | Contract listed on document as HNE-C-00-96-900047-00


Effects of active learning programs in multigrade schools on girls' persistance in and completion of primary school in developing countries
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

Active learning programs are those designed to encourage the participation of students, community members, and school staff in managing the school. This document summarizes a study of the effects on female students of participation in such active learning programs in multi-grade schools in isolated rural areas where, because of the limited size of the student body, a teacher for each grade of primary school is impractical. The programs studied include Nueva Escuela Unitaria in Guatemala, Escuela Modelo in Nicaragua, and the Multigrade Demonstration Schools Project in the Philippines.

Europe & Eurasia


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus/Azerbaijan
01/15/2004 (489KB)

USAID has undertaken this gender assessment to gain a better understanding of gender issues across all sectors of Azerbaijan. The report presents the findings of key gender issues and offers USAID/Azerbaijan recommendations for better gender integration in general as well as for the economic, democratic, and social sectors. The report finds that gender-based violence is a hidden epidemic in Azerbaijan and recommends that the Mission support domestic violence awareness and protection activities, including emergency shelters.


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus/Azerbaijan
01/15/2004 (489KB)

USAID has undertaken this gender assessment to gain a better understanding of gender issues across all sectors of Azerbaijan. The report presents the findings of key gender issues and offers USAID/Azerbaijan recommendations for better gender integration in general as well as for the economic, democratic, and social sectors. The report finds that gender-based violence is a hidden epidemic in Azerbaijan and recommends that the Mission support domestic violence awareness and protection activities, including emergency shelters.

Latin America & Caribbean


Longitudinal study of the effect of integrated literacy and basic education programs on the participation of women in social and economic development in Bolivia
09/01/2002 (712KB)

This report presents the results of a longitudinal study, implemented by the Girls’ and Women’s Education Policy Research Activity, that examined women's integrated literacy and basic education programs in Bolivia. The study evaluated elements of the NGO-run programs and assessed their impact on women’s personal development and ultimately on national development. The study assessed the impact of women's integrated literacy and basic education programs by studying their effects on specific socio-economic indicators, including 1) literacy and education; 2) children's education; 3) health and reproductive health; 4) participation in economic activities; 5) household decision making; 6) community participation; and 7) awareness of legal rights.

El Salvador

Girls' education is 'news' in El Salvador
10/01/2002 (102KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Multisectoral approaches in promoting girls' education : lessons learned in five SAGE countries
Jul 2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Private sector enhances girls' education in El Salvador
10/01/2002 (102KB)

This brief, number 10 of the "Strategies that Succeed: Stories from the SAGE Project" series, shares the achievements of SAGE El Salvador in mobilizing the business sector in support of girls’ education.  The project's aim was to move business decisionmakers from just acknowledging the importance of keeping girls in school to action in support of retention of girl students.  Several Salvadoran companies printed positive messages about girls' education on their products.

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.


Consulta nacional de estandares educativos : informe
Jun 2006 (617KB)

Programa estandares e investigacion educativa | Inversion social: personas mas sanas y con mejor nivel de educacion | Task order 03

Description and analysis of the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (2.1MB)

This qualitative report of the USAID Girls' Education Activity (GEA) focuses on the results of project activities in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru. The report is divided into four sections: Section I outlines the GEA's goals, contrasts the major tactics of each country program, and describes the multi-sectoral approach underlying all three programs; Section II presents the report's design and analytical framework; Section III describes each country's initiatives to improve girls' access to and retention in primary schools and analyzes the degree of systemic change achieved in each country's respective environment; Section IV examines the efforts of all the country programs and synthesizes their experiences into a set of observations on success factors in implementing girls' education reform.

Effects of active learning programs in multigrade schools on girls' persistance in and completion of primary school in developing countries
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

Active learning programs are those designed to encourage the participation of students, community members, and school staff in managing the school. This document summarizes a study of the effects on female students of participation in such active learning programs in multi-grade schools in isolated rural areas where, because of the limited size of the student body, a teacher for each grade of primary school is impractical. The programs studied include Nueva Escuela Unitaria in Guatemala, Escuela Modelo in Nicaragua, and the Multigrade Demonstration Schools Project in the Philippines.

Evalucion del programa de becas de la USAID en el Quiche
[Sep 2005] (1.5MB)

MEDIR (Proyecto medicion de indicadores y resultados=Research, monitoring & evaluation, and policy dialogue activities)

Guatemala country study
05/01/2002 (126KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Herramientas de evaluacion en el aula
2006 (2.8MB)

Programa estandares e investigacion educativa | Inversion social: personas mas sanas y con mejor nivel de educacion | Orden de trabajo no. GEW-1-03-02-00020-00

Lessons learned from the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.2MB)

The following report summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from twelve Girls’ Education Activity (GEA) project initiatives in the three participating countries -- Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru -- to increase the overall school participation and completion rates of girls in primary school. These projects reflect the diversity of major initiatives that GEA facilitated in partner countries, but they do not reflect the totality of project activities in host countries. For a more comprehensive examination of overall project activities, see the companion report, Description and Analysis of the USAID Girls’ Education Activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru: Qualitative Report.

Monitoring and evaluation training courses in Guatemala, Guinea and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Propuesta para redisenar y fortalecer el sistema nacion)al de supervision educativa (version en edicion)
Sep 2006 (816KB)

Programa estandares e investigacion educativa | Inversion social: personas mas sanas y con mejor nivel de educacion | Task order 03

Reporte final : propuesta para un estudio de impacto de alfabetizacion en Guatemala
[Sep 2005] (1.8MB)

MEDIR (Proyecto medicion de indicadores y resultados=Research, monitoring & evaluation, and policy dialogue activities)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)


Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.


Gender Analysis of the Educational Achievement of Boys and Girls in the Jamaican Educational System
01/01/2005 (585KB)

This assessment explores the role that gender plays in boys' and girls' development, performance, and outcomes in school, with the goal of unearthing strategies that could address differential performance and impact. The research examines the nature and function of gender dynamics in teaching and learning at home, at school, and in the wider society. USAID/Jamaica commissioned this study to determine the reasons for, and possible interventions to address, the underachievement of male students.

Safe schools program : Jamaica assessment report, April 11-22, 2005
07/20/2005 (712KB)

This report presents the findings of a school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) assessment, which was conducted in April 2005 by a team from the Washington, D.C.-based Safe Schools Program. The primary objective of the assessment trip was to better understand the nature of SRGBV in the Jamaican context. The report summarizes the major issues observed during the assessment, suggests specific actions for implementation at the national, institutional, community and individual levels, and discusses specific programming options, as well as potential partners and collaborations.


Effects of active learning programs in multigrade schools on girls' persistance in and completion of primary school in developing countries
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

Active learning programs are those designed to encourage the participation of students, community members, and school staff in managing the school. This document summarizes a study of the effects on female students of participation in such active learning programs in multi-grade schools in isolated rural areas where, because of the limited size of the student body, a teacher for each grade of primary school is impractical. The programs studied include Nueva Escuela Unitaria in Guatemala, Escuela Modelo in Nicaragua, and the Multigrade Demonstration Schools Project in the Philippines.


Description and analysis of the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (2.1MB)

This qualitative report of the USAID Girls' Education Activity (GEA) focuses on the results of project activities in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru. The report is divided into four sections: Section I outlines the GEA's goals, contrasts the major tactics of each country program, and describes the multi-sectoral approach underlying all three programs; Section II presents the report's design and analytical framework; Section III describes each country's initiatives to improve girls' access to and retention in primary schools and analyzes the degree of systemic change achieved in each country's respective environment; Section IV examines the efforts of all the country programs and synthesizes their experiences into a set of observations on success factors in implementing girls' education reform.

Lessons learned from the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.2MB)

The following report summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from twelve Girls’ Education Activity (GEA) project initiatives in the three participating countries -- Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru -- to increase the overall school participation and completion rates of girls in primary school. These projects reflect the diversity of major initiatives that GEA facilitated in partner countries, but they do not reflect the totality of project activities in host countries. For a more comprehensive examination of overall project activities, see the companion report, Description and Analysis of the USAID Girls’ Education Activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru: Qualitative Report.

Menarche and its implications for educational policy in Peru
Jan 2001 (239KB)

Girls' and women's education [GWE] policy research activity | Contract listed on document as HNE-C-00-96-900047-00

Monitoring and evaluation training courses in Guatemala, Guinea and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Peru country study
05/01/2002 (114KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Middle East


Creating a well-balanced environmental children's library collection in Egypt
10/01/2000 (47KB)

Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)


Description and analysis of the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (2.1MB)

This qualitative report of the USAID Girls' Education Activity (GEA) focuses on the results of project activities in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru. The report is divided into four sections: Section I outlines the GEA's goals, contrasts the major tactics of each country program, and describes the multi-sectoral approach underlying all three programs; Section II presents the report's design and analytical framework; Section III describes each country's initiatives to improve girls' access to and retention in primary schools and analyzes the degree of systemic change achieved in each country's respective environment; Section IV examines the efforts of all the country programs and synthesizes their experiences into a set of observations on success factors in implementing girls' education reform.

Lessons learned from the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.2MB)

The following report summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from twelve Girls’ Education Activity (GEA) project initiatives in the three participating countries -- Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru -- to increase the overall school participation and completion rates of girls in primary school. These projects reflect the diversity of major initiatives that GEA facilitated in partner countries, but they do not reflect the totality of project activities in host countries. For a more comprehensive examination of overall project activities, see the companion report, Description and Analysis of the USAID Girls’ Education Activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru: Qualitative Report.

Morocco country study
05/01/2002 (99KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Multisectoral strategies for advancing girls' education : principles and practice
06/01/2001 (3.3MB)

This review of multisectoral partnerships for girls' education focuses on the persistent need for support for girls' enrollment, attendance, and completion of basic education. The study profiles country programs in Guinea and Morocco and examines issues, strategies, and experiences for developing successful multisectoral partnerships to advance girls' education. The two case studies validate the Office of Women in Development's approach to mobilizing sectors and developing partnerships to support girls' education.

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

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