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What is the WATER IQC?
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Overview > Integrated Water and Coastal Resources Management IQC > What is the WATER IQC?

What is the WATER IQC?

ARD-WATER is one of the consortia of organizations selected by USAID to provide services to USAID headquarters and field missions through the Integrated Water and Coastal Resources Management Indefinite Quantity Contract (WATER 2 IQC). ARD was awarded the IQC on September 30, 2004 through Contract No. EPP-I-00-0400019-00. The overall ceiling for all IQCs is $2 billion, with an ordering period through September 30, 2009. Task Orders can be ordered on a cost plus fixed fee or firm fixed price basis, with each Task Order having a duration of up to eight years.

Fresh water and coastal water resources are critical to the health of global populations, ecosystems and economies. Yet an increasing number of the world’s river basins suffer from periodic or chronic declines in stream flow and groundwater availability, declining water quality, and damage to both economically important and ecologically sensitive areas. This in turn impacts coastal resources, which themselves face challenges of ineffective resources management, pollution, and unsustainable fishing practices.

Through the WATER 2 IQC, ARD works with USAID to prevent and address these pressing issues throughout the world. This IQC focuses attention on four guiding principles for integrated water and coastal resources management. These include:
  • Promoting active participation by stakeholders in decision making and implementation of water and coastal resources management;
  • Focusing on basins and watersheds as the “domain” of assessment and analysis of impact;
  • Addressing water as a common good, using the economic, social, and environmental value of water as a primary allocation principle; and
  • Acknowledging the legitimate value of ecosystem services, and including these values in the process of water allocation.

Working among sectors and across disciplines, the WATER 2 IQC provides unique opportunities to implement Task Orders in any of the following areas:

  • Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
    Illustrative IWRM areas include Watershed Management, Water Demand Management and Water Conservation, Water Allocation Decision Making and Management, Water Recycling and Wastewater Reuse, and Groundwater Aquifer Management.
  • Integrated Coastal Management (ICM)
    Illustrative ICM areas include Coastal Hazard Mitigation, Integrated Coastal Urban Development, Shoreline Management and Coastal Erosion Control, and Ports and Marinas Management.
  • Environment
    Illustrative Environmental areas include Global Climate Change Mitigation, Vulnerability and Adaptation, Non-Point Source Pollution Prevention and Control, Aquatic Biodiversity and Habitat Management.
  • Economic Growth and Energy
    Illustrative areas include Water/Energy Nexus, for example Hydropower Planning and Institutional Development, Water/Energy Efficiency, and Water and Wastewater User Tariff and Subsidies Scheme Development.
  • Agriculture and Food Security
    Illustrative areas include Soil and Water Conservation, Irrigation and Drainage Management, Agrometeorological Forecasting and Vulnerability Analysis.
  • Global Health
    Illustrative Global Health areas under the WATER 2 IQC include Environmental Health and Vector Control, Urban and Rural Sanitation and Hygiene, Urban and Rural Water Supply and Potable Water Treatment (including Point-of-Use Treatment Approaches), and Drinking Water Desalination.
  • Democracy and Governance
    Illustrative areas include Community Development and Participation, Water Sector Institutional Development, Environmental Education and Communication, Conflict Resolution, and Strengthened Enforcement Capacity and Judicial Systems.

For more information about ARD-WATER please read our brochure in PDF format.To read more about the WATER 2 IQC consortium and its services, please read our brochure.


ARD-Water Services is funded by USAID through IQC Contract No. EPP-I-00-04-00019-00
ARD-Water Services is funded by USAID
through IQC Contract No. EPP-I-00-04-00019-00

Copyright 2008 ARD Inc.