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HERS-ST Example - Creating and Modifying Charts

Word Version (650 kb)

Objective: Become familiar with the charting capabilities of HERS-ST.


  1. using the predefined charts;
  2. create a new chart - manual;
  3. create a new chart - predefined query;
  4. create a new chart - query wizard;
  5. create a new chart - ad-hoc query; and
  6. modifying a chart.

Task 1: Using the Predefined Charts

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart design view tab - showing how to select a predefined chart. Step 1 right click on blank area.  Step 3 select chart view tab.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Single iteration charts pop-up menu. Step 2 select single iteration charts - total delay and initial cost per funding period.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart viewer tab - showing a total delay -vs- total initial cost chart.

Task 2: Create a New Chart - Manual

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart design view tab - showing how to manually create a chart. Step 1 enter number of 5.  Step 2 select add button for Y axis.  Step 3 data. Step 4 select chart view tab.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart view tab.

Task 3: Create a New Chart - Predefined Query

HERS-ST Screen Shots: Chart design view tab - showing how to create a chart using predefined queries, Chart predefined query pop-up menu and Chart query pop-up menu. Step 1 enter number of rows.  Step 2 select add button for Y axis.  Step 3 funding period data.  Step 4 right click on plot 1.  Step 5 select query - predefined - average effective speed.  Step 6 right click on effective speed.  Step 7 select query - query

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart SQL query builder - showing how to modify the SQL query. Step 8 sort type ascending in fsFundingPeriod.  Step 9 delete criteria entry in fsFundingPeriod. Step 10 select apply button.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart design view tab - showing the modified chart data.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart view tab - showing a chart of the average effective speed.

Task 4: Create a New Chart - Query Wizard

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart design view tab - showing how to create a chart using the query wizard. Step 1 enter number of rows.  Step 2 select add button for y axis.  Step 3 X axis data. Step 4 right click on Plot 1, Plot 2 and Plot 3

HERS-ST Screen Shots: Query wizard pop-up menu, query wizard window - showing how to select the chart source data and chart design view tab - showing the chart data. Step 5 select query - wizard.  Step 6 Label - AVOC CRAC TTC. Step 7 Field - total.  Step 8 apply button. Step 9 Chart view.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart view tab - showing a user cost chart. Step 10 right click on chart

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to change the chart type. Step 11 select ChartGroups tab.  Step 12 Chart type.  Step 13 pick stacking bar from list.  Step 14 ok button.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart view tab - showing the modified chart.

Task 5: Create a New Chart - Ad-hoc Query

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart query builder - showing how to use an ad-hoc query to create a chart. Step 1 select wizard button.  Step 3 uncheck *. Step 4 check fundingperiod, label, total.  Step 5 uncheck output for fsLabel. Step 6 criteria for fsLabel.  Step 7 sort fsFundingPeriod ascending

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Query wizard window. Step 2

HERS-ST Screen Shots: SQL query window - showing how to copy SQL text. Step 8 select text. Step 9 Right Click. Step 10 copy.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart design view tab - showing how to add additional columns and create ad-hoc queries. Step 11 enter number of rows.  Step 12 select add button for y axis.  Step 13 Funding Period data.  Step 14 right click on plot 1.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart query pop-up menu. Step 15 select query - query

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart SQL query builder - showing how to paste SQL text. Step 16 right click on editor area

HERS-ST Screen Shot: SQL pop-up menu. Step 17 select paste

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart SQL query builder - showing how to modify and apply the SQL query. Step 18 select view button. Step 19 select design button.  Step 20 fsFunding Period/output checkbox.  Step 21 select apply button.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart view tab - showing the resulting chart.

Task 6: Modifying a Chart

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to select the x-axis title options tab. Step 1

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to modify the x-axis title text. Step 2

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to modify and change the rotation of the the y-axis title text. Step 3 select y.  Step 4 text: total delay. Step 5 Select title font.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to change the chart type. Step 6 select ChartGroups tab.  Step 7 select bar from chart type.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to select and modify the title text. Step 9 select label tab.  Step 10 text: total delay by funding period.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to change the location of the legend. Step 11 select legend tab. Step 12 select south from orientation.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart view tab - showing the modified chart.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart control properties window - showing how to hide the legend. Step 13 uncheck showing.

HERS-ST Screen Shot: Chart view tab - showing the modified chart.

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More Information


Christopher Chang
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Christopher

This page last modified on 08/07/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration