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Natural wetlands once were abundant in California's San Joaquin Valley, but are now rare. This aerial photograph from the 1960's shows encroachment of agriculture into wetlands of the Fresno Slough. Concern about selenium contamination is not limited to areas that recycle agricultural drainage water. Existing and former wetland sites and impounded water of the arid West may show selenium enrichment.

image, aerial photograph of wetlands near fresno, california

Further Readings

Death in the Marsh by Tom Harris (1991), published by Island Press gives a popular account of his investigative reporting for the Sacramento Bee. This books chronicles the selenium problem at Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge and other sites across the West.

USGS Professional Paper 1566 (1995), Geochemistry of Minor Elements in the Monterey Formation, California: Sea-Water Chemistry of Deposition.

USGS Circular 1180 (1999) identifies areas of the arid West that are susceptible to selenium contamination.

USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4070 (1990) provides details on the sources, mobilization, and transport of selenium in California's Coast Ranges.

References Cited in Website

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Beyer, L.A., and Bartow, J.A., 1988, Summary of geology and petroleum plays used to assess undiscovered recoverable petroleum resources, San Joaquin Basin Province, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-450Z, 80 p.

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Contact: Margaret A. Keller (
Western Region Energy Group–Environmental Studies
Modified: November 15, 2002


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