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Gender Equity in Education: Past Activities

Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS)

Length of Activity: September 1999 - January 2003

Objective: GEMS goals were to improve local capacity for monitoring girls' education results and outcomes; enhance the understanding of the role of broad-based constituencies in contributing to girls' participation and persistence in school; fine-tune indicators and measure for assessing the individual and aggregate effects of girls' education initiatives; and create opportunities for dialogue among stakeholders in girls' education about the results of their activities.

Activities: GEMS served as a resource to countries interested in: developing appropriate indicators to measure the results of girls' education initiatives; training personnel to carry out monitoring of program progress; disseminating information on the results of their girls' education initiatives; and participating in an international forum for the exchange of information and continued dialogue on girls' education monitoring and evaluation.

Reports & Publications

The publications below are listed by region and country, and then in alphabetical order by title.



Girls' education and crises
05/01/2001 (830KB)

This document summarizes the results of an examination of various types of crises, including severe economic downturn, epidemic disease, and internal conflict, on the participation of girls in primary schooling. It summarizes the general trends in girls' education across the countries that have received USAID assistance over the last 30 years, discusses the principal findings regarding girls' education in these countries during periods of crisis, and draws implications from these findings. The document was produced under the Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS) project.

User manual for the Cohort Tracking System (CoTrack)
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

This is the user's manual for the Cohort Tracking System (CoTrack), which was designed to collect and analyze individual student enrollment data from schools offering from pre-school through Grade 12. Cohorts are defined as the set of students enrolled in a grade in a given year. The manual was produced under the Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS) project.



Guinea country study
05/01/2002 (102KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Monitoring and evaluation training courses in Guatemala, Guinea and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)


Mali country study
05/01/2002 (76KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)



Effects of active learning programs in multigrade schools on girls' persistance in and completion of primary school in developing countries
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

Active learning programs are those designed to encourage the participation of students, community members, and school staff in managing the school. This document summarizes a study of the effects on female students of participation in such active learning programs in multi-grade schools in isolated rural areas where, because of the limited size of the student body, a teacher for each grade of primary school is impractical. The programs studied include Nueva Escuela Unitaria in Guatemala, Escuela Modelo in Nicaragua, and the Multigrade Demonstration Schools Project in the Philippines.

Latin America & Caribbean


Effects of active learning programs in multigrade schools on girls' persistance in and completion of primary school in developing countries
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

Active learning programs are those designed to encourage the participation of students, community members, and school staff in managing the school. This document summarizes a study of the effects on female students of participation in such active learning programs in multi-grade schools in isolated rural areas where, because of the limited size of the student body, a teacher for each grade of primary school is impractical. The programs studied include Nueva Escuela Unitaria in Guatemala, Escuela Modelo in Nicaragua, and the Multigrade Demonstration Schools Project in the Philippines.

Guatemala country study
05/01/2002 (126KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Monitoring and evaluation training courses in Guatemala, Guinea and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)


Effects of active learning programs in multigrade schools on girls' persistance in and completion of primary school in developing countries
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

Active learning programs are those designed to encourage the participation of students, community members, and school staff in managing the school. This document summarizes a study of the effects on female students of participation in such active learning programs in multi-grade schools in isolated rural areas where, because of the limited size of the student body, a teacher for each grade of primary school is impractical. The programs studied include Nueva Escuela Unitaria in Guatemala, Escuela Modelo in Nicaragua, and the Multigrade Demonstration Schools Project in the Philippines.


Monitoring and evaluation training courses in Guatemala, Guinea and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Peru country study
05/01/2002 (114KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Middle East


Morocco country study
05/01/2002 (99KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) Program

Length of Activity: January 1999 - July 2002

Objective:The SAGE activity took a multi-sectoral approach to promoting girls' education, enabling traditional and non-traditional leaders and institutions to formulate, institutionalize, and implement country initiatives for girls' education to ensure substantially increased primary school educational opportunities for girls. SAGE activities were implemented in Guinea, Mali, Ghana, El Salvador, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Activities: SAGE provided technical assistance and training, and also conducted studies on educational quality and best practices for girls' education in English and French. It organized national and international workshops that brought together policy makers, practitioners, scholars, and girls' education advocates to share knowledge and practices and disseminate strategies for advancing girls' education.

Reports & Publications

PDF SAGE: Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (159kb, PDF)

Girls' and Women's Education Initiative Support

Length of Activity: September 1997 - December 2002

Objective: The objectives of this contract were to assist in monitoring the activities under the Girls' and Women's Education (GWE) Initiative; develop effective communications among all stakeholders in the GWE; and document programs and products concerning the GWE.

Activities: The contractor provided technical and administrative support to the EGAT/WID Office on a variety of activities, including assisting GWE partners with their contract close outs and partner portfolios, and organizing and establishing the agenda for the GWE Project Directors' meetings.

Also assisted and played an active part in: the American Institute on Research's Lesson Learned Conference in August 2001, the DAI/AED Lessons Learned Conference in Ghana in May 2002, and at the request of EGAT/ WID attended the UN Girls' Education Initiative Meeting in January 2002 in Paris, France.

Equity in the Classroom (EIC)

Length of Activity: September 1997 - December 2002

Objective: The EIC activity offered training and technical support to teacher trainers and supervisors, curriculum developers, policymakers, and other education stakeholders to increase the retention and academic achievement of girls and other marginalized children in the primary classroom, working in countries where USAID-supported systemic educational work was underway and girls' education was an explicit country priority.

Activities: EIC was implemented and monitored in the following seven countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Haiti, Morocco, Peru, South Africa, and Uganda. EIC flexibility allowed it to respond to each country's needs based on core principles that demonstrated equity as key to quality, efficiency, and educational outcomes. EIC training and technical assistance included: a multi-week, interactive workshop for teacher trainers, teacher supervisors, curriculum developers and other education stakeholders; an EIC training manual developed for training of trainers; a reference manual for teachers to promote equitable classroom practice; a guide for writing gender-appropriate curriculum materials; and a set of classroom and school level research tools

Reports & Publications

PDF Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC) (01/01/2003 PDF)

Girls' and Women's Education Policy Research Activity

Length of Activity: September 1996 - September 2002

Objective: The objective of this activity was to enable host-country governments and private sector/non-governmental entities to formulate, institutionalize, and implement country initiatives for girls' education to ensure substantially increased educational opportunities for girls at the primary school levels. Countries included were Cambodia, Benin, Bolivia, Honduras, Nepal and Peru.

Activities: The contractor was responsible for carrying out analytic studies on girls' and women's education programs to determine their impact on the country's social and economic development; identifying cost-effective elements; and sharing research findings with a broad stakeholder audience, including decision-makers. Abbreviated studies were done in Cambodia and Benin; a study/workshop was done in Peru; and full studies were completed in Bolivia, Honduras and Nepal.

Reports & Publications

PDFLongitudinal study of the effect of integrated literacy and basic education programs on the participation of women in social and economic development in Bolivia (PDF 9/1/2002)

PDF Longitudinal study of the effect of integrated literacy and basic education programs on the participation of women in social and economic development in Nepal (PDF 12/1/2002)

Girls' and Women's Education Activity

Length of Activity: September 1996 - March 2002

Objective: This activity aimed at improving the participation and educational attainment of girls in countries where there were significant discrepancies between girls and boys in these measures.

Under the leadership of USAID, the contractor worked with host country governments, private-sector, and non-governmental entities to formulate, institutionalize, and implement country initiatives for girls' education to ensure substantially increased educational opportunities for girls at the primary school level. Countries included were Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru.

Activities: The activity promoted local ownership of the problems and solutions to the education of girls through the creation of Country Initiatives for Girls' Education; served as a catalyst for action by local individuals, organizations, and donors and provided technical knowledge, skills, and training on effective uses of host-country human and financial resources for increasing girls' school participation; incorporated findings and lessons learned from USAID programs worldwide into an approach for creating commitment among the key decision-makers of a country to identify and address the major barriers to girls' education; and applied a systematic process for engaging the leaders of the sectors, through a series of meetings, planning activities, and presentations of research and data, in designing and implementing cost-effective and sustainable girls' education interventions.

Reports & Publications

PDF Description and Analysis of USAID's Girls' Education Activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru (4.64mb, PDF)

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