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Establishing Internet Map Servers at Participating Institutions, CAF and IPAGH.

GeoSUR offers the technical assistance and training necessary to implement an Internet Map Server (IMS) at each participating institution. In turn, these institutions are committed to place in their IMS node a predefined amount of spatial data, and they become responsible of selecting, adapting and placing at the node these data, leaving them precedence to displaying fundamental data as well as other data useful for the development of physical infrastructure. Those institutions not having the capacity to establish an IMS application will be offered the opportunity to host it at CAF or other designated institution.

Each participating institution agrees to place a basic set of fundamental maps, such as the following, on their IMS: topography (scale 1:1.000.000, 1:500.000, and 1:250.000), administrative boundaries, roads, rivers, bodies of water, cities, towns, land use/cover, basic infrastructure, DEM, orthophotos, and satellite images. This list will be properly defined in work plans that each participating institute will prepare. This site will provide access to the IMS nodes as they become operational.