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Transportation Safety Planning Working Group

The Transportation Safety Planning Working Group (TSPWG), formerly known as the Safety Conscious Planning Working Group, is an informal, ad hoc group of safety and planning professionals. The group began in May 2000 to identify strategies for moving forward on the integration of safety into the long range transportation planning process to reduce the number and severity of crashes on the nation's roadways. Since that time, TSPWG has also added advocacy for the development of Strategic Highway Safety Plans as required by SAFETEA-LU to its plate. It meets every 2-3 months and enjoys representation from professional member organizations such as AASHTO, GHSA, etc., the private sector, academe, the research community, and several federal agencies.

The original purpose of the group was to brainstorm ideas on how to accomplish safety conscious planning. After the first brainstorming session, a limited number of the suggested activities were selected for further pursuit. These included providing a forum for the exchange of information (now known as Transportation Safety Planning forums) and developing a model workshop on safety planning.

TSPWG continues to meet periodically to develop ideas, foster and encourage activities, and gather and exchange information. This website provides ongoing information about these activities along with up-to-date safety planning information, best practices, research results, and safety champions pursuing safety integration into long and short range transportation plans and the development of Strategic Highway Safety Plans.

For more information, visit the TSPWG website.

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